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Everything posted by djh3

  1. Reiny @ 44lb ea thats a pretty sizable hog dressed. Between you and the Mrs you could probably make that.
  2. No problem. I'm thinking if you got it frozen at someones house on this side and drive across you may have a shot at it. Whats the worse that can happen, the Canadian boarder gaurd asks "whats in the cooler?" and you tell him, "the last boarder gaurd that asked me stupid questions"
  3. Hmm I remember reading somewhere about the disassembly procedure also. I found a drwing, but thats not any real help to you. I bet it aint going to be fun though.
  4. Red Rider: I'm trying to ship a harness kit to some folks up that way. Its a plug and play unit based on Carbonone ignition by-pass realy mod. I have no problem getting parts, its shipping up there.
  5. Vzuden: depends on how much work your willing to put into it, and what your capable of doing. I added some LED marker lights for like a trailer for a few dollars each. Made brackets and made up a resistor circuit with some help from others here and they look pretty good and work as marker and turn signals. I added a light bar under the trunk that works as a brake and marker light like quite a few other here. Teh light bar was under $20 off e-bay. Disregard the really brite strip on the bags and directly under the trunk as that is the reflectors.
  6. OH my!!! All I am trying to do is ship a few small relays for an igntion by-pass and its going to cost me over $30 for a $20 part. With it being meat I'll bet it will have to go thru some kind of agraculture inspection.
  7. My luck would be that road is either a route to the local "unauthorized" toxic waste dump, or about midnight a fire ranger or some clown in a 4x4 would be barreling donw there.
  8. I was lucky enough to get a "behind the scene" tour so to speak at Dodge years ago. They had one of these printers and I think at the time it was making a valve cover for a Viper. Pretty neat it was making the thing out of paper.
  9. Saw it the other night. I got a chuckle out of it. Although I didnt laugh as much at it as the old McDonald one.
  10. Mine just a tad over 36yr. I went in the USAF on my wifes birthday of 1978. Her b-day is the 6th. LOL What a b-day present huh? I was inducted at Miami Fl. They bused us to the airport to wait on the plane. It broke and 4 or so of us went and drank. Hey we knew we wouldnt be able to for over a month. Ah good times..........
  11. Try the conatct cleaner and see what kind of result you get. Other than that there is a fellow on another board I'm on and he has like 02 RSV he is parting out.
  12. I have an RSV but had the simular problem. I happened to have a used memphis shades windshield (simular in style to yours) from a former bike. I took mine out after measuring about where I wanted it heigth wise. Layed the other shield with the top where I marker it and cut it off. Your options are cutting of the one you have, or ordering a new one. Now the Yamaha one is sure to be pricey. But there may be like a national cycle and some of the other ones that will fit. Cee Bailes certainly makes quality stuff if you go that route. If you decide to cut yours down there are lots of threads and even some vidieos on you tube showing how.
  13. Suposedly you can get a Yamie dealer to check the vin and see if the recall/tsb was done. I would normaly say just check the valves and see where your at. But after doing mine, no way. Once I gat all the junk outa the way I was to far in to "hope" I didnt need to actually change anything. As it turned out all the intakes needed adjusting.
  14. Only thing I can add to what Steve said is a couple of things I had to kind of learn the hard way. On the left side sort of under the fuse block and to the rear is a black maybe 2"x2" block way under. Hard to see. But it is the starter realy I think. It also houses the MAIN fuse for the bike. If for some reason you go out and you get nothing, no click no horn nothing. Look to this fuse. Mine (on an RSV) corroded out and shorted (actually open circuit) and it kills all power. It can throw you for a loop if your not looking or aware of its and where its at. Also the bolts that hold those side covers on. I have been told that the forward ones which are cosmetic and just mount to the cover can be used for the foot shifter when the bolt falls out. Search you tube or some videoas for like venture with road king mufflers or venture bubs. Something like that and youll be able to kind of get an idea of what they sound like. Unfortunatly the guys making the vids think your going to ride with your head stuck in the muffler I guess because thats where most take the film from so thats what you hear. The bubs Steve just had new packings put in are a good choice if you want a bit more than the RK muffs. I switch back and forth from the OEM to my RK slash cuts.
  15. 10-4 on the IC being up. Ocasionaly after riding 2 up I forget I have the IC up, and if its up around 12 or higher I get the engine buzz sometimes. So what controls mic volume to the the phone volume? The phone or the bike controler or your GPS unit?
  16. Would have to be a "hot" all the time port to start with. I know all mine are wired for "key on" I now I have seen some of those jumper cable gimike things you can suposedly jump start your car from cig lighter to cig lighter but I dont know if I would trust that as a soulution.
  17. Contact Skydoc. I belive its his kit. I dont envy you, I just finnished up mine and there was way more accesory crap to get out of the way before I could actually start to work. but its way better than caughing up probably $500 to a shop and your not sure they even did the work.
  18. I read about the lowering the forks prior to even owning my RSV. Once I bought mine I think I had it a week before I tackled it. So I really dont have anything to comapre it to either. Its all I know so to speak. Its what you get use to I supose.
  19. djh3

    Q Bond

    Oh come on man gimme a clue. What is it? A glue? An anti-chaff powder like gold bond or what? OK so I looked it up. Amazon.com has it. It appears to be super glue, just by another name. Have you tried the gorilla super glue on it yet?
  20. Well sort of helps. I also have a discussion with some other fellows on another board going on the Tour Deluxe. It seems that Yamaha used a different type plug for the ECM on the TD. Its still a 3pin and very simular but different enough you cant use the same plug. Now the 2 pin plug I'm making works to get the strain off the ignition switch witha relay. But for a totaly "keyless" operation incase the switch goes south on you it takes a different plug than the RSV. I got to reading up and decided to look into making the relay deal a plug and ply operation to simplify things for folks. I didnt want to cut into and hack up the wiring harness so I went looking for proper type plugs to make one.
  21. Before looking at the link I would have just said have rain gear will travel. Well if need be any ways. But after seeing what the totals were, I think you need a canoe. 22" just north of you man, probably seen ducks with life preservers on.
  22. Seems to me I head a news story somewhere along the line that the flat roof thing was a way some of the insurnace companies were nix on older homes here in Fla. they figure I guess that the older homes have flat roofs, which alot did. But flat roof discription would also cover mobile homes and that is what they really want to rid themselves of.
  23. Sorry if my question was not clear. I am looking for information relating to the Tour Deluxe and switch failures. Also if the wiring harness is the same and can be by-passed with a relay as the 2nd gen is.
  24. LOL Brake Pad must have been typing same time as me.
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