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Everything posted by djh3

  1. Depends on what you ar comfortable with. The rear is sort of a PIA to change, so I dodnt want to go with something that was going to be out of tread in 5K. My E-3's got me 10K or better. I put a set of Michelein Commander II on as replacements. I have thought about Shinkos but couldnt find any reviews on the tires from bigger bikes. I liked th etread pattern of the Michelein. On my 900 Vulcan I had really good wear from Pirelli RT66. Avons have a good following on this site by some also. Biggest thing is shope arround. Most online stores will price match. I bought several tires from Motorcycle Superstore and have had good service from them. My Michelein's came from Jake Wilson. Dennis Kirk sent me an e-mail the other week for a tire sale. So you just have to poke around and find what you wnt in your price range. Are you going to mount them yourself? Balance? Some shops may charge around $100 to swp tires if you carry in, may be better off buying them locally.
  2. Sorry if off on date/times. lol Going off memory can be dangerous at may age. but what I do remember abaou the AMF days they were not a reliable bike, mybe that was just the ones I ran across in my travels. I agree that the late 70 thru late 80"s Japanese stereo equip was the thing to have. Man when I went in the service in 78 all the guys that had been overseas thats all they had. Now you cant hardley find a sansui, teac or the likes. One of my brothers had a BSA (ba$tard wont start again) and swore by it. Thought Japanese4 bikes were junk. Another brother had a 750 one of th first years they came out. Never had a bit of problems. Funny the stories we remember and tales that have been told. As long as your ridin I'm OK with it. Motorcycles are like ice cream, lots of flavors ENJOY.
  3. I had a memphis shades phatt of a previous bike. The tint at the bottom was all bubled so they replaced under warrenty. So it was laying around in garage and this summer I got the idea I wanted a shorter shield. Not a bunch just enough so when it rained I could see over it. I measured it up and modified it. Works well. But I noticed that my head buffets more and especially behind trucks and vans at interstate speeds. Although I can see over it in rain I get alot more rain behind it too. so for my long trip in a couple weeks I went back to the big shield to reduce fatigue I hope.
  4. With as much rain as they are getting and in the amounts up in the NC, TN way I look for alot more closures before the riding season is done. Have they even got the one fixed in the park between Cherokee and Gatlinburg?
  5. Turn down the IC volume. Mine does that when the boss plugs in or unplugs. Take the IC volume down to 2 or so and it should go away.
  6. Dan I can appreciate your point on this. When I was in the USAF I was the contact for my shop for a "combined federal campaign". It was a once a year deal to sign up for all sorts of charities instead of getting hammered every onth by one or another. Well along with the paper work came a booklet. In the book it told of the charity, and how much went to operaing cost and a few other fine points. It was amazing to me the admin cost of some of the "not for profit" organizations. I wont mention any but boy some of them were in excess of 50% for operating cost for CEO mangers etc. now I dont expect them people to work for nothing but if over 50% of your cost is to just keep the weels turning you cant be helping folks as much as you say you are. My wife and I both volunter for what we feel is a good cause and have seen the results. We have had to trim down how much we donate do to lack of jobs, rising costs and the like, you all know what I'm talking about. So we pick our places to contribute what we can. What ever your comfortable about donating time, money help whatever to thats good. Just pick one if thats your bag but help each other out.
  7. Passenger space was a concern of my wife also. After talking withe some around here and there that had the Ultras thier wife said they would like more room also. Mine was pleasently suprised at how much more room she had than sitting on the Ultra.
  8. I had to buy a battery for my RSv a year or so ago. I think it was a Deka AGM and came froma battery shop up near Daytona/Jacksonville Fl area. I ordered it from thier web site. Not them but here is an AGM shipped under $90
  9. Alrighty Mine is a 4" I also have the 765T. The mount was moved from another bike and I guess the 4" is what I needed on it, because looking at it I probably would have went with the 3" if setting up for this bike. The 4" works fine and I dont notice any shake etc. I have tried to position my electronics so they are out of the way of the dash so I could see any warning lights, speedo and trip odo. GPS on right, cell phone holder on left (not a RAM) was about $8 off e-bay. It works OK but it will get some shake to it, trying to budget for a RAM mount aqua box or something like that I think its called. Its suposed to be "universal" to some degree.
  10. Hmm I dont usually have a problem finding them. However the other day I was looking at some weather forecasting stuff and ran across an app I have a Victory app that has radar layer that workes decent as long as Sprint has service where I'm at.
  11. Harley was smart on another marketing front. They finance thier own brand. They made it easy for the guy walking in to finance one and walk out the door without making 3 trips to different banks. The marketing ploy when the 883 came out was a smart deal in my book. You bought the bike for like $6999 or whatever and if you traded it in on a bigger HD withing 2 yr I think it was you got the inital price backe less $100 bucks I think. Hows that for making someone brand loyal.
  12. And a partrige and a pear tree.
  13. I'll measure mine up tomorrow if I remember and send a pic. Mine is on the right side.
  14. If you talk to any of the HD guys that have been around the brand for a long time they will tell you the AMF years are like the plauge. I have heard there are now wiring harness available to update those bikes. The electrics were a big problem on them years. wikipedia I remember something about "American Motorcycle company Fatality" or something
  15. djh3

