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Everything posted by djh3

  1. Looks like one of them math questions from high scool about 2 trais traveling across america at x speed an y z speed who gets where when.
  2. I can tell you shorts are not the answer. I have taken a quick couple of trips to the corner stor and it aint the ticket. Lol Seriously though I see lots of folks here in Fla ride in shorts. Ill run the mile or so to the store but thatss about it.
  3. I figure I just ride @ my pace. Then when I get to where we are goig I dont have to be in line for the john. I know my HD guys carry cell phones, so on the off chance they brake down before they get there they can call me.
  4. Well I ordered some parts for a winter project on this subject. I ordered a mic for a lap top that plugs into a 3.5mm jack and I ordered a 5 pin connector. I'll try to remember to take some pics and post when I get it done or as I go along. Let you all know how it works if it does. LOL
  5. So if I understand what your saying is a group of 3 or more people gathered can be considered a "gang" or "criminal group". Perfect, when the politicians get together and pass some dumb a$$ law get the cops to arrest them. Most of them have lined thier pockets with our money by stealing/cheating/ kniving someone out of it. Thefore it was a crime and they are doing criminal activities.
  6. I have put over 12K on my current set of Michelien Commander 2's. The front is the 130 as thats all they make in something close for our scoots. I havent noticed any difference to speak of one way or the other. Maybe a tad on the slow speed, but I also raised the forks in the triple tree to lower it a bit to help with the same issues. I just put over 5300 miles on it in about a month. Long trip up to Canada that was solo and mostly all highway and 1500 of that was last week in the mountinas a bit, some interstate and some back highways. All is good.
  7. I would try poping the rad cap while you have them off.
  8. http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/warren-county/express-times/index.ssf/2013/10/fatal_crash_involving_motorcyc.html#incart_river_default
  9. left side of page select "DeKalb county" then Bottom of page
  10. Ok had to find one a bit better. LOL Its been years since I saw a deminstration but I think it was sort of a square frame and had like piano wire across it. Would it help if you did it with the wire and induced low voltage to help "melt" the soap and candles?http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2928/1114/1600/Fair060006.jpg
  11. OK heres an option to think about. If you pull the gaskets out, take black RTV silicone and nicely run it around the same place the gasket came out. Your skill and precisness will depend on tool used. Maybe a flat tooth pick or the like. Anyways after you get the RTV where it should be and about the thickness of the gasket, take some vasiline and coat the edge that goes against the gasket. Dont need to make a mess but a thin coat. Let RTV skin up but still have a little pliability. Then install lens. The vasoline should keep the RTV from sticking the lens perminatly while making a ssemi-perminat gasket that wont fall out all the time. If you got crappy T-tops in a caorvette and the rubber seal has chunks out of it this will also work for a temp fix. Wanna know how I know?
  12. They do. But the ones I have seen nobody over 25 can sit on one and walk the next day.
  13. I had to fabricate one up to use my Craftsman ATV jack for my 900 Vulcan. When I got the RSV I moved the blocks a little. I used a couple 2x4 as mentioned. I think I had to notch a place or 2 but that might have been for the 900. I used a couple hose clamps to keep the wood on the rails of the jack and not slip n slide on me. Go lossen the battery connections on her car. When it dont start go fiddle with it and tell her the battery is on the way out. It may last a week or so. Then when you get the dough, divert the funds. You know kinda like the goberment and social security. Now you see it poof now its somewhere else.
  14. I agree with Mike. Take a look at oil level first. I have been a victom of the "more is good" syndrome and had same result. Severety depends on level from my experience. My 900 vulcan was really picky. First time I changed oil on it I figured I should top it up like on car. WRONG It pushed oil out the breather hose, filled the bottom of the breather/air box then leaked all over the motor. I have accidently put more in my RSV on an ocasion and had simular results. Pushed oil out and I had oil dripping from the left hand air box area where I have hoses behind the leg fairing. I sort of use th metal star looking thing in the sight glass. The bottom part of the star is where I fill to. Its just a tic lower than half.
  15. Saw a "brand new" Indian in Maggie Valley last Thur. If they are 27K no way I would pay that for a 1950's looking bike with nuttin on it. Just me. It looked OK but aint may bag. I guess I'm spoiled with a comfy seat, room for the wife and cruise. Victory needs to start naming thier other bikes like Custer, Buffalo Bill and (lone) Ranger. lol With this whole NFL cant call the Washington football team the "redskins" thing some Pc jack a$$ is probably lurking thier HQ and gonna tell them they cant name them Indian anymore.
  16. I dont care for the smoked lenses. Got enough problems with cages not seeing my indications when turning/braking/changing lanes. sure dont want to camoflage it. But I did have to work on the front turn signals today and I have had the rears apart a couple times changing to LED bulbs and then back. (they didnt work as neat-o as I thought they would) Not particularly had any issues with the gaskets. I have had more troubles with the tailight lens gasket. The issue I had today with the front signal was actually the little plastic washer goober was so far down on the screw that it wouldnt pass thru the lens hole and get a bite. I had to turn the screw until the washer was against the lens then start it.
  17. All we use to do on aircraft was install the pin and squeze the ends of hinge to keep from sliding out. Dont take alot.
  18. We went to Maggie Valley today. Wheels through time museum today. Awsome place. They were filming today also. Talked to Matt and Dale both. Dale was 90 mph with his hair on fire, back and fort swaping bikes inside to outside. On the phone I guess looking for something rare. But the both had time to talk to folks including me.
  19. I was thinking it was a Ural or whatever they call them. They make side hack jobs and are shaft drive so I dont see this being out of bounds for them.
  20. Does it have oem exhaust? Or does it have RK muffs or some simular add on? I was reading a couple carb threads on the delphi fourm and the numbers escape me rite now but the jets are different sizes. Throw some seafoam in it 1 oz per galon of fuel. We can get together one day when we are both available and atleast sync the carbs up and take that out of the equasion. Does it idle somooth? Or does it lope up and down? Idle high or stumble upon acceleration?
  21. Im not a carb specialest by any means. But if it needs a sync Im just down the road in Sebring. Im guessing the dealer your speaking is sky powersports? Have you had problems. I was thinking of applying for a mechanic position they had open.
  22. Well when you said "southern members" I thaught you ment south like Fla. We are currentlt in Asheville area now on vacation. If you like early motorcycles you may want to look up the wheels through time museum in Maggie Valley. We are planing on Thur for our visit.
  23. My 09 has a cd player. But like mentioned its a space hog. If traveling with the wife I need the extra space for a rain suit for her. I have a handle bar mount for gps which I have music on and a mount for phone which I use pandora. CD player is nice but i really dont use it much. If you search the gps threads I think its listed what the connector is. Its something old and outdated so part procurment is tough.
  24. Some heat from a propane torch in the area may ease the grip on the bearing some. I would try with just the puller first.
  25. Every once in a while I might see one. I saw 2 in Canada last month when on my trip and the other 300 miles not a one. Mine however will been seen tomorrow heading north in I 75 to Lake Lure NC.
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