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Everything posted by djh3

  1. I contacted Steve a few days before I went to Daytona last week. We met up and had some ice cream and conversation. He said he was headed your way later that week. Seemed like good people to me. Enjoyed it Steve.
  2. Im thinking if the fluid looks brownish change it out and flush system. My brakes were fine until I had to stress them last winter and the rears quit. Fluid didnt look bad to me but compaired to new fluid was dark. Been good since.
  3. I find it hard to belive only one tour bike. No Victory or HD?
  4. One post or suggeston in a post was like every 3 oil canges swap the pads in rear side for side.
  5. Read the law careful. When I read it it just says must not run at night. I didnt read anything about how it had to be controled. I had one on my previous bike for 6yr and never got a second look from lawman.
  6. They make some kind of cream mix stuff you can coat your tank with. Unfortunatly I dont remember the actual name. But it has a cleaner and then you pour in the sealer.
  7. Being as your compression didnt jump significantly I would say the bottom end (rings/pistons) are OK. You are a little early on the valve check but it may definatly be worth your while. The fuel milage is hurendous imop. My RSV gets in the 36-40 range. Sounds more carb related to me, given that the settings are so mis match. Maybe a diaphram has a hole in it or a jet or something is clogged. Have you tried running sea foam or Berrymans B 12 thru it yet? When you sync'd the carbs did you have to make a bunch of turns to get aligned?
  8. Check the connections the PO put in to block the AIS. This would be the first place I would look for an air leak in system. Does it have stock mufflers?? If it has the Road Kings this ups the anty some.
  9. Oh it rained in Wisconson while at work at race track. Was kind of cool to watch the Nationwide cars on rain tires. Last week at an oval not so much called and postphoned race until next day. Off to Daytona this week. What do you think the chances of rain in Fla in the summer are?
  10. Holy crap At Cycle Gear no less. I could go along if it was a bar for crying outloud. But Cycle Gear??????? Now I guess I know why they really sell these balistic vests.
  11. I have been in 3 states in the last 10 days for work related stuff. Wisconson, Kentucky and Fla where I live. All three have been soaking wet. In Kentucky Wed it rained so hard and wind blowing it took one of those big huge tents like you use for outdoor functions like a company picnic or something and destroyed it. Had 8 55 gal drums full of water attached to it for anchors. Picked drums up with tent and set them down. Broke and bent poles tossed barrels was pretty wicked. May have seen a duck go by with a life jacket on. Not sure because the wind was blowing rain sideways. Fla I expect rain, I'm leaving for Daytona for work tomorrow. 40% chance of rain. May still take the bike and roll the dice on which 40% of trip it will rain.
  12. I tried using the "second" trip meter to follow my oil change milage. I was a bit miffed when I went to check the milage and it said something like 400 and I knew I had been way more than that. then a member tells me it only goes to like 1000 miles. So dont know what good it does really.
  13. Does the person in back get a pair of handlebars to steer the rear like the old hook and ladder fire trucks?
  14. Round abouts and off ramps are about the closest we have to twisties here in Fla.
  15. So does the 12mm adapter look like just sort of a nut with threads on the bottom to thread into cyl? My adapter is sort of like that but the tube is probably over 2.5" long and I dont think its going to work as an adapter for the colortune. Its made for my compression gauge which dont care how long of a adapter it has. Dang more money.
  16. I recently picked up a colortune for a decent price. Problem is the spark plug thing is a 14mm. Now I have seen some sort of adapter gizmo on e-bay from them but mentiones something about compression gauge also. So I got my compression gauge out and sure enough the colortune part threads in nicely. But it would put the electrode part2.5 inches above the cyl. I'm thinking this aint going to do me a bit of good huh?
  17. If its at the very top of glass there in could be the problem. Might be a tick too full and its finding the level it wants to run at. My 900 Vulcan was that way. If you got it to full it would push excess out. Usually thru the breather into air cleaner.
  18. I thought maybe it was because the parts are strewn everywhere.
  19. Was watching news and they mentioned it. Then a little later the wife was reading some stuff on her tablet pad thingy and said James Gandolfini of Soprans fame died of a masive heart attak.
  20. Eltra Glide with no trunk.
  21. Even with the cruise I love my throttle rocker. Gives you another position for your hand without a tight grip.
  22. As has been suggested tire pressures, wear patterns. What tires are you running? Miles on tires? E-3's are sort of noted for edge feathering when they get higher miles on them and will cause some unsteady feelings in corners if your not ready for them. Also look under the bike at the shock. Is there oil dripping out of the rubber cover? If you can put bike on a lift and just start to take load off and see if you get any movement out of the shock links.
  23. Dan I have seen on craigs list around here guys offer a map update on an SD card for $20-30. Dont remember exactly how much. I think Garmin get like $80 other than the lifetime. Would I just end up with an empty SD card? Maybe But I think I would go somewhat local with it and pick it up in person, bring GPS and plug card in. If no worky at least I'm face to face. looks like a one time update off e-bay is 16-25 depending on auction or buy now.
  24. I'd whatch for his listings here for awhile. If it shows up maybe can contact e-bay and tell them whats going on. Sounds bogus, I dont list anything unless its in my paws and I know where to find it.
  25. I think he is trying to toss a member a bone here.
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