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Everything posted by djh3

  1. The Buddy Rich cable and similar cables from other suppliers are supposed to allow you to use your blue tooth thru a GPS and your phone to talk on the phone over the OEM intercom system. Being as you have BT headsets it would do nothing for you.
  2. With your leveling links did you relocate the rear brake caliper? I remember reading something about relocating it for some reason. Also for me being a bit shorter I let the front forks down in the triple tree about 3/4". then when I did change tires I went with the 130 Michelin Commander 2 in front. I really didnt notice any worse stability on the highways or any of that jazz. But I also only got to put about 3k on the OEM front tire as the PO had run the pressure to low and it was about gone.
  3. Wouldnt a flat 4 with a separate ground work? Run-Brake-Lt-Rt and then a separate ground?
  4. I probably have a spare or 2 in the tool box I could throw in an envelope.
  5. djh3


    Mike , while I luckily have not had an accident I am sort of the same boat. I have a back problem I had surgery on in 09. Its acting up again and the VA doc say no way to fix but fuse bones. Well As of now I dont care to go under the knife. I am going to seek a second opinion from the doc that did the cutting the first time. So what if it costs me a few bucks. Its kind of like the guys with answers on here to a problem. You get the best info you can and go from there. hope you have a good recovery.
  6. Hmm says motor is from GM. I wonder where the ignition switch is from?
  7. Not big on suction cup mount. I have seen some with it on a second gen last yer up in NC. I thought it was pretty amazing it stayed on. When you go looking on e-bay put the model number in the search. like the GA57U and see what comes up. Biggest thing on the handlebar part is how long the arm is and where you want it to be. That one looks to be the typical I think 4" length. Check here for mount. Here for GPS part. You may be able to get both from same place and save shipping. Takes a little looking around.
  8. Beltfed, try just some RTV gasket silicone on the end of the bolt and screw it back together. Should do same thing. Finger nail polish will also work on the threads.
  9. http://www.rammount.com/Gallery/images/RAM-HOL-GA26U/RAM-HOL-GA262.jpg GPS sits down in lower lip and then tilt up and it "snaps" in with clip in center. I bought an X mount they have for my phone. Actually I bought an kit with the arm and handlebar mount for a Tom Tom and the X mount separate. It was cheaper than ordering up the X mount specifically once I found what I wanted on e-bay. lol
  10. I have had a couple of the ummmm less expensive type phone mounts shall we say. And like someone else said ya get what you pay for. One of the phone mounts lasted about a month. Mount similar to this one he has pictured. I think the piece right where it goes to the handlebar fixture gave up the ghost. Lucky for me I was pulling up to a pump @ a gas station and was about 5 mph and cord attached, so it just plopped ont eh tank. The other was a much better outcome. I actually just replaced it with a RAM mount one. I have had the knock off one since like 2008. But very similar mount to handle bars as RAM. Behind the fairing and even just the windshields like the TD if mounted in rite place they wont hardly get wet unless its a downpour.
  11. djh3

    More air flow

    Have no idea. Just when I went to the thread link, I had to read like 9 posts before got to one actually showing where to find them. So I thought I would clean the link up. Honestly I cant see how the Yami ones even mount up. Funny though, all the pics I found on a yahoo searc for the Bakers almost everyone of them had the Kuryakyn foot pegs. LOL
  12. Some I have read have a hard time occasionally to get the GPS to switch screens or program thru the cover. I personally use the RAM Mount and ole zip lock bag if necessary. Crude but effective.
  13. I would say contact MA61AMECH (Steve) He builds harness that is plug and play for both the light bars and additional lights and trailer hook ups. He is well versed in the wiring for the trailer stuff and may have a good idea whats going on. To me it sounds like some how you are getting a back feed of power from trailer connection to the light bar once plugged into trailer.
  14. djh3

    More air flow

    Well link in that post for Yami parts you still had to search. So I think this is the real place. for them. They look to only mount at bottom. Running thru a rain shower unless its a frog choker my knees are the only thing that gets soaked. I dont see a way to fix that. Its just what gets past the lowers on the fairing and the fork wings.
  15. So what does the wire do? Does it hold a section of discs in? Does it go back in when you add the extra disc? On one of your last pics you show the cover/pressure plate with the dot. I guess that goes at same place as the previous pic with dot on drum. Mine is still good to go, but If/when I need to do this info is good.
  16. What kind of info you looking for? Here is a link to one.
  17. I also am not a big fan of free advertising for a big company like that either. Just me. Thats part of why I have a hard time understanding why all these HD folks just run rite out and buy all the stuff and pay to advertise for them. Now if the Rad cover had some generic lightning bolts or geometric design I would be more inclined I think. But hey if you like it go for it. Worse thing could be the chrome starts to peel and you sand it and paint it. No biggie. I am thinking about making a rad screen from some lath I think they call it. Sort of expanded metal looking stuff but it is very light weight and easy to cut. I have a piece cut and wraped the edge with some 1/4 plastic tube so there is not a sharp edge. just need to figure how I'm going to attach it.
  18. Ah heck you can use that hing in the summer and then bring the Victory down here in the winter and ride.
  19. Pretty much a standard disclaimer on most anything you purchase off e-bay from China or anywhere overseas.
  20. Was board after lunch. So I went shopping. Here might be something that is reasonable compaired to the $80+ trucklite jobs. Least expensive ones are $52
  21. Even though I live in Fl where I could probably be on the water every day they are not for me. but if you like it thats what counts. I dont have good memories of boating when I was a kid and my dad had one. Way to much time in the shallows with motor raised and him changing a sear pin for the prop.
  22. I went for the inline jobs. Less money. they work great only thing is you or the other person needs to remember to turn them on. You will get use to it pretty quick. You will also be able to tell when she leaves hers on. If I hear her start to talk and not really hear her I know she has forgot to push the switch and I tap my helmet by my ear. If she leaves it on to long I will ask her to switch off. I think she has figured out when its one too. For half the money I'm happy.
  23. $79 each right?
  24. Rotella T6 full synthetic. I use the gold purolator L14610 or Mobil 1 M1-110 or Bosch 3323
  25. Came thru last Sept. My RSV with extra light bar under trunk and my buddy on his HD Softail. Neither of us got anything in the mail He had a tail bag on the rack so maybe that helped him. Or they didnt want to pay postage to send it to us.
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