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Everything posted by djh3

  1. Is the piece in the vise longer than what you have now?
  2. Bob I think that one jives with the diagrham I posted. Still naada. No click nothing. Sort of stumped.
  3. Dont know if its exactly correct but should be something like Air Injection System. It blows clean air up the EPA's exhaust so it will read cleaner on thier meter. Sort of. It injects air into the exhaust to suposedly help it "finnish burning" the gas on the way out. If your over Lauderdale way get with Brake Pad he might have a sync. If not I got one. WE have a meet n eat comming up soon.
  4. Bought my 09 in Jan of 2012. It had 7400 miles on it. At my last oil change and look over about 4 weeks ago it had 27688. considering the first bloke put 2400 a year on, I put about 10K a year. LOL
  5. Here is some info on a bulb that will truely make a difference. It has more wattage than the standard bulbs. 80w lo and 100w high. I have run them in my Kawasaki and also in this bike prior to going the HID route. [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Wagner-BP1210H4-Miniature-Lamp/dp/B000CR3UW6]Wagner BP1210H4 Miniature Lamp : Amazon.com : Automotive@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41n7oGVhB7L.@@AMEPARAM@@41n7oGVhB7L[/ame] They are available @ NAPA. I ran a modulator when I had this bulb and was sorry to give it up when I went to HID.
  6. YEA 10-4 on that. Especially if you had the fairing apart lately. When I dropped the light bar to gain acess it pulled the wires down which I was OK with. I just wasnt very good about tucking them back up after I put the fairing back together. Pinched them bad boys knocked out the passing lamps, markers and something else. I think the headlight still worked. It was a mess to try and fix without pulling wires all the way out.
  7. I bought my Craftsman jack for my 900 Vulcan when I had it. First thing was the jack its self wasnt going to work. So long before I knew anything about a carbon 1 adapter I built a simular unit for the Kawi. I modified it a tad to use with the Venture.
  8. Cipher I took my front refletors off and used LED marker lights I did the same in the rear. While I was at it I fugured I had to wire it anyways a couple guys helped me out and gave me wiring help to make the running and turn signals. I'm thinking about getting some of the strip LED lights and running them aliong the bottom of the saddlebags.
  9. I tried a couple of sites like this to try and help me with my trip last year. Didnt give me much info in area where I was headed. I guess not a popular are to ride.
  10. My wifes Durango is an 02 and I have pretty much ran it on Roshfrans. Early on when I first got it it had like 40K on it I used Quakerstate Syn. I was working at a race shop and we got it free. Thats how I came upon this Roshfrans stuff. A shop where a friend was working was clearing out the wharehouse and had like 15 cases of it. So the truck now has 130K+ on it and is fine. Not so much as a valve cover leak. I dont know about the 15K between oil changes. I would probably still be changing a filter at 5K. If the "extra addatives" make you feel warm and fuzzy go with it. I would certainly think any of the oils you mentioned will be fine. Yea and I dont understand the 0w20 oil either. Something to do with the epa and friction, gas mpg and all that jazz.
  11. Steve if you can get an idea of about how long they should be and what they look like, maybe you can take some small ID exhaust pipe and weld a piece back onto the stub you have. Youll have to close off the end and drill holes, then wrap the packing around and put back together. I would think they should have replacement parts though. They were probably harley pipes to start with.
  12. Yea man. I had a simular though not quite as distructive experience on my 09 here a few weeks back. I had just completed a 3300+ mile trip from central Fl to Toronto and back. Everything was great. Bike sat a week or so in garage and didnt get rode. The day I put key in to go to store and ........... nothing. No lights, no click of relays or fuel pump nothing. I though battery was dead so I charged up for a few hours. Still nothing, so now I'm cleaning battery connections and connections at frame for ground the whole shebang. Still naada. Got on the site here and started researching. Got to the main power fuse, which by the way is a PIA to get to if you were on the road (I had to take the left passenger floorboard off to service). Removed side cover, left passenger floorboard to finnaly get a good look at it. Pulled fues and it was all corroded to heck. So bad it wouldnt even Ohm ck. New fuse in...vroom. I pulled the whole thing out and cleand as best I could the connections and dieltric them. I sure hope I dont have to mess with this again. Man is it in a stupid place. Down where all the water comes splashing off the rear fender and dirt and crud. Geeze
  13. If its the factory set up I-simple it should plug in to a cable in the left saddlebag (as your sitting on bike). The older bikes had a CD player in there. The Ipod deal replaced that. Did it come with a cable about oh say 2.5 ft long? Maybe 5-6 pins in it? If so it will have to plug in under the seat. If not then your bike should have the cable already installed in the saddle bag. Here is link to a discussion about it. I would think is pretty much a plug and play deal. I mean after all they got the dealers doing it.
