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Everything posted by djh3

  1. Sounds like possibly just some corrosion was limiting how much spark/signal was getting thru
  2. I go in to many thought patterns at a time. Now thinking maybe the Sena SMH 10 may be the way to go.
  3. So all is good? What fixed it? Just a wiggle and reattach everything.
  4. Pretty sure Should have had power wire into unit, a power out and the other wire (probably black) has a ring on it maybe. Should ground out. No instructions with part? Whats it look like?
  5. Coil is a coil far as I know. Got a freind on another board that just went thru coil issues. Let me ask him, Ill get back to you.
  6. OH yea If it has not been changed in 35k it sure would be a good idea.
  7. djh3

    Dead Bike

    Well I guess you can get something bad every once in awhile. I looked at my records since I started keeping them. I made about 10 before I did. I have made over 100 of these and its the first I have had fail. Like we discussed, when I get the old one back I'll look it over to see if I can maybe figure out how it went bad. I'll get a new one out to you soon.
  8. Some of us like the 14610 filter because it is 3.52" long as opposed to the one you mention 2.95. More filter area. I just checked advance and they dont list the ML 16817, so that be why I aint running it.
  9. djh3

    Dead Bike

    Shoot me a PM. I will replace the unit for you. I sure would like to know what the heck went on there. How long has it been installed? I'll make it right. In the probably over 100 units I have made I can say this is the first one that someone has had a problem like this. Almost looks like overheat issue. Maybe a bad connection at plug? Extremely sorry for your troubles.
  10. thanks for the kudo's
  11. Yea maybe if you left the choke on as you tried to throttle up it was to loaded up. I dunno usually mine will cough and accel bad but it will clear and go. It s the lower rpm that suffer.
  12. I wear the sport or wicker type longer underwear. Also either monkey butt powder or some baby powder. Helps
  13. Sounds fuel related. My fuel pump started to die and usually was when I had to switch from main to reserve. But if it didnt catch it would do a very simular action to what you discribed. Almost like pump had to cool off a bit then was fine. Sometimes I almost thought it was vapor lock.
  14. Heck just run you a wire over to the battery to ground it.
  15. Seafoam has Naptha and some IPA (alchol) something else. The Berrymans has worked well for me. I aint drinkin the stuff, just pouring it int the tank and running it thru. Just sayin
  16. Where have you got it installed? Then maybe we can point you in a direction to ground.
  17. djh3

    Why me

    Sloroll maybe?
  18. Most of the time 5-8 over posted on GPS if its on the bike. If I dont have the GPS I'm probably about the same indicated maybe 10 over. Whatever feels comfortable for you for conditions.
  19. Yea well thats what I meant anyways. But right area. I'm not sure I took that piece off when I did the valves. I think I just disconnected the hose, clamped it off and got it out of the way. So that water running around that little pan thing is supposed to cool up there?
  20. I have some of those alcohol pads to clean like before you get a shot. I have used them or you can just use a piece of paper towel with alcohol and install. Its a bugger thought to get your mitts in there.
  21. Not that I know of. When I did the valve adjustment on mine and had to service the antifreeze (second gen you have to drain to do the job) Folks here just recomended any approved for alum radiators. They did say stay away from the Dexcool I think. I just used Autozone pre mixed.
  22. I knew the 2nd gens had the rear wear issue, but had not read that on the 1st gens, I just bought a pair of kevlars for the rear of my 2nd gen.
  23. How come that thing aint got asold sign on it. I would maybe drain old gas, fill her up with some fresh and 6oz or so maybe a bit more of seafoam or berrymans b12 and ride a tank through and see if it dont run better. then a carb sync and prob be pretty dang good. As has been mentioned some things will need addresses weather itwas a 89 or 2009. Tires, hyd fluids flush and fill and maybe a set of plugs and oil change. But heck if you can do the work your only looking at maybe $300.
  24. Us to cary a screwdriver in glove box on my GM stuff. Solenoid always seemed to fail at wrong time. Easy to change though.
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