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Everything posted by djh3

  1. Wow. What did he use, tub and tile silicone? I mean I would use either red or blue rtv. And its not that terrible, but use some common sense. Argh. If you have to reuse the O-ring try heating it up in boiling water to make it a bit more pliable. I will normally put a lite coat to hold the o-ring. But that there looked silly. Maybe he fixed the water pump seal the same way.
  2. Why you standing on your head?
  3. So lloks like we need to find a supplier that will print custom logos on coozies. Put the VR logo and site on it and sell them.
  4. Yup thats the way I have checked them. I tried to run a race car a couple times without one. Thought was if its open it flows more water and stays cooler, right?? WRONG There has to be some restriction in there to slow the water down so it conducts the heat and then carries it out to radiator. But we use to knock the centers out or drill several holes in them centers. but we were not worried about cold start ups and warming up correctly either.
  5. Sure wish I could take couple weekes to go ride. Have a good time and be safe. Hope the storms miss you.
  6. Yea if nothing else you got dimensions for that one. So didnt know if you had yours out or not.
  7. HID works good for headlight. A couple fellows have tried the CREE headlights, but I don't recall a report back on how well they work. I added some small CREE LED driving lights down at the road bars that help at night in addition to the CREE LED passing light bulbs I installed.
  8. Found this for a first gen Napa part # 156. I would say probably some of the import cars like honda should use something similar. Attributes:By-Pass Flange Diameter : 1.09" Depth from Flange : 1.37" Design : Bottom By-Pass Flange Diameter : 1.885" Height from Flange : .88" Jiggle Pin : No Temperature Range : 180 Deg Here is a napa page. Maybe you can find a cross for you.
  9. Ya someone here was just looking for on of the critters. It should run just up under the passenger seat I think. Or you can look for one of them i simple thingies
  10. I seem to remember something about the DOT 5 will hurt the rubber parts on our bikes. Look thru the second gen tech section and maybe search brake fluid or DOT4
  11. Hmmm I see it on PC. Wonder what the deal is. I can see other pics posted by folks.
  12. Funny, when I look at this thread on my pc it shows the picture I attached. On my tablet no pic. Do you all see the pic?
  13. Hey before you tear it apart. Swing by autozone. They have a cooling system pressure test set. You can presurize the system and see if the leak is up top maybe.
  14. Drop me a pm. They are in the vender member area, but not always the easiest to find there. Just drop me a PM and I will shoot you my e mail. The standard is $25 and keyless is $33. Pay Pal is about the easiest.
  15. You know when I first read this post heading, I said to myself "any road around here". Barry you forgot to mention the stupidly high amounts of wrong way drivers here in the last year. Seems to epidemic for some reason.
  16. Glad your OK. Lots of those type crossings in Oklahoma and Texas in them parts. Usually there is a large yardstick type thing close by so you can see how deep it is. Being i t has been so wet out that way may be why water and moss is still on it. Usually by this time of year its been 100+ for a couple months and water would normally be long gone I would think.
  17. Trying to figure out how to attach the PDF I have. Instruction sheet 2nd.pdf
  18. Well the open and shut was just short description. They usually act as a "flow gate" type thing you said kind of like when you take a shower and find that "rite" temperature. EXCEPT my 96 Ram diesel. That thing hits about 190 watch the gauge and it drops to like 160 or something then it will go back up to 190 when it opens again. Like a door. But I have been told this is normal for those engines. I agree what the wetters do is change the "heat absorption and dissipation" properties of the water. The thermo is still going to open @ 190 flowing. But just incase someone is thinking about it the wetters as far as I know have little to no antifreeze properties.
  19. When I did my research, I think I came to the conclusion that the dex cool wasnt going in my bike. As for any of the ice, super coolant type stuff before I did thechange some of the discussions were with a thermostat in it is going to run at the presribed temp no matter what you got in it. Anti freeze or the ice stuff if thermostat is say 210 its going to heat to 210 and open. Then when it cools so far it closes and cycles.
  20. ECK, I'd be afraid some JA would walk by and think its real then destroy my gas cap to steel a fake dollar. But looks OK. I wrapped tape around the outside of my cap, then painted the center with the plasti dip stuff. This stuff is great. Sort of a rubberized paint and if you dont likke it you can peel it off. I painted a helmet with it and its holding up will. Been a year or more and no chips in it yet.
  21. I painted mine with black plasti dip paint. Whats nice is if you decide in a couple months you can peel the stuff rite off. It also ends up with a finnish that looks close to the black plastic surround thing by cap on the RSV.
  22. From where to where? The one from the harness to the player will probably be a Yamaha only or used item. Nobody has used c-bus cables in about 15yr. At one time I had located a source because I was working on building a cable or find schematic for building an I-pod cable.
  23. Search e bay for "motorcycle air horn" I bought a couple wolo ot srebel knock off types srill many many db and they were lkke 20 bucks a piece. Just remember if you mount up one ofthese it needs to be on a relay. Also there are some "beep" type horns that are pretty good. Listed under "sickspeed" .
  24. djh3

    Ram mounts

    I have gone thru 2 plastic phone mounts off e bay. For the money the were OK. When the last one started to get loose I shopped e bay and watched for deals. Picked up the X looking mount thing for under $30 if I remember rite. My GPS mount has been great to.Quality stuff if anybody is thinking about it. Mounts are not cheap, but chasing whats left of your phone skidding down the road.........well priceless.
  25. One of the reasons I am leaning to the 10 is the way it connects. The cradle had better reviews and I like that there is several options as far as speakers vs ear buds or you can plug in a source via wire if you want. But for the most part , yea I think the 5 does the job. And as for the i simple thing the i pods that work with it are high even in the used market.
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