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Everything posted by djh3

  1. what the E 4 going to be?
  2. here is the listing. If you want to DIY, here is a wire diagram of relay in general.
  3. Are they a sleved cyl? Could be a cracked sleve, sucks water after it warms up a bit.
  4. Motorcycle superstore. I just looked up the front only and its under $140
  5. Hmm may have to call mine Arnold. Its not as nimble as the 900 Vulcan was thats for sure. But you learn to adjust.
  6. I took a memphis shades shield I had around and cut it to fit the RSV. I thought I got it measured rite, but if it was an inch or 2 taller it wouldnt be bad. My fault with the short one is if I get caught in rain its a tick to short to send the rain over you. And it has a tendancy to dry my eyes out on long rides.
  7. Bottomfeeder, Trumbo is where you check in if I remember. Is it off to the right like right after you get on the key? Truman was kind of nice, but is still quite a walk to the square or whatever and down to duvall. Shoot its probably a 30 min walk atleast to the square. And thats before cocktails.
  8. Ill send a plug out for carbon one I think it is. He makes a plug in harness for horns I think.
  9. I dont know the specifics on "regular" handicap tags here in Fla. But for a disabled vet you have to be 100% disabled. Well Im not that far gone but had called and asked. To me it would make sense if they cost of the tag was rated on your disability. IE you are 20% you pay 20% of tag fee. So I asked the gal on the phone if Im 100% disabled how in the heck can I drive? Then a few days later I pull into the Wally World park lot. Here is a Jeep cj type with purple heart tags. Then some girl like18 or 20 hops in and drives away. No way she is a Viet Nam purple heart vet. So how in the heck does she rate one os those? GRR just burns me.
  10. Yup pretty much everything mentioned here. My very first thought was "what kind of air pressures" were in the tires. Sounds like the front could be soft. I am running Shinkos Tourmaster 230 and run 40 at both ends, my Michelins (which was a 130 in front) was about the same. Steering head bearings may need a bit of tightening, they do seem to back off for some reason. I lowered the front forks about 3/4"in on mine to help with slow speed stuff. I have heard that doing the lowering links help in the rear for seat height, but on the other side of that actually raises the front height and thus steering goes to pot at slower speeds. At that mileage I can even consider the swing arm bearings or front forks being bad. Rear shock, you bet. Take a peak under it, if the shock bolt is oily the shock is bad and is just south of $500 for parts and about an hour to change.
  11. You silly people. Thats why there is that red button on the key thingy ma bob. You start it up from inside the house, let'er warm up. It melts the snow around it some and then you push the panic button so you can fine tune you location skills.
  12. There are several. Air rider.com Air rider, Ed sets. J&M & IMC
  13. Shoot I have no idea what it had over 9 weeks ago. I can tell you I have ran over 12 tanks of fuel thru.
  14. I keep seeing this thread and get more ideas. Being I am retired military I could hop scotch around to different bases and stay on base or abase camp ground for less than some motels. Hmm Being I am out of work right now it is wayyy to ez to think about going riding instead of looking for a job this summer.
  15. Well I improver my passing lights to some decent LED bulbs and am happy with thier output for the price. So I think the aux lights I want are low now. So back to your idea. Do you have the 4.5" passing lights on the bar? I just went out with a quick idea. The clamps for the lights I have will fit arounf the stalk of,the turn signal. So you could munt the lights to the outside of the turn signal between the passing light and top ot the turn signal. Right now my passing lights are laying on top of the fender as I have the fairing apart, so dont know what all the clearences are. Tomorrow I should be able to put it back together as I have my power wires and stuff all run.I'll get a couple pics of what Im talking about so you can get an idea and visual.
  16. My experience is batteries tend to show up bad in cold weather.I wonder if it was sos cold that the fluid in the battery was frozen. hmmm I dont like workin in cold temps neither sooo
  17. OK not tryin to be a wise acre here, but where does the brake pedal go? Somehow it has to either compress a master or some type valve to send fluid to the caliper. Now in a search I did looking for location I did run across a couple write ups about proportioning valves.
  18. I was actually hesitant to open the thread based on title. lol There is sooo much stuff to learn on new cars you almost have to go to a class.
  19. Aint it great? I can remember having to go to the library on base after work, look up in the chiltons manual what I needed. Then make copies to take home or write down notes. Now you can find all kinds of usefull and ocasionaly usless info via the net.
  20. I buy a lot of my connectors from Joe over at http://www.cycleterminal.com Hey has a good selection of weather tight type connectors also.
  21. Well I dont know about the engineer part, but many years of aircraft maintenance and sheet metal work and building race cars. You do pick up a few tricks here and there. Also when I worked for U-Haul we use to have a crack in the skin, stop drill and put a sealant on the rivet and shot a rivet in the hole. The idea being it will hold the skin together.
  22. We made the trip down Labor Day weekend. We took the cage. From my place in the middle of the state its like 4hr just to where you get on US 1 heading down @ Homestead. Then from there down is like another 5hr or so I think. Not a bad drive, in some places pretty congested in small towns with 2 lane lots of business on the side of road and tons of traffic. Coming back was a whole nother story. We averaged about 30mph getting off the islands. Stop and go and pretty much bumper to bumper. I would like to take the bike down there, but I dont think the wife wants to ride 9-10 hours in exhaust fumes.
  23. Don, hang on to the one you got. If we meet up for a meet and eat bring it with you. Maybe I can fix it and you can either keep for spare or sell it and make your money back..
  24. Eck along with your temp repair, to keep it from cracking any further stop drill the end of the crack. Drilling it will make the stress that caused the crack have to work around the entire hole vs the 2 sides of the crack. Well thats the theroy.
  25. The winter resident here will be lining up Sunday night.
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