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Everything posted by djh3

  1. I pick on the HD folks cause itss fun. Sort of like pokin a stick in a bee hive. Seriously though I can remember when HD had some seriously troubled bikes and thats only going back to the late 60 mid 70 range. Oil leaks engine problems at 20-30k etc. Then they decided to sell out to the bowling ball company, geez then the stuff was made in Japan when that wasnt a good place to manufacture druable goods. Fast forward to say the 90's,EVO motor and upgraded suspensions made them a viable bike. I have a friend of mine who bought a new 06 sporty in 07. He put some good travel miles on it with me and my 900 Vulcan, never had any trouble. A year or so ago he bought a used 05 Heritage Softail. The PO spent a bunch of coin on bling. Lynn like me aint into the farkles. Looks nice but dont make it ride any better. He has put a bunch of miles on that bike this year with out a glitch. I think for the most part they are a trouble free scoot. But I like my RSV too. It does everything I want except get better mpg. Why my buddy gets almost 50 mpg out of the HD and I struggle to get 38-40 on the same leg of a trip is beyond me. The merchandise is a big part of the Harley mystic. SOme people got to have it. Me I'm like previously mentiond I'm not paying to advertise for a multimillion dollar company. They do have some good gear but you can buy as good of gear fro less without the trade marking. If I was to change rides I would probably go with the other american motorcycle a Victory.
  2. Here ya go $20 shipped. It is red but a can of spray paint works wonders. I have one mounted by my left foot up in the crash bars (cant even see it) and one I painted silver?chrome and is mounted in OEM spot on right passenger foot area.
  3. Thanks for some info. Neither one of those does what I was hoping for. I'll look around the sites some more later and see if I can make heads or tails out of them. I need something you can plug in places along a route say 4-5 days out and have an idea what to expect. Didnt see that as an option on either site.
  4. Well I was working on some preliminary stuff for my trip to Canada in a few weeks. So I thought I would look on my site I normaly use which is weather.com Well you use to put the places or zip for towns you were going thru and it time and it would ball park the weather. So say your going Jacksonville FL to Charlotte NC. You put what day and time your leaving and then a spot a couple hours up the road etc. It would tell you rain chance, temp etc. Well no more. Now they have "improved" it and its worthless as #$%S on a boar hog. It will put your route on a map, but it looks simular to google maps and puts todays info, not the day you want to travel. So what sites do you all use if any. Man there has to be something out there to give us an idea of what gear to pack.
  5. I think the "shim" your talking about is a thin metal spring sort of piece. Its probably designed to take the rattle or vibration out of the pad/caliper when applying brakes. Simular to an anti-rattle spring on a car. TRW and a few others make some spray on stuff. Lay the pad contact face down on cardboard or something and spray the back, 2 or so light coats is better than trying to goop it on in one. I would do both pads.
  6. If I knew a source and what kind of mike would work with the OEM 5 pin I might would look into building one for my shorty. I can find the connector and wire it up myself. At the price they want for the J&M rigs and the like I'm not going to put one on. Besides all the kits I have seen you have to wear the ear pockets on your shorty, well heck if I have to do that I'll just run the 3/4 Bell.
  7. Yup mine also. Warning though if you bump the IC volume up to high you start getting a loud "swhoosh" background noise from the mic's
  8. The 4.0 was a pretty bullit proof unit. Probably why you cant get them anymore. With all the drive shafts and axle shafts make sure the cv and universals dont make sounds. Front cv boots on 4wd are bad about drying out and splitting, any FWD car is for that matter. Sounds like she got 4wd beacaus thats the way it came. Pretty much same resaon my wife has 4wd in her Durango. I sure wouldnt have ordered it that way but at the price we got it for couldnt pass up. If the brakes have been don that often it could just be the way she drove it. Look at the rubber brake pedal pad. Is it all worn off on the left side? some left foot brakers are bad about riding the brakes. I left foot brake and you cant tell by the pedal and I get good milage out of the brakes. I'm a coaster to the stop light though, the wife not so much. Good luck, if the trans fluid looks clean and not rurnt and dont stink to high heaven and the dip stick still looks like metal and not like its been checking carmels in a pot you should be OK.
  9. I made an adapter up so I could run a earbud headset with any helmet. I just slaved it in and wire tied it along the standard 5 pin cable. I like your deal there for the half helmet. I wear mine most of the time when riding solo. Thus the reaason for the ear bud cable. Longer rides I like to wear ear plugs and now I can hear the music better than any of the helmet speaker kits. I bought a pair of Sony Xplosives ear buds with bass something or another. They sound awsome, and if you wear them with the intercomm headset you can hear the passenger better. Give us GI's some time and ingunitive ideas we can come up with a fix. Mostly thats because Uncle Sam never paids us that well and we had to get by.
  10. djh3

