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Everything posted by djh3

  1. My problem with the ride on is I like the balance beads. I would think when you put the goop in the beads would make one big ball of yuck.
  2. A strip of window tint if you got some excess laying around would probably cover it.
  3. I almost think the "surge brakes" would be good on a trailer for a bike. As the weight comes forward, the coupler slides and applies the brakes.
  4. I was spending some time the other day looking up filters. One I looked up spec was the fram MC filter. I wont run one by choice but was looking for pressure relief valve. Both the Fram and the purolator l 14610 have 1 psi relief.
  5. Over on the Kawasaki forums when I got my 900 vulcan a few guys were making them out of 2x12 or something. Good enough to change oil or something, but dont think I want to try to change a tire.
  6. Maybe an important text the truck had to see?
  7. Sad to say this happens to often on the narrow back roads we as motorcyclist enjoy. you get big trucks that probably should not be on them and they cant make a "legal" corner on the road. The Dragon use to have some terrible ones before they stopped allowing semi up there.
  8. Kirby, I got tired of the always on woosh. I bought a pair of the inline on/off mute buttons. Works good for us. The other thing I have done lately is I made a connector to run my earbuds along with the headset. Thus I dont have to run the volume so high on IC and radio etc to hear it. Before radio would be say 12-14 now is at about 8-10 maybe less. IC use to have to be up around 14 now @ 6=7
  9. I will tell you where I would start looking next. Does the bike have passing lights installed? Are they on a relay. Look up under by the front forks. The wires for the signals and fog/passing lights run sort of under in front and go in an area that is by the turn stops for the forks. Mine got pinched in there and shorted out the lights. The dealer wires in the passing lights with a guillotine lock to the headlight, so if something goes wrong with passing lights and shorts out it takes the headlight with it.
  10. this kind of thing has to me always been the achilles heel of electronic ignition parts. work now, then maybe not, then maybe. And no parts house will guarantee stuff once it leaves the door. but for the most part its pretty reliable stuff. But when it goes bad, brother as you have seen it can be a snowball effect. One part goes bad, draws more juice and burns something else up and .......
  11. Barry, is this helmet set up for bluetooth? Or you just looking for similar set up as venture only in I think its 7 pin formatt
  12. In reality if its name brand fuse IE: Buss, Little fuse etc they are the same weather they come from wally world or parts house. I would however look into the wiring of the passing lights. They are notorious for putting the glass fuse jobs in and not using a relay and just tacking into the headlight circuit. Then the passing light fuse looks like this one.
  13. I looked to be some sort of bonding agent when I looked at them the other day. but you couldn't really see on the mic part where it was attached. like existing solder or anything. From my own searches J&M and sierra and edsets look to be $60+ for a mic. for about $20 more you get all new stuff. I am messing around building a homemade headset and so far the mic has been my stumbling block. I have been busy on another project of lately here so thats been on the back burner.
  14. those type hub caps are available for golf carts also. Nice looking piece.
  15. I want to get some LED jobs and mount them off the two bolts that hold the lowers on. I have not yet sit down to figure out how I want to stand them off from the body work. also not sold on shape I want. Rectangle, square, round.
  16. since doing quite a bit of OHM checking here lately (way more than I want to) and seeing folks mention range setting. I noticed my Craftsman meter does not have any kind of range setting option. Closest one I can find was this. Looks pretty close dial wise for selections. http://c.shld.net/rpx/i/s/i/spin/image/spin_prod_40847701?hei=624&wid=624&qlt=50,0&op_sharpen=1&op_usm=0.9,0.5,0,0 I also have a couple of the $4 harbor freight jobs banging around somewhere.
  17. I found the same thing on some of the wires I was chasing when we talked before. Wires would be one color and then the wires on otherside of connector to switch or whatever would be adifferent color. Stupid in my book.
  18. So if say you start to get some slippage and want to up grade. But the bike has the dreaded clutch whine, dont the basket have to come out anyways?
  19. Fuel filter is on inlet side of fuel line to pump. That way it traps gunk before the pump eats it. The bigger box under the seat/battery area where the SCS or whatever the heck that safety related gizmo that went TU is I think is where igniter is located.
  20. Yup I have to agree with Condor on the storage issue. A luggage rack and travel bag has been much ore adjustable and usable. It kind of depends on your co-rider if you have one. Mine loves the convenience of the trunk to just toss stuff in on a day ride. But I suppose you could go the leatherlike or River Roads route with the "hard type" leather trunk bags. All mine save one are soft type. I have one that is a first gear roll aboard that is actually a roll aboard suitcase and a big ole velcro strap to go around the sissy bar/backrest. If you went the "hard type" leather it would sort of be like a trunk to toss odds and ends in. Mine was the blue on far right side. The jacket is covering the bag but you get the idea. Packing the RSV for a week trip with the wife is...... well a project. But after 4 or so years traveling on the bike in fall she is getting better at it. Found a pic from a NC trip with wife.this is the second and the first gear bag I was mentioning.
  21. Sylvester Sorry if you thought that was fer you. It was meant for OP. There are some good stuff in his area or within an hour or so drive.
  22. I know someone who can make you a plug that plug right into the harness, no fuss no muss. :wink:
  23. Barry I know kind of what you mean on the group dynamics thing. I would like to find a group to ride with but most I have seen around here seem to be more interested in riding up the road to the nearest pub and spending a couple hours then down the road to the next one. thats ot my bag. So I still look on occasion. The group here, although some have branched off to other bikes all have had a common point of the Venture or Tour Deluxe. Its good we can poke fun at each other and not want to bring a lawsuit. You look for the wind up and the pitch. Then sit back and work n a comeback. Its been good getting to know all the Fla group. Now if UPS or Fedex who ever has Retiredgolfers Hagon shock would deliver it I can get him out and riding. Cant give him to much grief. I can only imagine how much I would get in return if I find a bargain priced Victory and swap.
  24. I use Avast anti-virus (free) malwarebytes also free and if it still has issues spybot. So far so good. I did get some kind of PIA junkware that downloaded with something else I wanted. you kind of have to watch exactly where and what button you are actually downloading. Some of these bugs are so bad you have to reformat. Most of those I have run across have been imbedded in something and you have no idea. You can also try to restore to previous date, but it sill leaves the junk on there. Now if they only made some sort of junkware remover for the bloatware on my phone I dont care to have.
  25. I will have to say someone beat me to it. the plasti-dip stuf is pretty cool. On the second gen you get a problem with the gas cap shining back in the windshield. So I painted the top of the cap with some black and it matches the rubber that goes around the tank pretty well. Oh yea and it comes in different colors also. So if you like the white, you could still stay with that, just a less shiny one.
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