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Everything posted by djh3

  1. I was up that way last weekend. WE didnt see a whole lot of color anywhere. From 4000 ft and lower. But weather was good. WE were kind of on a mission so not much riding really.
  2. So the way Yamaha wired these things the poor ignition switch has most if not all of the voltage go thru it. The contacts are not real large, but worst part is the arch when contacts are skipped across each other. So you had over charging going on now it is sounding like possible switch issues. All is not lost. Over in the 2nd gen tech section look for switch repair. Its a good detailed guide on how to clean it up and repair the switch.
  3. Seems bazz akwards but yea clearances go down. The spring is always pulling valve closed, and when it snaps closed it hammers against the seat. Took me a good amount of time to take lot stuff to get to what I needed. I took my time.
  4. I like my ABS on the Vic. But I also rode the old school drum brake stuff. Trying to think of the valves I have run across in other brake systems. Short of them is normal pressure fluid goes thru. High press like panic stop it sets a check valve and essentially stops flow (to front brake in this discussion)
  5. I had a 900 Kawasaki Vulcan that I looked around and found a pair of "mini" boards that were generic and mounted to the hinge point of pegs.
  6. Hope colors are out for you all next week. Been up here this week and not a lot of change. Most say dry summer is reason. We were in Johnson City and now north GA NC boarder area. Still nice change from central Fl.
  7. Yup I worry about it as much on the bike as I do in my truck. People are to interested in everything EXCEpt driving their car.
  8. The biggest part of the PIA is pulling the coal and parts to gain access. Took me 6 hr or more. To get parts off. The actual adjustment was an hour or so.
  9. I call the shifts "positive engagement"
  10. OK, I had to look it up, cause I didnt knoweven where it was. LOL the gulf coast is the best imop.
  11. Rick where in Fla and when? THE wife and I are actually on our way up to Johnson City rite now. Be there late sun afternoon or eve. Got hung up in a TRAFFIC jam today on way to Us. Temp read 104 or 105 when finally broke out. 5 min @ 70 um maybe a bit more and dropped 10 Dec or more. Have fun up there.
  12. djh3

    Hey PUC

    Man I figured a senior motorcycle enthusiast you would have got this one. LOL Do you remember this
  13. djh3

    Hey PUC

    I'm typically not one to sticker up any car or bike etc. But I was getting ready for our yearly trip and was thinking it would nice to have a little more visibility from the side. I had added some LED lights a year or so ago and they work well at night. But I was looking for some daytime hi vis. So I came up with some stickers for the scoot. Whatcha think and can you tell me where they are from?
  14. I like the sporty looks of the FB6. Basically a GW with no trunk. But they left off some key things a fellow would want in a touring type bike, like cruise and ABS. I would have to say if I was in the market for a different bike I would have to say I may look to a GW. Maybe go rent one for a few days and try it out.
  15. Sucks they totaled it Mike. But I honestly figured they would. Actually I'm surprised it took them this long. I forget the actual figure, but it is something like 60% cost to repair and the write it off. So even if you have full coverage on say a 2nd gen from 2002, NADA say the bike is worth say 8k so about 4800 in repairs and poof.
  16. Least expensive, and easiest way to go are Harley Road King or other Harley touring bikes. Drop by the local HD shop and you can probably get a pair of take offs for little to nothing.
  17. things go your way. This is the kind of thing that really makes me think the immigration process is farfignuton. Folks poor over the boarder back and forth for illicit drug activity etc. And someone who has a sponsor or spouse gets hassled.
  18. Heres one for $2500 with 65k, or upgrade to a 2nd gen for 3800 with less miles.
  19. I'll take $10 + postage. Some over on the e-bay for 28 and up. I wouldnt think it would be more than 4 bucks or so to ship
  20. My experience with most big cities that have "loops" like 275, 210, 485 etc is if you hit on non-peak traffic times your way better off with the straight thru method. The locals all live in the berbs and use the loops.
  21. djh3

    LED Lighting

    http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view5/2179547/wile-e-coyote-o.gifDaaaa you bet. So a 40w light that puts out 3400 on high beam should be better than one using 50w. The lights I am looking at are kind of like the daymaker jobs the HD guys have. Its a complete LED unit that bolts in. Len housing and heat sink. Like this.
  22. Our dates are October 15-17 in Johnson City then we move over to By Franklin until the 20th.
  23. "Has air conditioning but no hooked up". Hmm so how do ya roll a window down?
  24. Yup that too. I guess I should see if I can sell that thing, bike is gone.
  25. I avoid Atlanta at all cost. WE usually come up I 75 to Macon, then use 128 and 441 to Athens. Depends on how much time you have. Nicer roads and less traffic. Would be easier to cut over to I 95 that way if you went across 20.
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