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Everything posted by djh3

  1. Not sure but those dont look like TD bags I have seen. But I'm not an aficionado on them either. Just sayin, those may be after market bags.
  2. I knew Mr LED would find this thread. Thanks Jeff.
  3. I'm sure it puts some stress on the antennas. I also read of a fellow Venture owner that had his mounted lower so it didnt catch so much air, problem then he discovered was it ate the paint off the trunk.
  4. Someone got a heck of a nice bike when you traded yours in. It had just about all new parts eh?
  5. I have some solid core copper accell stuff in the garage.
  6. Auric after the character.
  7. Personally I cant even keep the rim on the rear of mine clean, so a WWW would look black anyways. On the cage if they are white lettered or WW I turn them in. Just me I guess to much work, I'd rather ride.
  8. I cant find one exactly like I had but something like this one.
  9. SOoooooo Battery and wet connector fixed it? Connector where? Sorry if I missed it.
  10. Is there a Spyder forum maybe you can poke around on and see what they suggest. I think maybe foot position may have something to do with numbness also. On my Vulcan before we spent big bucks on a seat we tried an air cushion. It wasn't the high $$ air rider or whatever, it was a seat cushion for a kayak and was about $20.
  11. So was your connector melted? I guess thats kind of a common thing.
  12. I'll bet for $160 for the pair you can find an pin strip guy that would apint it on if you elly got to have it.
  13. I got 17,500 out of my rear Commander 2 I just took off. Probably could have got at least another 500 miles out of it. But I had a new Shinko I am going to try standing by and had time and we are heading into rainy summer time here in Fla. The WW is a limited supply, not alot of them available I dont think.
  14. Hey GAwildkatts other half might need an exhaust part or 2 if you got spares. ?He had on rust right off the muffler.
  15. Probably held on with double stick emblem adhesive. Somebody thought it looked better without. I see quite a few RSV without the "star" on the gas tanks also.
  16. Hmm seems to me a couple of well placed 105 rounds would have done the trick.
  17. I lowered the forks in the triple tree. Same effect, less $$$
  18. Here is a link to travel weather on the weather channel web site. I find it pretty useful planning a trip. Different site but does simular thing.
  19. When you go to solder try finding a alligator clip or something to put on the barrel thing there. It will help "soak" up some of the heat and may help keep from melting the plug. If all else fails, install a new plug.
  20. I dunno. What quits working when its disconnected? It looks to me like some sort of add on wiring.
  21. LOL read about that here first. Now today its on national news. It was on Yahoo news with a tag from FOX news. Man HD should make that right, its going to be tough to live that down. But the guy says "Oh well" I still love my HD and blah blah. Brain washed is my guess. I would pain that hing lemon yellow and post a sign on it and park outside every HD dealer for miles.
  22. I have mine on the left side by my foot. Up under the fairing. I had one mounted in the OEM horn location also but switched horns here a couple months ago.
  23. You could use some braided stainless steel line (aeroquip type). Shoot put a T in it and still run an oil press gauge.
  24. Just watching the Weather Channel because we have some severe stuff floating thru now. Looks like you could run into some big storms on your way there, so keep a sharp eye. Have your navigator get a good weather app with radar to help you.
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