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Everything posted by djh3

  1. djh3

    Brand loyalty

    So is it a Soda or a Pop ? Well what ever ya want to call it, been a Dr Pepper man since I went in the USAF in 78 and got stationed in Oklahoma. AMD over Intel and definitely a non-fruity computer. 2 wheels vs 4 if I have a choice. LOL
  2. Go to starter. Short across the terminals with a screw stick. I starter runs, you can check off a couple things. A: you got power to starter, B: Starter works. So from there you are pretty much battery terminals, also terminals at ground point on block, starter button contacts and relay. you can jumper the switch out by disconnecting it at handle bars and using a jumper wire in terminal block to see if switch is possible culprit.
  3. 30 minutes down the road from you.
  4. Hmm looks almost like the one my nephew had. http://www.thestrong.org/online-collections/images/Z000/Z00049/Z0004987.jpg
  5. WOW Didnt mean to stir up so much !@$#. LOL But some of you guys are cold and got nuttin else to do anyways.
  6. Boy you got that right. I too soldered tiny wires to the LED strips. They get so brittle and break off soooo easy. Last night while working on the running light part of the right lights it broke off twice. Being I was adding the clearance lights anyways I just skipped it and didn't hook them back up.
  7. They were 12v and supposedly waterproof. No matter I have decided to install some LED clearance lights for running lights. One strip of them still work off the signals so for now I'm good with it. I probably should have just went this route to start with as they are brighter. I just had not heard of anyone saying their strip had died and thought it was strange.
  8. I used a bulb like that I got off e-bay. I looked quite awhile before I bought some. I used my calipers to measure the depth of the Adjure housing and then got a bulb that would fit in it. Mine work good. The certainly are better then the incandescents and I like them better than the halogens I had in also.
  9. I installed some LED strip lights Oh I dont know a year or so ago. I made brackets to go under the bags and those have 2 strips. One strip is running lights and one turn signals. So the other day I was checking things out and the one that is running lights is not working. So did the usualy , check ground (even though same ground for turn signals that still work) Power connectors etc. So do they but out? I thought they were pretty much a lifetime long thing. Also used some of the same strip up under the gas tank for back lighting and they seem dimmer than originally installed. The other side of the bike they are fine.
  10. Yea know what you mean. Data is all subjective and vulrnable to tweaking however the user wants to show it.
  11. Although this is not the article I saw this AM on Yahoo. It shows the same facts. HD is not the top reliable brand. LOL Like we all knew that. Not saying they are a bad bike by any means. But the mystic has long slipped. Just not the T-shirt shops.
  12. Looks like my garage. After the water soaked thru the sheet rock and the insulation fell out.
  13. djh3

    How to Plug a tire

    Here is page of guidelines just for info.
  14. djh3

    How to Plug a tire

    While plugging a tire is convenient, IMOP its a "temp fix". The tire really needs to patched. I have plugged hundreds probably of car/truck tires. But only having 2 wheels I would like to fix it with a patch when I had the opportunity.
  15. Hmm Seems odd. They would be in a sealed headlight bucket no matter which bike installed in. If they create that much heat seems it would make bucket hot no matter what your ridin. And I'm not sure but ait the lens on our RSV plastic any who?
  16. I agree. Not an excuse for shoddy work. This is exactly one of the things we try to get across to the students in the Auto Tech class I'm helping with. You either have time to do it rite the first time or you will have to make time to do it a second time. Its a shame they can get away with this kind of workmanship. But maybe they go by the statistics that show most folks trade every 3 years or so. So the chances of it going bad and someone coming back on them is slim.
  17. I so far prefer the top loaders. My soft bags were top load and the RSV bags are to. I use the vacuum type bags for taking clothes. Put clothes in, "burp" the air out of the bag and you have compressed clothes and more room. Slide into bag vs in finagle around and stand back up. That was one of the disappointments with the Victory Vision. A: bags are small and B: look to be PIA to load. Guess you would have to keep want to get to stuff in trunk or tank bag.
  18. Having the more angular bags I think would make it a challenge to get things packed. Would be a lot of nooks and cranny's to fill. So I guess if I went "Harley style" touring and trailered the bike to where ever so I could ride, I wouldnt have to worry about it. Just pack clothes in the car. On the side note about dealer networks. I have a couple of friends that ride the HD bikes. Seems most of their "road brakes/stops" at at HD dealers. Do those things have some sort of tracking device installed? One of my friends does some , but there is always a few stops at the dealer. LOL
  19. I have snooped around my local CL. Every now and then one pops up. But I am gettin pretty particular anymore. Sumtin about indoor plumbing, air con and a real bed. Especially after a long day riding. WE did the camp thing years ago. Ride all day then have to set up, cook, maybe a shower and go to bed. Just not me at this point. I will say I have seen some pretty nice units, but the fancy ones have fancy $$$$
  20. I have liked most of the Victory's I have rode. Really like the ride and handling of the Vision, but the storage kind of makes me leary to seriously consider one. I rode a Scout just for kicks last winter @ a dealer demo days. Not really impressed with it. Guess just not anything I'm interested in. The shear size of the Big Indian just scared me half to death. LOL Dunno why but it did.
  21. Then you would have to figure out a way to add a brake controller also like in a truck wouldnt you? Good idea I think as these things dont stop all that well anyways.
  22. Security wise I like the fiberglass/plastic units. As far as wind goes you could build a little wedge at front of trailer to get wind going over the fiber bag set up. Depending on how long your tent is, build your wedge (wind ramp) so your tent will fit under it and secure to trailer bed. Then your equipment bags behind that. Even if the wedge is not as tall as the bags, once you get it going in the direction you want your pretty good.
  23. MAn you guys worry about them rear wipers a lot. I cant keep a blade on the back of the wife's Durango for nuttin. About 3 months and the rubber is junk. So we just dont use it. You could just get a vacuum motor then you wouldn't have to run wiring back there. Back many moons ago when I worked for U-Haul probably 60% or more of the rear lighting problems I ran across were contributed to them dang things. I will use them, but really hate to unless it looks impossible to run it any other way. Problem is the topper place and trailer hitch joints are working on a "time is money" aspect. So the faster they can turn it out....... But for me sometimes those kind of jobs are, well if its worth doing its worth doing right.
  24. djh3


    Dan although probably a different era of service I to am with you. Our guys that served thru Viet Nam got a raw deal to say the least. I went in in 78, not much going on then. But you still had some of the hang around thoughts and actions. Now with these maggots saying our country is #@%!@ and ISIS is planting home grown or worse yet imported terrorists my plan is simple and not new. If you dont like it here and you think we are doing things completely wrong, take your 7 day s#itter and leave. Heck I'll pay for your ticket to get the hell out.
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