  14. Come on man dont play stump the dummy. I think it is myself, but without doing a search I cant say for certian. But it seems to me I was reading up on how to modify the auto cancel flasher unit to run LED signals without the load thingy's. If I remember rite a guy modified a flasher off another bike that uses the same one.
  15. Oh man sure hope that thing has the suplimental gas tank too. I know how you fell, my 2 current rides at home besides the scoot are a 96 ram 2500 and a 02 durango. About all the options on my PU is elec windows and intermit wipers, heck its even stick shift. For work I travel alot and we rent cars to get around. I can see myself being the guy sitting there trying to figure all this crap out before your wheeling down the pike @ 70 looking around trying to make the a/c or lights work. And whats up with the windshield wipers being here there and everywhere. Why no consitancy. At least the turn signals for the time being are staying put.
  16. I had a really nice bright Wagner 85w100 in mine before I went HID. I actually like the Wagner better than the HID, but I got leary the wiring could handle it.
  17. LOL I knew I would get some feedback. I will ride just about anytem, the boss not so much. I dont have any heated gear as I would never get any use out of it. I think since 2007 when I got back into motorcycles there have only been a couple days down here I though too cold to ride. A couple years ago my buddy and I were leaving Cincinati in Oct. It was 26-28 leaving the hotel. Chaps and a couple layers and I was good to go. I could have been warmer but was OK. Sometimes its just not worth the hassel though of putting the bike up, and all that goes with it. I lived in SW Oklahoma for a long stint and rode alot there also. Snow on the road-no way.
  18. I think after reading it a couple of times is that if they make it a PIA to ride by making everyone wear helmets and whtever else they decide, more folks will just say to heck with it and stop riding. Thus causing economic issues down line. I like the “Motorcycling is not a disease that needs to be eradicated,” he said. “It’s a legal form of transportation and a source of responsible recreation for millions of Americans nationwide." We all know it really is a disease though rite? But not a bad one.
  19. When I started reading up on the passing lights I thought for sure the dealer would install them correctly with a realy and all rite????? buzzzzz WRONG it was wired I'm guessing thru the ignition switch which draws thru it (not good) and then had quite a bit of amps pulling thru the wires and a glass fuse, but its alright because its fused right?? Here is a pic of the glass fuse on mine when I went to check because it quit on day. Wsnt the problem then as it turned out I pinched a wire in th epassing light wire bundle on the steering stops after putting back together from another project. Might be hard to see but the thing was melted.
  20. Looks like must be disconnected from tow vehicle to unload without ramps. I have seen some tilt bed car hauler stuff that unloads simular and they dont have to be. A friend had one we built in a college welding course and it had a straight axle and sleeve around it and was pined in the front. Un pin and start backing car off and bed tilted up.
  21. Yea if IRS was involved I could see the rules changing every 6 months or so on how they would enforce. It still is a preposterous thought that if I choose I can ride my motorcycle to Key West say with no helmet and that OK. But if I get in my pick up and go to the corner store I get a ticket for no seat belt in a 5000# vehicle :confused24:
  22. Funny how its a HD on that trailer huh?
  23. OK I just opened this e-mail from the AMA. It intregued me because I couldnt for the life of me figure out how not wearing a helmet is a disease. I personaly wear a helmet of some sort all the time. When I grew up riding it was just the way I was taught and learned. If there are some that dont wish to I'm OK with that. Anyways here is the letter. U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) is asking the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention whether it is trying to reduce motorcycle ridership by pursuing a federal mandatory motorcycle helmet law, the American Motorcyclist Association reports. The congressman also is questioning the economic impacts the CDC cited to support mandatory motorcycle helmet laws. In a letter to CDC Director Thomas Frieden (enclosures included) dated Nov. 21, Walberg, who is a lifelong motorcyclist, an AMA life member and a member of the Congressional Motorcycle Caucus, asked “…is it the goal or strategy of the CDC to reduce the use of motorcycles -- a legal mode of transportation -- by recommending and pursuing a federal helmet law? “If so, how would this strategy be implemented and by what authority would it be instituted?” Walberg asked. He also questioned whether Frieden believes the CDC is the federal agency best suited to research and make recommendations related to transportation safety. The CDC, which is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is headquartered in Atlanta. Walberg sent the letter after analyzing a presentation titled “Economic Impact of Motorcycle Helmet Law: A Systematic Review.” The presentation was made by the Helmet Law Review Team of the Community Preventive Services Task Force on Oct. 23. The 15-member task force, each of whom is appointed by the CDC director, makes recommendations to the CDC and reports to the U.S. Congress about community preventive services, programs and policies to improve health. The task force is preparing to recommend that all states have universal helmet laws, which means that all riders, regardless of age, would be required to wear helmets. In his letter, Walberg strongly opposed its findings and conclusions. One part of the presentation, in particular, “infers a positive awareness of helmet laws with the potential for reduced motorcycle use,” Walberg said. “The presentation goes on to conclude that ‘economic evidence shows that universal motorcycle helmet laws produce substantial economic benefits, and these benefits greatly exceed expected costs,’ however, there is no reference whatsoever to the significant economic costs anticipated by reducing motorcycle use. “In fact, the only costs identified by the Task Force on slide 37 are the costs of purchasing a motorcycle helmet and the enactment and enforcement costs of helmet laws, which are concluded to be negligible,” Walberg said. “Not only does this contradict the earlier findings about how imposing motorcycle laws would discourage motorcycle use, but it ignores the positive economic impact motorcyclists provide. “Motorcyclists not only enjoy riding on American roads, they also spend billions of dollars touring and attending rallies,” he said. “Reducing motorcycle use would have a detrimental effect on the motorcycle-industry, dealer sales, tourism, associated employment and related tax revenues. As an avid and experienced motorcycle rider, I believe government should be in the business of promoting the recreational, economic and environmental benefits of responsible motorcycle riding – not discouraging it.” Wayne Allard, AMA vice president for government relations and a former U.S. representative and U.S. senator representing Colorado, praised Walberg for “asking some tough questions that need to be asked. “The AMA doesn’t understand why the Centers for Disease Control is involving itself in motorcycling when it is supposed to be protecting Americans from diseases,” Allard said. “Motorcycling is not a disease that needs to be eradicated,” he said. “It’s a legal form of transportation and a source of responsible recreation for millions of Americans nationwide. ‘We anxiously await the CDC’s answers to Rep. Walberg’s questions,” Allard said. The AMA strongly advocates helmet use but believes adult helmet use should be voluntary. Simply put, mandatory helmet laws do nothing to prevent crashes. The AMA supports actions that help riders avoid a crash from occurring, including voluntary rider education, improved licensing and testing, and expanded motorist awareness programs. To read the AMA position on voluntary helmet use, go to www.americanmotorcyclist.com/Rights/PositionStatements/VoluntaryHelmetUse.aspx. Now more than ever, it is crucial that you and your riding friends become members of the AMA or ATVA to help protect our riding freedoms. More members mean more clout against the opponents of motorcycling and ATV riding. That support will help fight for your rights – on the road, trail, racetrack, and in the halls of government. If you are a motorcycle rider, join the AMA at AmericanMotorcyclist.com/membership/join. If you are an ATV rider, join ATVA at www.atvaonline.co m
  24. Why lower the bags? Are they leather or hard like Venture. Sorry I'm not real familiar with the TD. Were the bags location moved for the high 4x4 pipes? I dont know how you could stand to ride with them guys. I just took my RK muffs off because I cant stand the roar on longer trips. More juice is good I supose, especially if you have had indications of system putting out. Good luck and have fun. I get board some to and just go out and tinker around.
  25. Ah I have seen scary'r welds on roll cages on stock cars guys are relyin thier lifes on. They dont look good for sure. Neither do my wire feed welds anymore. Not sure what my stick welding looks like anymore either. Would I have ground them down and maybe layed another bead there to make myself feel better? You bet. Gets a B for idea and initiative I guess. Function I'm not so sure. I'm thinkin for the effort/dollar = the harbor freight deal wins.
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