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Everything posted by djh3

  1. Windshield like the TD has are usually mesured from the top of the headlight hole. At least thats the way Memphis shades told me when I ordered the one for my Kawasaki. Before ordering a new one you need to know if its a Yamaha, Memphis shades, National Cycle etc. I'm sure they are are special to thier mount and where holes are etc. It can be cut off if your handy and careful. Gaucho if your comming up Fri we can talk a bit about it.
  2. Well just read this tid bit on Yahoo. More misinformation on how much us GI's make. Unfortunatly I think some of this came from the Sec of Defense. First section there says a Private with no dependants make over 40K a year!!!!! 2/3 of which is base bay and the other is housing and food allotment of which is not taxable. Well I looked it up (took about 30 sec on google) an E-1 under 2yr makes a whopping $1500 a month. If he has no dependants then he is going to not get the housing and food allowance because he is going to be in the barricks. The person writing definatly didnt do much homework. Oh yea and for the record the 1500 a month figures to somewhere around 18K a year of which the fellow has to pay income tax on, unless that is someone is shooting at him or trying to blow him up with a propane tank, garbage can or other improvised device.
  3. Bratman just what the heck is a "Blaupunk" Is that a fancy word for brick?
  4. WOW and not one snyde remark about them being so dang fast they burn the grease out. I'm shocked.
  5. I would have to say pretty much everything I have ever worked on is that way. Especially bikes. They may tell you 3.7 is full, but your going to have a mess. Better to start a bit low and top off a tick. From the looks of mine when I had the tank off the other day I got a bit much in mine last change. The left side of the big black box is seeping and the left rear carb had oil around it. My 900 Vulcan was relly pickey. you get to much in it and it could be as much as a 1/2 cup and it would puch it out into the breather and then all down the side of the engine case and your leg.
  6. Shoot we just called them combat boots. But maybe your looking for a brand name. which way and when are are you going Keys? Fri afternoon down here in Sebring (about an hour or so south of Lakeland) we are having a meet and eat for lunch. If your still in Lakeland I would think almost any of the military surplus or police tactical supply stores would have them. Also try a place up there called second gear cycle stuff. 863-858-1807 Heck I think I was in my local surplus store a few months back and seen boots like that. I wore Hi-Tech for years in the service. They were a good boot. I have a pair now I have worn for work and need replacing. I dont think they are billed as "waterproof" I dont like boots with the big tractor type treads on the bottoms so I'm picky about which ones I wear. Some of the military type boots look like they are made to climb mountians. then all kinds of crud get stuck in the treads and your walking all goofy because a stone or something got hung up in the tread. The goretex ones I have are like this. They are insulated so a bit warm to wear much down here.
  7. That seems to be the issue? http://www.amazon.com/Waterproof-Motorcycle-Navigator-Internal-Bluetooth/product-reviews/B00E7O8E8U/ref=dp_top_cm_cr_acr_txt?showViewpoints=1 It has windos CE 6 on it but that dont meen squat to me. Looks like its up to you to find maps etc to run on it. They dont supply that. Some write ups say the language on it is all chinese, which may work for you but not me. Check out these. Lots of mentions about a iGO map Dang I knew it was to good to be true.
  8. Sounds like Soutwest Oklahoma or Arazona in our summer time. But they tell me "it aint to bad because its a dry heat" My response is "so is the oven to cook a turkey". I lived thru some of them years, you just adapt.
  9. Your welcome Jeff. I like finding homes for strays. Thats part of why the wife and I volunteer for the local humane society. Hope your holiday is happier now.
  10. How come our Military folks have to undergo mandatory drug testing and the government officials dont? If they did it wouldnt be a suprise when one of them get busted for drugs like they guy from Fla here a couple weeks ago. Sligtly off subject I know, but it just struck me.
  11. FYI was just over on the othe rfourm and Celtric (I think thats rite) hsa been writing about buying your bike. Dont know if he has contacted you yet or not. Hope it goes well.
  12. :rotf::rotf:Sad but true.
  13. Ya know maybe this guy is right. I do have it pretty damn good. I still have about 50% thats still operational (per the govt). I am still alive to hear people whine about other haveing a better deal. I have a job I enjoy going to to support myself and the other 64 families living off my income. And I live in one of the greatest countries in the world. All because I protected and defended my country for only 20 yrs. Of course there was the ten years after that I had to aggree to that if someone found necessary I would have to go back. I would gladly make some concessions to my legaly contracted pay if the politicians would atleast make some sort of jesture they were trying to do the same. Heck Lee Iacoca took a job with Chrysler when they were in the tank and worked for $1 a year, and brought the company back from destitiution. Do you think our politicians could take a play from that game plan? Heavens knows they all could afford it.
