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Everything posted by djh3

  1. It may take some doing, but if you get it off a muffler shop may be able to fix it by "splicing" a new piece in. Until then can you get a pop can (may be to light weigh material) or say a corn can. Split it with some metal shears and put it around the effected area, then use a couple hose clamps to hold it all together.
  2. Here is a tip when you shorten up your bolt. Take a file or bench grinder. Round up your last threads where you cut it off to about 45 deg or so. It makes it alot easier to thread something on there. Even if you leave a nut on there and then cut off and nut straighten threads. File off them sharp edges where you cut it off and next time you thread something on will be easier.
  3. Go to Autozone, look on the "help" board. Look for a shock bushing, you may have to cut it down some. something like this?? http://contentinfo.autozone.com/znetcs/product-info/en/US/drm/31019/image/3/
  4. I had my Kuryakyn pegs on my 900 vulcan. Same thing, different sized bars. So I bought new clamps and transferred the peg part over. But I bet the bushing thing would work.
  5. Check this thread out. May be a simular problem and give you an idea or two.
  6. djh3


    I just got a couple e-mails from Motorcycle Superstore and Cycle Gear.
  7. Smelling kind of fishy, but you never know. Shoot being he is sending a fellow to pick it up, tell him to have his guy stop by the bank and grab some cash.
  8. If the metal is rotted out, there was a post here just a week or so ago a fellow took his to a local muffler shop and got a collector (2 into 1 pipe) made for cheap.
  9. I used the P clamps also. Sorry couldnt remember what dang size they were. I used a Stainless Steel allen headed bolt. It was a bit easier to get to to tighten. I also used a lock washer and a flat washer and filed one edge with a flat so it would fit. so my washer is sort of "D" shaped.
  10. See if you can contact primebeef. He is an hvac guy and might be able to point you in rite direction.
  11. GAwildKat----seafoam they tell me is great for workin on the carbs and injectors to make um run better.
  12. I am not sure about the MotorKote stuff and our wet clutches. Isnt that some sort of graphite additive? May not be a desirable thing to put in there.
  13. You will have to watch and see, what goes on with the additional oil level. My bike is pretty finicky about the level. Anything above about half on the glass and it pushes it out via the vent. Then you end up with drips and oil in your air box. Now with the new "attitude" the motor is at you may be fine. Its just sort of one of them try it and find out things. I use Rotella T6 most of the time. In the summer here in Fla I usually go 1/2 Rotella T6 and 1/2 Mobile 1 V-twin oil which is a 20w50 I think. Is the oil you are using JASMO? If not your warranty could be out the window.
  14. The I-simple is WAY WAY outa my gadget price range @ $235. I have looked at the I-simple web site and there are some available for $180. Its just finding one that is compatible with the old technology of the C-bus or whatever they call the connector on the bike.
  15. My first bike with a heel-toe was my 07 Vulcan. I bet I rode that a month or more before I got use to the shifter. Now I dont think I would want to go back. Depends I guess, a Buel with a hell toe probably just wouldnt be rite.
  16. Looks like it might would work on a 2nd gen also. Although I would want to see one up close and personal before I jumped on it.
  17. Hey I resemble that remark.
  18. You know, being you have all the stuff out of the way, might be a good time to check the valves. Just sayin, save you all that time of removing all the plastics again.
  19. When you need it. Here is a how to on the Mr Gasket fuel pump.
  20. I would have to say yess. But to tell you what the heck the fellow was using, well I didnt take notes. WE were on a meet and eat and fellow from over Ft Myers way I think had a first gen. He had his cell phone and a I-Pod connected and had a neat little switching type unit. I thought about looking into one for my 2nd gen. Hopefully someone can jump in here in enlighten us as to which unit will work for you.
  21. Throw a GPS on it and clear the trip. Make a trip around somewhere and check you GPS and your odometer.. My 2nd gen @ about 75 indicated is 72 on the GPS. Never paid much attention on the actual miles. When I ride with my buddy he has a Heritage Softtail and his is reading a needles width under 75. thats just sort of our highway trip speed. I set mine @ 75 and we run along. So Freebird, your telling me the speed reads faster and the milage will actually be LESS than what I have traveled? Oh my, that really makes the MPG suck.
  22. Easy fix I see is increase friction. You may have to put a fiber washer in there or may be as simple as tighten the bolt. Sure looks like I could make an easy fix or at least an attempt at before I would toss them to the side. Where did those come from? Manufacture
  23. I hate to say its a common problem, but it happens pretty often . Enough so I think its listed in the tech section.
  24. I want to put a TV in the home office for the wife, and I so you could watch the news or something if you were working in here. I am on cable internet and the gateway (router) is in the office also. But I had a TV connected to the cable where it comes in and then a splitter and one line going to the router. My speeds were down in internet connection and the guy that came out said it was because that line had too many legs or whatever off it, so I removed that TV. Now I'm looking at flat screens to mount on the wall as the office configuration has changed and thats all that would fit really. I have looked a little at some different wireless TV gizmos, but really dont understand much about them. The wiring of a couple looks not quite rite to me. It shows the cable come in say at your living room TV then into the wireless gizmo then into your cable box. To me this looks like it would only give you the basic cable as it wouldn't go thru the cable box to allow the HD channels I get. Is there a splitter I could put in the office where cable comes in and a amplifier or something so my signal for the modem isn't degraded?
  25. Post a couple pictures of what you have and how they operate. Its hard to try to figure anything out not knowing how in the heck it works.
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