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Everything posted by djh3

  1. Kuryakin make some swing out type footrest that bolt to floorboards. Though I doubt they have anything yet for this bike.
  2. He said it was a big loud V-Twin and was HOT. Oh Waint that was the Victory one. LOL
  3. Yes and a place called Braums that has Ice Cream AND some pretty dang good burgers.
  4. See if autozone has one for loan out. Or option 2 is check a place called tooltopia.com. We have bought quite a bit of tools from them for the college I work at in the last couple years. We bought5 1/2 drive jobs and 2 or 3 3/8 inch pound that are gearwrench. Nice quality and if teen agers aint killed them yet they must be good.
  5. Hmm I'll have to keep my eye on this one. http://www.thencamebronson.tv/images/366_6inch_patch_and_rocker..jpg
  6. So do you still want the horn? I'm coming over SAt to Thunder By the Bay. I'll
  7. Shoot, they been making them for years.
  8. I use needle nose pliers, insert in tube and open them. You can gain a bit on the size then shrink it down. Also a smidge of dielectric grease on connector, then shrink it. It will help seal it.
  9. Ah shYucks. I got no answers for sure. But cost has to figure in. Plus you need to focus on the job at hand RIDING. Not pissing around on a phone. Roads are not what they were when I started riding long distances either. Way more jammed up seems no matter where you go.
  10. the screamin eagles are after market, so the HD guys put them on and ditch the OEM. The SE are louder too, and if you find them used they want bunches of $$$.
  11. OK I was looking on Tampa Craigs List last night, Man there were a couple 2nd gens for under 5k. One was $4200 and had like 20-30k on it I think. Only saw one first gen and some guy had hacked the fairing all up trying to sport bike it or something.
  12. WOW So my phone had a mind of its own when I posted the response. LOL We are out of town this weekend. Will have to see what sorts out for next. Also I better check and make sure its the side horn. Is all chrome so I think it is. But I changed out both horns on the RSV.
  13. Sell this weekend is no go for me. We are going to St Augutine to see grand kids . Let me see what looms lime is going to shake out for next week.
  14. Oh My those gas prices would kill me. $30+ to fill the bike? Yikes. I cant even count high enough to say what it would cost to fill my 36 gal diesel. The pipe on that aint that much different from my Victory, but its hot too. No heal shifter? How was the cruise? Easy to get engaged etc.
  15. Here is a link to my ad for the by pass relay. Its plug and play. By-pass relay explained.pdf
  16. Where abouts in Fla. It helps on locating something. If your in the panhandle and I found something here in central Fla, it aint much help to ya.
  17. A fellow over on the Delphi Venture forum just installed a Hagon because his blew out.
  18. MAN Have I got a deal for you. I got one in the drawer of my tool box. Your only over in Punta Gorda, I'm in Sebring. So say we meet somewhere in the middle, something like Arcadia and have lunch on a Sat or Sun.
  19. Flip side is if you dont like it, your only in for the 8800. And in 3years you can change
  20. But then your emissions sticker wont be rite.
  21. "P" clamp is easiest way to do it in my opinion. I think it takes a 3/4", the bolt to go in the nut on muffler is a 1/4x20 about maybe 3/8 long. As far as knocking the CAT material out, you can buttttt the videos I saw Harley guys posted its a PIA. Certainly not worth it when you can pick up non-cat mufflers cheap enough.
  22. Glad to hear things are progressing for you Mike.
  23. Nice color. My 09 RSV was the red, but I like that cranberry color better I think. Sometimes we just want to see what else is out there. Enjoy heck as long as your riding your among friends.
  24. Good luck. I was in a similar situation a couple years back. Company changed some inspection processes and downsized. I was out of work for about year and half. @ 57 here anyways kind of hard to find something that payed decent and I wanted to do. Like was mentioned I ended up doing something I would have never thought of before that. I would still like to get back to Motorsports, but at 61 I dont see that happening.
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