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Everything posted by djh3

  1. I do not care for them there white walls at all, no sir. Well maybe OK on his scoot if he's the one crawling around cleaning them. But they dont stay white long unless the bike is parked. Brake dust and road grim fouls them up purdy quick. So to keep him out ride'n stead of cleanin. Thats my vote.
  2. So thats the butt ugly bike Chin Ho rides on Hawaii 5-0
  3. I thought along the same lines Puc. A smaller version of V Rod which.... Well died in woll HD folks just cant accept new things well it seems. Could you imagine a V-Rod motor in a touring frame? Take say a street glide, and vision a V-Rod motor in it. It would probably be 10" or more narrower, run cooler and be lighter.
  4. djh3

    New Venture?

    Well Dont think I'd be taking nuttin I wanted fixed to that guy. He dont even know what he has there.
  5. Oh I had a pick up that I use to pull a race car trailer with. It developed a short in the wiring and would occasionally pop the fuse for the tail lights. I bought a circuit breaker and wired it in the same way. Then if it happened to pop the breaker I could reset and still have lights and no ticket. I did finally rewire the trailer and the problems went away.
  6. LOL yea buddy. I sure hope nobody takes this as serious fix. What I had done in past was I had some sort of old car, I sure dont remember what it was. but I took a glass fuse, knocked the glass out, soldered in a wire and a couple spade connectors a AGC or whatever fuse would sit in. Then a zip top bag with a couple common sizes 5,10 15 amp AGC fuses. Then if the glass fuse blew, I could plug the glass ends in slots and install the AGC "temp" fuse and get where I was going.
  7. If it is the OEM style bulbs, they are a PAR 36 bulb. Which they dont have one of those. Now if yours are like mine and been changed to the type that has an H3 or similar type bulb you may have a shot at it. I just replaced both bulbs in my Victor with a ultra star I think they are called. They are in a sort of orange package.
  8. OK Barry I will try to remember that. My class is done June 17th. Then I think I'm off until mid Aug.
  9. EZ fix. Wrap a piece of chewing gum wraper around the blown fuse and your good to go.
  10. I used a block of wood under the side stand on my second gen. Was a bit thicker than a 2x4 maybe 2.5 or 3 inch thick. That holds the bike just about level. Then no higher than about half way. If you get it to full it will push oil out and end up with oil in the air box. Then it makes a mess dripping. Dont feel bad about not finding the sight glass, I had to look to find it every time I checked level. Almost like the thing moved around on me.
  11. Barry hope we can maybe do a couple meets this summer. The jig is up now man. Steve took the wife and I to THE Mexican joint and oh man!
  12. The 1700 Voyagers are kind of know for being nut cookers. I personally have not rode one, but it was on y list when I was shopping for the RSV.
  13. Mike, gonna hate to see you go man. who else is going to be able to get this lazy Fla bunch to meet and eats? LOL Wish you the best of luck man.
  14. Dang..... So Puc who ya gonna pick on now? Don I am a pretty firm believer in what happen is for a reason. If you get back to riding great, if its a break in action thats cool too. What about one of the wingy thingy. Plenty of info on them and parts to boot.
  15. I am with you my friend. I mount hem inside on the cage. TOO much work keeping clean. I would black out all the chrome if I could too. I would rather ride than polish. This black bike is about to drive me krazy.
  16. shinko has them in the white walls. http://www.shinkotireusa.com/tire/777
  17. First 2 places to look. Battery and ALL the connections. The ones at the battery , then down on block the ground there and check you connections on the starter relay left side low under side cover. If you have a multi meter check you battery voltage too. Has the bike been running lately? Or has it been stored for awhile? Is there water/acid in it? Or capped up and you cant tell. How old is battery?
  18. When I read "trades" I figured I would offer to trade her a couple hundred for it. I had a GS 1100 like that. It was a pretty good touring bike. But it is antique engineering now. I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.
  19. And a bit noisier for some of us as gears squeal.
  20. If I remember the story he made a dang good living writing jingles. Enough he didnt have to tour all the time, like most performers, and it also afforded him the opportunity to write many of his hits. Now is he a performer I want to go see? Not on the top of my list for sure, but I do think he is a good musician. Just not my style.
  21. My bet is the points are gone. That is typical onthose type of units. Thats why when mine crapped out I went with the Mr Gasket pump. I did a write up somewhere.
  22. A second vote for the Victory Cross bike. I also have the Cross Country Tour, But the Cross Country is basicly the same bike sans the trunk. I came off a RSV and have to agree, the difference between the RSV and the Vic is only believable if you go ride one. They handle more like a sports bike than a 800lb touring bike.
  23. In my opinion thats to much for a bike wheel. I typically wont even put that much on a car tire. Before even mounting the new tire, they should have stripped off old weights and cleaned the tape residue off wheel. Most motorcycle tires have a "dot" and that should be mounted where the valve stem is. Other wise its a crap shoot where the heavy spot is. Sounds like they dont have things lined up. Mark tire at valve stem, rotate 180 and try again. Or easy fix, peel weights off, put some balance beads in and never worry about it until its taken off.
  24. ' LOL I guess that could do it too. Or here in a day or so he will post something about "my side car......
  25. Bleed the front brakes. Just to make sure you dont have a caliper that is retain pressure.
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