  14. I had 4 of the jobs on the list. At least a couple were on active duty. Not counting the garbage collector one. I think everyone in the service has had that one. LOL
  15. Syscrusher So whats your idea? Everyone get to pick a job say in high school. Then everybody gets paid same amount for that job no matter if its building roads or fireman etc and thats what you do until you retire at a specfied age. Then the government pays everyone a check at same amount when retired no matter what you did for 40 yr or more?
  16. Awsome Gary. I have kin folk up there still in Mich. Kind of know how crappy the work environment has been. And the Flint, Saganaw area has been in it longer than Detriot.
  17. Grolli But Obama care will take care of us so we wont have to worry about Tricare!! OH waint we already PAID for our health care. Grand Forks ND eh? Must have been a SAC trained killer. LOL MAC CC all on 141's here. Thanks for your time. I wouldnt trade my time for nothing. Lots of good folks and comeradery. Not so much on the civy side.
  18. Thanks Yea dont know about browser and age. Wont be long and microsoft wont be supplying any info for my machine anyways as I'm still on XP and support stops this comming April. I did go out and pull the other connector. 3 pin with the mentioned wires. I happened to have a toggle switch that had some wire nibs on it from previous use. I simply pluged the wires into the Bl/Yl Bl/Bk and started bike, it ran. Flipped switch and stopped. So that seems to be the ticket if someone is so inclined. As for me, I'm about convinced that if you install the realay as mentioned it redirects the load and you wont have the problem of buring up the switch. On a simular note. There was a thread I was reading the other day about a bloke that found replacment points for the fuel pump. I know the pumps have been problematic for some. So looking at the point he pulled out they were all but missing on one side, very ugly looking. So I know that if you run to much power thru a to small circutry it causes heat build up and will burn wires plum in two. The pump is on its own circutry relay controled right? I kind of thought maybe if it ran thru the ignition switch maybe the reduction of flow thru there might cause the points burning up.
  19. Venturous, thats what I meen. As a military member when I went in at that time most GI's under an E-3 were living at or below poverty level. I dont know any of my fellow GI's that took any government assistance. Now it seems everybody thinks its "owed to them". I'll tell you what, if my 1% reduction in COLA is going to fix these overspending jacka$$ I'll give them the hole bump. Give me the tax brake on the money they aint going to pay me. I dont see any of the retired congress or senate guys offering up to not take a pay bump on COLA. On the manditory service requirment. Heck yea only problem is you cant serve in the military witha felony record so that knocks out something like 30% of the youth under 20. But the onews left, man half of them could scare the heck out of the enemy without a firearm.
  20. Link is bad there Joe, it dont work. But I'm sure thats a pay for someone that retires today. I retired in late 90's as an E-6. Syscrusher- My friend I enlisted in 1978 My base pay BEFORE taxs (yes we paid income taxs on our military pay just like your pay check) was 397.50 a month. Do you think you could live off that even back then? Because I was married at the time I did get like $60 a month towards rent, but you can only imagine the kind of housing you could get for that. I'll tell you what friend if you think you can live off my retirement pay for a year with out working full time somewhere else I'll send it to you. No I dont have a big Mcmansion, brand new cars and all that crap. Where these folks think retired military get paid all this money I have no idea. Dont get paid much when your active duty and then if your lucky you only get 1/2 of that when you retire, and they still take taxs out of that!!
  21. Unfortunatly the link will not open for me. It saves the pic or whatever in a format SVG I can not open. So this is a pic I found of a dpst switch off e-bay.
  22. OK forgive me for not understanding the wire diagraham completly. They have allways been a bit mystifying o me. I did run across a write up on another site and finnaly think I have seen an explaination I understand. I dont recall seeing a diagraham for anything except the realy install. If I missed it somwhere I appoligize. So if I understand this right a switch needs to be inbetween the blue/black and blue/yellow wires to make the engine fire. A DPST (3 pole switch?) would do this? I'm still learning switch lingo.
  23. OK yea I didnt know. And I just read my military retired life is going to be worth less.
  24. Hmm spent some time trying to figure out how to see how these jack a$$ voted and I cant figure it out. Shurly they wouldnt want it easy huh? I did my 20yrs. Retired with what I thought was a writen contract. Guess I'll just lokk at like those 3 biggest lies I allways heard about. I'll love you in the morning, the check is in the mail and I wont..........
  25. BBB report on light pros BBB report on HID country Funny how both companies are rated an F
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