    Bell Mag 9

    A trick I found if you wera glasses and the ear pieces fit to tightly at the bows is, put helmet on and put your glasses on. Then in a mirror take a sharpie and mark rite where the glasses and ear pieces meet. Mark it, then take a simple tie wrap and put it around the foam ear piece and compress it untill your glasses fit without the helmet moving them around. The tie wrap makes a void so when the helmet gets buffiting its not making your glasses go all over.
  11. I lowered the forks in the tripple tree. For me it made it to where my feet can be flat and actually if I need to I can push backwards say out a parking spot. Its a free mod just takes some time and effort. If you like it fine, if you dont you dont have a couple hundred invested either.
  12. :cool10:Got my e-mail today. Yuumy
  13. A good friend of mine told me once "behind every good train wreck is an engineer". So theres food for thought. The couple of guys I have had ocasion to work with or run across that engineering degrees cant hardley change thier own oil. 10-4 on the aircraft guys. Was aircraft maint for 20 yr in USAF on Locheed aircraft. Some of the stuff you look at and think "hell Ray Charles could have figured out a better way"
  14. If a throttle body system was used you would probably have better chance. The TB would go in just where the carbs do. I would think there is probably a system out there. Heck just get a set up off a V-max with it.
  15. djh3

    I'm Home

    Glad you made it OK. Train tracks are one thing that sort of allways have a woory in the back of my mind when running backroads. There is one set up in WV that are in a little town. The road goes up a hil, at the top is the tracks and they are ruff to say the least. Added to that there is an intersection maybe 3 cars length from tracks and you have to turn one way or another as it "T" there. As for parts not being on hand. Dont suprise me any. Dealers anymore rely on Fedex or UPS to be thier supplier. Costs money to keep on hand hoping someone will need the part.
  16. Yup probably a Vison. Sweet ride but I have to agree the bags are what did me in. While they look big and have room, you would have to wedge and fuss with stuff to get it in.
  17. They already make a water cooled motor. Its in the V-Rod. Dont think it sells real well as you dont see many.
  18. I have a sheet of lexan at house. But where could a fellow find acrilic? Lexan you can get at home depot here.
  19. I sure hope it drys out and cools a bit around the end of Aug. I have a long trip from Fl to Canada and back. No rain that week would be good too.
  20. Yup sometimes its brutal. Last year was one of those everywhere I think. Heck I was in the mountians in NC @ 5000 ft and it was mid 90"s. 104 or something in Gainsville Ga @ 5pm. I was dead tired and burnt up. Next day I got early start home. I think I left the hotel about 6 am.
  21. Midnight Special maybe? They are the ones with the chrome cover around the ignition switch me thinks.
  22. I'm with ya on the radio presets. Man I cant remember how to set them in. Then when I do its not on the grouping I thought it was. Shoot I can barley remember how to get the thing to tune up and down to stations.
  23. I tried a simular type deal. It was a round replacment 1157 bulb that had like 40 or so LED's. I didnt think it was near as brite in daylite. Night time shows up, but a candle would show up at night. Looks like this.
  24. Not sure exactly where in Fl you are, but for the most part anywhere in Fl you better be ready for rain if you go for a ride. Its just part of the deal here. No doubt its a PIA belive me. I ride mine back and forth to an airport 85 miles away and I never know what I'm going to get. Got to have good rain gear, down side of that is its been sooooo freakin hot your gonna either be soaked by rain or, sweat to kindom come in the bag. http://images.leatherup.com/imagesproc/359654_H_SH355_MW400.jpg
  25. Sounds kinda like Dunlap found out they have issues with a tire type built between x date and y date. So they recalled. Where as Avon I have seen many complaints abour sidewall cracks and they dont seem to do anything. I'm running the Michelien Commander 2 in the 190 on the front. I also have to forks lowered about 3/4" in the trip tree. I personaly dont notice any huge big change in handeling. Maybe a little better at low speeds with a quicker turn in. But I sure havent had any lane wobble or wiggling at highway speeds.
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