    Mosport Race Track

    OOPs error in reading our schedule. The race is Sunday so we will be leaving Mon AM. One of my group is going to leave after race and start the trip back to Charlotte solo. Ride maybe a few hours then stop. My normal riding buddy and I will leave Mon and I should be able to talk him into about a 7am start I hope. I called my ins (AARP Foremost) and I was covered in Canada, but the nice lady told me I did need a seperate ID card and sent it in the mail. Finalizing is all but done, I'm working on a few tools to put in the bags, music and hoping I can get all the clothes I need into the bags without having to take a bag strapped to the seat like I have before.
  16. The 2 things I notice on Craigs List for the HD for sale. Other than sportsters the Streets Glides, Ultras and heritage softails etc it seems guys are trying to finance thier grand kids college. Low miles most compaired to other touring bikes of same age. Like I said I think they are yuppies, they ride on a weekend IF the weather is nice. Thier buddies have drank the cool-aid and they follow along like cows. Then a couple years down the road it passes like gas. The "holds higher resale" crap is a figment of thier imagination. Its higher priced to start, and eventually some other weekender happins along and buys it. CL around here you can get a 1200 sporty about 3-5yr old for under $5000. But the FL bikes Street Glide etc are almost allways over 11K closer to 13-14.
  17. Adjure 4.5" bulbs/housings. Unfortunalty not cheap. $63 range. I bought a pair off e-bay clear unfluted for around $25-30 when I got mine. Or you can go the LED route. High dollar units run something like $180 I think for a pair. Or some have had sucess with a northern tool LED in a rubber housing you take out of the housing and install in passing light mount, and they run about $40 ea.
  18. If it was really crappy looking might just have to bleed it out some after a few days of riding. It sort of cycles the fluid thru and also forces the bubles if any to the bleeder.
  19. I dont get the 3 blocks 2 beers repeat thing either. I have to be way to alert to DA trying to run me over to cloud my thinking. But part of that is the group your riding with. Loud pipes thing I dont get either. If the noise comes out the back, how does it "warn" people a intersection away your comming unless its bouncing off buildings? IDK skip that part. Shoot I got RK muffs on my RSV and my buddy on his Heritage dont like to ride behind me because he says its loud. :rotf:Really I dont care what your riding as long as your curtious to others and treat folks right. Dont ruin it for the rest of us by being an a$$ to nonriders. Its fun to poke fun at eachother ocasionaly, keeps ya on your toes. As to why so many HD are for sale on CL, look at sport bikes for sale sometime. I think maybe the same thing applies. A fellow decides he is going to get a bike. Has never rode before, younger ones say 18-25 got the sport bike, ones that can afford them and are say 40+ goe the Hd route. Partially because of the marketing and probably piers. They get the bike and find out, folks dont pay attention to where in the heck they are going as much as whos texting them, it's cold in the winter, hot in summer and I'll be danged if it rains you get wet. So they figure out it aint for them. A boat would be like that for me.
  20. I have had pretty good luck making spacers out of alum tubing from one of the big hardware stores. Not sure that would work here as dont know how much pressure is actually on them. The washer route would work too. The big hardwar/lumber places have bins with all sorts of washers in SS and chrome and do dads and what nots. Also might try a tractor supply if you have those or up Wis was a farm and fleet. If you using say 3ea 5/16 washers I would glue them together or a piece of heat shrink to keep together.
  21. Timing is everything. I had a legedns race car for sale for 3yr or so. I advertised on a lot of the legends group sites, well they already had them so unless it was a give away they probably were'nt interested. I ran it several times on Craigs list before I got any hits. It was all in the timing and luck I guess. I sold it for less than I really wanted to, but my storage space ran out and it had to go. Good luck, if it aint costing you anything for it to sit around just change up the ad now and then and repost on CL. I made up like 3 different listings (ads) and when one ran out or was close I would post again. Pics help also.
  22. TDunc; OOPS on my part. Never saw the "trip" tab. So I tried using it for the date I needed which is the 27th of this month. Guess its to far out as of now to give a guess. Looks as though 8 days is it. Like was mentioned any more than that and wont be terribly accurate most likely. Thanks for the tips on how to make it work. While searching I did get a couple hits that lead to an app for smart phones for weather forecast for motorcycling. Anyone tried them?
  23. Surely you would only have that pipe installed as a "test" pipe rite??? (cough cough) On the oil cooler front an idea for ya. Dont know if you could hide it enough for your liking but a small computer case fan could be mounted to the cooler and it would draw air to help cool. Most run off 12v dc and draw nothing for power.They come in all sizes.
  24. Yea Trader I dont get it. I'd rather fire up the bike any day then take the car. They seem to have a hard time leaving all the extras at home. Pair of shoes for this day and these shoes dont match my jeans, 4 different bluses "just in case". I'm leavin Fla on the 27th for Canada via Ny finger lakes region. I'm going up for 3 days of work so have to take uniforms for them 3 days. Besides th required under clothes I'm thinkin a t-shirt a day and 2 pair of jeans will get it. Oh and very nice pics.
  25. I have wondered for years why HD dont use oil coolers on thier bikes. It only makes sense to me. Shoot they had them on the old XR 750's, Triumph had them on thiers in the 60's and 70's. Victory has had them since they started. Its a terrible thing you got to spend $1000 or more to make it to where you can ride it without baking. The new Voyagers had some pretty big cooking issues too.
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