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Everything posted by djh3

  1. Just another day in paradise. Barry, Brian and I took care of the 10% of rain I think comming in. Great day not terribly hot, good riding weather.
  2. Gaucho, Dang Barry mentioned something in a post for the Meet and said he could adjust them carbs for you. We should have done that while standing around early. Would have only took a couple minutes. I have a sync pro we could meet one day part way inbetween and knock it out. Or when we figure out the next Meet & Eat. Run a few more tanks of gas thru then another tank with the seafoam in it.
  3. 13600 on my C2 now.Ride and handle great. I'll have to see what the tread depth is later and add it in. I'm using balance beads (generic dyna beads) and cant say I have felt a vibration yet. Speeds from parking lot to well lets say above posted speed limits (in rare instances)
  4. Geez just think of all the money you will save on t-shirts of the years. I too look at other bikes, but like was mentioned when it comes to the dollars and cents of it I just keep the RSV. So far for me its been a good bang for the buck.
  5. Thanks. So a muffler swap would be in order. Funny they would make tips available for the TD and not the RSV.
  6. Do these tip fir an RSV also? I dont think I have seen them on one of those.
  7. Yup home after good food, good ride and most of all good friends. You know Dan I recall something about the government confiscating the Mustang Ranch, a bordello in Nevada that made millions a year. Problem was they didnt exactly pay tax on everything. So the government siezed it. With in a couple of years it was bankrupt and growing weeds. So how does that happen?
  8. I have tried twice to meet up with Bob. But my travel plans got changed. I actually met Bob over on the Kawaski boards. LOL Then when I saw he was here too I though maybe he was a stalker. :rotf:JK We have had a few good dicssions and any dealing I have had with him have been all good. He has helped me out on a couple of ocasions and I aint even been in that kind of shape. Glad things are progressing for you. May take your ins company awhile to pay off your claim. They have a tendancy to drag thier feet when they have to give your money back out. Hop all is good and on the mend.
  9. Dan I can store it here for you. Make the ocasional ride so everything stays loosened up and firing like it should.
  10. Do irridiums come OEM? If not whats a good number/brand to go back in. I kind of figure if its got NGK in it now thats what should go back in. Right now I only have 27K on it. But will do a valve check here in the next few weeks so when I got it that far I figure good time to r&R plugs.
  11. Is it an FI bike? Some of the earlier ones had issues. For the most part they are reliable. You have to figure HD has made that bike for over 15 years pretty much the way it sits. I think they are a 6 speed trans. I have a friend that has a heratige Softail, pretty much same bike except it is a 5 spd and has soft bags. He will jump on and go anyplace I will without worry. I think the normal stuff to look at of a bike that age tires, hyd systems rubber parts. Look for oil leaks around jugs. Whats the possibility of removing your MP3 accesories off the Kawasaaki and transfering? They are nice touring bikes. But I can tell you the other half wont be as pleased with the seating arrangment. More room on RSV.
  12. If I remember next time I go over to b-inlaws which is by Sarasota I'll try to take the addy with me and scope it out guys. Its a shame someone running a bussiness is like that. I was allways taught customer service is a priority.
  13. WD 40 sprayed up in the plug cap should displace the water and somewhat add some water resitance to it. I have been told the WD stands for "water displacment" True or false I dont know. But it works.
  14. Just riding up on one like will make you look like you know a whole lot more about than they do. So you need to work some majic and get them to realize thier error so the man can get a good deal. LOL
  15. Thats a lot nicer set of wheels than my first ones. Way to go. Just be carful.
  16. Great now we are going to have to buy Chinese bullits too?
  17. Oh my word I didnt know that. Dang and here I didnt have a clue on how I was gonna search for some of that stuff. Lately I've been on the LED hunt. Same deal kicks you out. GPS same thing. Learn sumtin new everyday as long as your lookin I supose.
  18. There for awhile I thought the whole bullit limit thing was going to get like the "gas shortage" of the 70's. Only could buy so many packs per month on certian days or something.
  19. Yea I'm kind of skeptical that it was "running when traded in". Whey wouldnt you hook a battery charger to it and get it fired up? Is your service dept that inept that a mechaninc back there cant find and change a battery on a bike? I mean heck it aint like you cant find it on the intronet. I dont know what or how much of a project so I kind of skipped thru some of that stuff. My son has of and on thought he would like to get a bike and learn to ride. Not sure a Venture is a good first bike, but if he learned on it he probably wouldnt have to look to upgrade to bigger for some time. Dont know if thats the style of bike he is interested in though and with another grandchild due very soon............ I think he best worry about groceries, electric diapers and work.
  20. You could pull the fuel line off the bottom of the petcock. Drain some gas into a clear container. Let it settle a few minutes and see if it seperates. Fuel will float to top and water at bottom if that is the problem. If it were a vacum line I would think when you pulled the choke it would richen up the mixture and "fake" the motor into thinking it was getting more fuel and smoth out. Not a hard fact but thats been my experience. You can use carb cleaner or brake klean maybe even WD 40 to look for a vacum leak or broken carb boot. Get bike running and spray different areas and see if RPM go up or it smooths out. Definatly llok for the 2 vacum lines and 2 rubber block off caps on the carbs. Its the port you use to sync carbs. On the exhaust pipe check the othe thing is if you have a crayon of some type you can start the bike and next to the head touch the crayon. If it melts really easy its working, if it dont then it aint firing. If you do it by the head then that is the only cyl pushing hot exhaust thru it.
  21. My RSV was pretty much in the low mid 30's. Back when I posted in May there 33-35 seemed to be avg for 65-70 and 32 anything over that. I since got a carb sync and it helped a little, maybe 2mpg across board. Now a friend of mine has told me thre may be some truth to the higher grade gas better milage thing to some extent. The higher the octane say the 93 the less ethanol in it. So I dunno May try it this weekend. May be just an old wise tale.
  22. Seller updated site. Here is what he sent me. A couple options by me here in sunny Fla. Fixer upper 84 w/20K on clock 86 no trunk 1850 99 w/82K 4200 but you might get him to work with you.Nice looking 86 w/15K 4500 Yea I know they are all in Fla but it would give you an excuse to get out of the cold for a few days huh? Actually I kind of picked areas I know we have members that might could go take a look see for ya. There were a coupl more for less but one had a 2nd gear problem, and the other was the "I wanted a project and now dont have time, doesnt run" types. I figure they are missing essential parts I tried looking some on the "statewide" type CL listing but got to many of them snowmobile things showing up.
  23. I try to make it up if work schedule will permit.
  24. I dont know I thought maybe for stero lt and rt channel or something. I dont know what else to try on the fly. I didnt think those PC mics were powered either.
  25. No reply to my questions yet either.
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