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Everything posted by tcoop

  1. I wish I could have gone on that ride but with coaching Little League Football I was not able to make it. I hope you enjoyed your stay in our lovely state (and country for that matter). Have a safe ride to Portland and the rest of the way home.
  2. I came home for lunch and found a shiney box on my door step ( OK not really shiney but I didn't care). Opened it up and pulled out my new Ignitech TCI. Took it straight out to the bike and 20 min later the bike fired right up. No more riding everyone elses bikes! (My son and wife wanted their bikes back). Thanks to Gary for all he did to get this group buy done.
  3. Yes it does. But for safty reasons I will be putting it back to the original setup this weekend.
  4. As far as I know the only reason it should shut off is if the pressure is reach (and key off of course). I have used the pump to empty out the fuel in the tank. It ran for 3 to 4 min with no problem. My 83 the fuel pump would run for about 5 to 10 sec before shutting off. My TCI was going bad so sometimes the pump would not run. I ended up running a wire from aux to the pump through a toggle switch. I will put it back to the way it was when I get the new TCI.
  5. Congratulations, I know how much time and dedication it takes to get your Black Belt. I tested for my Black Belt back in 98 and because of my lack of patience I failed. With family and the job taking so much of my time I have not been able to keep it up. Just remember that you only really start learning AFTER you become a Black Belt.
  6. Glad to hear that you and your son are OK. also Glad to hear that the right people were there to help. The bike can be replaced you or your son can't be. Hope the soreness does not get to bad.
  7. A good porterhouse cooked Med-Rare over brickets, corn-on-the-cob, baked beans and dutchoven peach cobler and of coarse ROOTBEER. (OR anything my wife cooks for me )
  8. Could be a partly clogged fuel filter or maybe pump starting to go bad? If it was a gravity feed I would think tank vent is clogged.
  9. We got a Sizuki GN125 for my wife a fiew years back. My wife said that it would be all the bike she would ever need. That only lasted a few months, she now rides her XJ750 (she realy wants a V-Star 650). We kept the 125 for a while and taught a daughter and son (16 and 15 at the time) to ride. the nice thing about a smaller bike is it limits their speed and still teaches them everything they need to know to ride safely. My son (17) now has an XS1100 and my daughter (18) wants to get a HD (Her boy friend family are all HD riders and she thinks there cool or something). That 2004 Suzuki GS500F is a nice looking bike. If your daughter keeps practicing in parking lots and takes it easy for the first few months that bike will last her a long time and not fill the need to move up (unless she wants to go on long rides...but then she could always just come borrow your bike ) Ride safe. Edit: By the way the insurance for the XS1100 is only $11 a month (for liability only) and yes my son is listed as the primary rider.
  10. Not nearly enough.
  11. If you go through Utah on I15 you will hit some bad constuction in the Lehi, Provo, Nephi area.
  12. Strangely enough the only bad weather I remember in Texas were "bad" winter storms. Living in Fort Hood (late 60's early to mid 70's) we had 1" of snow shut the whole place down for a couple of days. (This has happened every winter That I have lived in or driven through Texas) Kids here don't get out of school for anything less than 2 Feet of snow.
  13. Too late!!! I just had some Water and Ice! I hope I don't get something bad...where is that number for the EMERGENCY room.
  14. I'll have to remember that for the next time. Luckily there is an outline where the trace use to be.
  15. How do you fix a raise/missing piece of trace?
  16. I used the rosin core not sure what the diameter is. I'm heading to Radio Shack at lunch to get the correct supplies. Watched some "How To's" on YouTube and found that I did it completly wrong . Thats how we learn I guess, Do it wrong and learn from your mistakes. One of these days I will learn how to do it right the first time.
  17. So a longer lead is better (I tried to put mine at the same hight as the the old ones). I think I will try to pick up some more (and some forcep) and try again.
  18. I do know that I have the diode oriented the correct direction. I was trying to heat the pins but I may have been impatient with it. If the diodes get too hot will this ruin them?
  19. What is the best way to get the sealant layer off? (The stuff that looks like some one vomited on it) I scraped it off some with the iron trying not to damage the board.
  20. Things that I have done to the TCI; 1. Removed it from the original mount on the bike to be under the false tank. 2. Replaced the diodes. They were corroded. (Hopefully i soldered them correctly) 3. Baked it in the oven to make sure it is dried out. I thought that I had it fixed. I connected the TCI up after baking it and the bike started right up. Filled the tank with gas and went for a ride around Pineview Lake and back. Had a little popping but it may be from needing to be synced. After letting the bike cool down it would not start again. So on a whim I baked the TCI again. This time for only 10 to 15 min hooked it up and the bike starts right up. I can ride it all day as long as I don't let it cool down much. While riding I noticed that if I let the rpms get down to 1200 It would all of a sudden drop to 0 with the bike still running but feeling like its missing on one cylinder. As soon as I rev it up a little it comes back. This is the first time that I have soldered anything this small (Lot of copper pipes when building my house) so I'm not sure if I did it correctly. What are the steps to solder correctly? I'm trying to get this going with out killing my budget.
  21. I'm always misplacing my reading glasses. I now have 1 pair at work and 4 pair here at home, and I still have a hard time finding them.
  22. Thats a great story. Better watch out she'll be asking to take your RSTD out any time now...
  23. All your thought are good ones,but in the end I would still take her to an empty parking lot and go through a cource. (figure 8's, Start, Stop, avodance, etc) Tell here to staywith the backrest and not to try and counter lean (or shift during turns) but you probably know all that.
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