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Everything posted by djh3

  1. Yea I would say thats a bit much to bite off for a one day trip 2 up. You would ride nothing but interstate and that aint no fun in anybodys book I know of.
  2. Yea when I bought my Vulcan in 07 I upgraded from my leather jacket I have had for umpteen years. It was a quilted liner so I didnt see me wearing it down here. I bought a tourmaster mesh textile. Its bearable up to about 90-95 if you can keep moving.
  3. I currently have leather chaps. At the time I was buying I was looking for warmth in the winter. Being in central Fla not much need for them other than a few days in the winter. In the last say 6 months or so I have been looking more towards "touring" gear. I have considered the overpants but most look very hot and almost like a rain suit ballistic nylon type stuff. So would probably be way to warm in summer here. Last month I think Jafrum or Leather up had "riding" jeans on sale and I looked at those some a an option. I guess if had the overpants I could wear shorts under them so when you get off you could at least towel off your legs.
  4. I have rode them the last three or so years on the dealer demo days. Man it hard to not by one. They ride great. If I worked at a dealer Well OH man would I be in trouble.
  5. For whatever reason Yamaha decided to show the seal with the trans stuff even though it installs in the cover. I havent looked at how it goes together, but if the seal is on the outside of the case sometimes you can run a sheet metal screw in it and pull it out with pliers or vise grips by the screw. I will say now that I have looked at the service manual it is atrocious as far as disassembly of a lot of things on this bike.
  6. We are planning on going. But Barry dont fell like you have to go if you got stuff that has to be done. If the boss aint happy........Well you know the rest. Seriously if your in a time crunch and need to use the time to get the house in order do it.
  7. I would have to say it is pressed into the case. You should be able to use a punch or a socket that fits the seal and knock it out the backside of the cover. Then clean the area and get a socket that fits closest to the outside of the seal but still fits into the hole the seal goes into. Tap lightly and it should drive the seal in. A little grease (I use white grease) on the out side of the seal and it should help. If I'm wrong someone will let you know I'm sure.
  8. Its made in Japan but I dont think anything over about 400cc is sold there. At least the last time I was over there in the early 90's I dont think they could produce and sell anything over about 400cc. You would occasionally see a HD, but say and FJR or similar type I dont recall seeing any.
  9. I have seen the 57 Chevy style Boss Hog trike. I agree this bike isnt practicable by any stretch of the imagination, but neither is any of the ones I see on OCC. SOme look cool if you had a place to show them off. But actually riding?? No way.
  10. HUH???
  11. Wow Brian sold his scoot. I guess thats good for him.
  12. Yea currently my GPS resides on the right hand side in a RAM mount. My plastic e-bay find phone mount has been super for the 5-6yr I have had it and the maybe $20 I spent. I had to glue a rotating swivel it had which was OK as I didnt use it anyways. But I use a velcro to be an extra securing part just incase maybe the grips loosen or something. But a friend had the X mount thing on his Road star last year and it looked like it worked great. Both are mounted behind the windscreen and unless its a gully washer I usually dont fret it.
  13. I think that would be a gas smell then.
  14. If you try to plan around weather here we will never get together. LOL I saw weather tonite and rain dont look any worse than 40% and thats after 4pm on the Gulf coast side. I'm game. My speed bleeders showed up today and I plan to get them in before SAt. We will probably just head across SR 64, I was going to pick up Retired Golfer buy he is out of town so he tells me.
  15. NOPE this is it. They will just fall in line with everybody else.
  16. Typically what I use a reference on used vehicles is a combo of KBB and NADA. Why there is such a spread of the two agencies I dont know. But I will take both and then average them out, and that seems to be pretty fair. Salvage titles kind of scar me. If you know going in you are never going to get retail and are OK with that its one thing. But you sure as heck dont want to pay retail for it either. To many variables on it. If it was a theft recovery and they stole the wheels and interior say thats one thing, but if it was drove into a lake well..... I have thought more than a few times about pickin gup a salvage title say Victory Vision or Cross Country. But most of the time they are "totaled" is because the plastics is all fubar, and we know how much it costs to replace that stuff even though nothing is really wrong with the bike itself. If I did buy one I would have to go in with the knowledge that I was going to drive it until it quit or I quit.
  17. Try that. Bubber
  18. Keith, You say you mounted up the Utopia backrest. Are you sure possibly the bolts are not to long? Also on the shoe boot thing, my wife melted her heel of a pair of boots on mine on the Vulcan and never knew it until she got off and was walking wobbly.
  19. I'm not much inot the whole retro look indian thinig, but a buddy sent this pic to me.
  20. Yea a small dab of RTV works and wont kill the plastics.
  21. Heres the listing from Star $210 and tinted it seems is the way they are like it or not.
  22. OH OK lowers. I have made some of my own before on a 900 Vulcan. They were easy as they were flat lexan. The ones on the forks of the RSV wouldn't be bad. But I dont think the average guy could fabricate the ones attached to the faring.
  23. Youll have to educate me on a "fairing protector" When I google it it shows up sport bike stuff. Whats it do? Whats it look like. Got a link?
  24. On decell? I think wrist pins make noise mainly on decell. But if you say its on the left side, possibly stator related?
  25. That confounded blue high beam light has been a !@$!@ of mine for years. When I was in the USAF and we would drive to Fla from OK it was usually me at night. I usually have the dash lights low to reduce eye strain and if you are running the brights that blue light bothers me bad. I would use black electrical tape on the dash of the car.
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