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Everything posted by tcoop

  1. It's that new fangled suff that smaller than an 8-track
  2. I had the same problem with my 83...I ended up just taking it out. Now i have extra storage up front It may be easier to get a newer system installed, but thats just me.
  3. I had a hard time bleading the linked brakes (left front and rear controled by rear MC) untill I put speed bleaders on. It now takes about 5 min to refreash the fluid.
  4. Make sure there is nothing binding the pivit point and possibly lube it. The MC may need to be cleaned/rebuilt. Mine would lock up in me until I cleaned the presure releaf hole (abouth the size of a small pin)
  5. I can't go buy a lottery ticket, I need all the luck I can get for riding. Besides I would lose the ticket then win. I fond part of the problem, when the PO
  6. These mesure 17 3/4 in long.
  7. These look like they might be progressive but I do not know for sure. There is very little travel for my forks and I am constantly bottomong out. If they are stock they are worn out. If they are progressive they may not have the correct spacers. when I took the cap off there was verry little pressure.
  8. Its been a mild winter here. I've been lucky enough to ride at least twice a week to work. Dod the same thing last year but on an XS1100 with no faring or wind shield. I love the faring on my Venture!!! It makes riding in the cold almost fun!.. (I said almost)
  9. Hers -- 83 XJ750 Midnight Maxum http://i850.photobucket.com/albums/ab69/tcoop_album/100_1851.jpg Mine -- 78 XS1100 http://i850.photobucket.com/albums/ab69/tcoop_album/1216100759.jpg Ours 83 Venture http://i850.photobucket.com/albums/ab69/tcoop_album/Bikes/24026242.jpg
  10. I was not able to ride yesterday...winds in the 75 to 102 mph range. But I rode this morning to work it was a balmy 28* F. After riding all winter last year with out a faring, riding the Venture is almost like riding in a car. No cold blast to the face and my fingers don't go numb.
  11. The one in Park City you can even race...two slides side by side
  12. Rode to work this morning, everything was dry and about 45*. By 4:00 pm It started to snow, by 5:00 pm slush started to build up on the roads. I didn't take the Highway home stuck to the back streets to keep away from trafic. The bike handled it with out slipping at all. Last year during the winter all my cages were in the shop and my wife had to get to work. The rodes in the near my house were covered with 3 in of packed snow. We took her XJ750 and it only slid around one corner but I managed to keep it upright. The roads were clear by the time we made it to the main roads. Riding on snow is something that I avoid when possible.
  13. You would need to expose the floor joists to see if the chimney is load bearing.
  14. The only problem I have with mine is when I open the trunk all the way the bolt in the drivers back rest dug into the top of the passenger’s backrest. They are still worth getting. Mine stays on even with a passenger. No pins (that I know of) but it is a quick and easy removal. I think this is what you are talking about. http://i850.photobucket.com/albums/ab69/tcoop_album/Bikes/24026242.jpg
  15. I have floor H/T shifter on my 83. It seems to be pretty smoth to me. I'm not able to compaire to before the floor boards were put on... I added them before i started riding it. I can say it shifts smother and quieter that My XS1100...but that does not take much.
  16. No I have Floor boards so I have to lift my foot to put it on the brake. I think my issue is multilayered. 1. Water in the line (evident from the steam coming out when the valve is opened) 2. The relief/return hole was clogged (cleared that) 3. Overfilling the reserve I think that I'm going to delink the left front and the rear brakes. I will need to do some research what front MC to get and what length of braded lines I need. Thanks for everyone’s help and comments. Any info on delinking and line lengths would be helpful.
  17. I will have to try that tonight. There did seem to be some buildup in the hose from the reserve. I can't tell if the reserve is too full or not. I just fill it until it starts to come out then suck out an ounce or two with the syringe.
  18. I did get the Speed-Bleeder the last time the brake locked up on me. I was actually using the twisty tie wire (got the idea from a prviouse post of yours) to try and clear that hole but the buildup extremely hard for some reason. I ended up using a pin from my wife sowing kit to brake it up then finished it with the twisty tie. I have a second MC that is also hanging up ( Maybe I just put them back togeather wrong )
  19. Last Wednesday and Thursday on the way home from my rear brakes locked up on me. I had a 8mm wrench that I used to release the pressure. I was surprised to see steam coming out of the bleeder valve. I pumped the brake until fluid came out. This released the pressure enough to get me home. Friday before going to work I bled the rear brakes then rode to and from work with no issues thinking all was good now. This happened to me a month or so ago but I thought it was water in the fluid or just over filling it and bleeding them seemed to work. So Saturday my daughter asked if she could use my bike to get to work and since I can’t ride for a week (had recent surgery to remove a basal cell carcinoma from my forehead) I let her take it. I warned her about the possibility of the brakes locking up and what to do if they do. Well they locked up on her. She handled the bike just fine and got off to the side of the road. She got off the bike proceeded to take the right bag off and a Highway Patrol officer pulled up offered to help but had no real knowledge for these bikes so he just turned his lights on and positioned his vehicle to help protect her from traffic. (I would like to say thanks to that officer) She got the bag off (she noticed that it was melting and actually bubbling where it was closest to the brake caliper) released the pressure and was able to continue on to work. I am also thinking that I may need to replace my rear brake pads (probably glazed from the heat)
  20. Those are some great pictures!! Looks like everyone was having a good time. Thanks for sharing.l
  21. My First Gen would not start after ridding it to work. to get it home I had to load her up into my 89 Ranger. Backed the truck up to a hill so the tailgate was touching the ground and snuck the bike over the backside of the hill. I don't know who was in more shock when the bike went into the bed...the bike or the truck! The truck bobbed back and forth and the bike seemed like it was bucking to get out! The drive home was unevent full (No ditches) only 10 miles. She could not wait to get out of the truck, broke the 2X4s that I used as a ramp when it was half way out..no damage to the bike though.
  22. Mine works great. Put it in the day I got it and the bike starts right up. It never started easily before.
  23. My 83 has either 26,000 or 126,000. Thats what it has on the clock anyway. The speedometer cable was not in the sheath when I got the bike last year so who knows what it actually is.
  24. I was there for that one. Our family was sitting down to eat and the table was shaking. My dad told us kids to stop kicking the table. The table kept shaking so he got up to pop our buts and he noticed the chandelier swinging back and forth. I don't remember a lot of it I was only 2.
  25. There are poeple who are willing to step up and help even though it puts them in harms way... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUxPWx4YW20]Amazing rescue: Bystanders lift burning car off injured motorcyclist in Logan, Utah - YouTube[/ame] This is the new report http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=17220387
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