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Everything posted by djh3

  1. The toy haulers with the separated cargo are not terrible depending on what your looking for. If you go new anything is $$$. Then you need to decide 5th wheel or tag/bumper pull. The separated cargo areas most have vents you can open while traveling and they will literally suck air thru that area and ventilate. Thats the wifes big thing also is she dont want to sleep the same place as the bike. Mine is the main bed access. I dont want the cubby hole access where you would have to crawl over the corner of the bed to get in. I want access on both sides. Check out RV trader. I know camping world is big and well known, but do a little you tube searching on them and some of the practices.
  2. I was on a trip from Fla to Canada one year. Crossed boarder and put passport in right bag again. Got to hotel and couldnt get bag open. PANIC I tried all kinds of things. Got something and pushed the button down as far as I could, pushed lid down some, wiggled. Finally got it to open. What actually released it? I have no idea. Just have to finagle things.
  3. I can understand how the little extra width may be nice. Madstad on mine anyways, is adjustable although manual. Kind of hard/impossible to do on the run. I took a silver sharpee and have marks where my 2 favorite adjustments are.
  4. Can you see over it VS thru it. I dont think it looks bad minus the black out. But my Vic has a Madstad Looks like this. This is what their version for the 3rd gen is
  5. LOL 2 Funny Exactly what I do. WE have tried a couple other brands and come back to Lazy Boy. Quality build and comfort. I do have to use a small pillow also as I'm a bit shorter too. i
  6. Looks good. Now I know what you did during the hurricane.
  7. Swap coils from front to rear and see if trouble follows it.
  8. Nothing against you, but I hope to have had my last trip to Oklahoma. LOL I spent 20yr in southwestern part. Take a look at your battery and ground connections. Not only at battery, but under the left passenger floorboard there is a solenoid and a 30a fuse. Also look for the chassis ground for the battery.
  9. Any low pressure type pump should work. The Mr Gasket one aint all that hard. I did some extra plumbing when I did it to make it as clean install as I could. Most of was with rubber line if I remember rite. Try cleaning up the points and give it a whirl see what happens.
  10. Mine were rewired. I looked into wiring them so I could have them on anytimes. When opening it up the system was fused with an old glass fuse, and the holder was melted. So I wired it fused thru a relay and the black push button switch on left lower side. As long as switch was on lights were on.
  11. I usualy do. I like waving to the Harley guys with the right hand when cruising down the road. As most of them dont have cruise I guess.
  12. Your correct I think. The My Route is the app based program and for the most part replaces TYRE. I tried to mess with it some and dont really like it compared to TYRE
  13. I watched a show on Smithsonian the other night about the Hanoi Hilton. I never knew that Ross Perot's running mate was a key player in information that was exchanged between there and Washington. James Stockdale. I do remember him being a Vet and the press just tor him up on some stuff. Now that I know what he went thru it really makes me mad. Funny how the VP guys pretty much are unknown.
  14. How about some pics to be sure. I would not think anyone would cover up or delete the only way to know if an engine had enough oil in it. Way to easy to under or over fill. Neither of which is fun.
  15. I use to be able to take a couple long road trips. All sorts of weather and days rides with maybe once or twice throwing the kickstand down. A couple times when getting home I would notice the same, man this thing seem stiff. A shot of lube once in awhile and she was good. The other trick a fellow on a different bike had done was put a few washers or pennies in the spring between winds.
  16. Yea first time I change my filter out I rerouted it too. Then when I went to the solid state filter it had a screw in ford carb type that went in the pump. I also put a see thru filter pre-pump. So essentially I had 2 filters.
  17. Be careful when taking the switch apart. There is some small bits in there. Contact nubbs, springs etc. Could be it has some corrosion in there.
  18. I ran the Michelin Commander 2 and got 15k out of them. Hey how about testing a set of Continental Conti-tours. I dont have the Venture any more, but I have a Shinkop 777 on my Victory now and looks like the miles is about the same as whit the Venture, 8000 on rear.
  19. djh3


    I had to google it. The highest point on the Grand Bahama island that has been under this thing for days is 40'. What I have seen on news surge is around 15' or so. Probably will be higher when its all said and done. As far as Florida, it's looking better. Forecast now for it to stay even further east an off the coast.
  20. Sounds more fuel pump than electrical. Electrical think a switch, on or off. If it kind of miss and boggs fuel. I did a write up that is in the 2nd gen tech section on replacing the points type pump with a solid state Mr Gasket. Fuel filter would be a safe bet to change out while your messing around there.
  21. 130/90 is the size for the front. It makes a heck of a difference with stability.
  22. djh3


    Well here in mid-state looking OK. Now that the storm has changed its path we are looking better. Steve over on the east coast has a lot more going on. Thankfully it looks like it is turning north a little more which is good.
  23. So I just thought of a uestion for you guys and your "dry heat" thing. Folks out there always sayin "but its a dry heat" Yea I know all about that living in southwest Oklahoma, it was still frekin hot. But when you get snow and ice, is it dry ice?
  24. Yea, when you go in to see the Doc and the nurse doing check in asks " do you have any pain today"? I tell her yes. She says so what is it today? I usually tell her "well baseline is a 3 or 4, so thats the normal, not much over that. Sometimes they get it, sometimes not so much. I think we all just kind of "live with it".
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