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Everything posted by djh3

  1. Guess that varies by state. Fla you would pay sales tax, then buy tags. As far as I know.
  2. Just sayin, if your the first you should get credit. LOL Seriously looks as though you might get the spring off, but couldnt really see and set screws or the like in the pics I found. Its not all bad if they have a shock that fits. After all you would ha e to do some trial and error, and could get expensive.
  3. Call Guinness and let them know when your starting.
  4. The Valkyrie is definitely a nice scoot. Problem there also is they only made the "touring" model for a very few years if I remember right. I think they called it Interstate. 3yr run maybe? Guess was cutting into the immortal GW segment. Trunk is nice, but I could carry more gear for the wife and I on my 900 with a luggage rack and soft bags. Nice for local stuff and day trips, place to put extra glasses and flip flops or something. But I could do the same with one of those GIGI or whatever the name is add on removable trunks too. Depending on your buget you might look at a Victory Cross Country. They are smooth and to me have a good power band.
  5. The thread I remember about adapting the RK muffs I thought the fellow bought the pieces at like autozone or advance. Thinking a little more I think maybe he had to fishmouth the 2 adapter together to make the pipes fit.
  6. I would check with Hagon. For the Second Gen they make a good replacement shock that is custom built and also rebuildable. It is a non-air shock and has bump adjustment.
  7. Dont count out a Tour Deluxe in the 05-09 years either. All the comforts of a 2nd Gen, without the big fairing and trunk.
  8. Currently now on my 2nd Gen I am running shinko tourmaster 230 up front and recently put a 777 on the rear. I like the tread pattern as it cross's the center of the tire to allow water to get out. Motorcycle Superstore has been my go to place. Free shipping over like $89. They will price match also. MC 2 would be my first choice, but last couple times I was on a budget and the Shinkos got good ratings from what I got to read.
  9. I can remember when the guys were comming back from Nam. I was probably 12 or 13. You could see on the news some of the crap going on over there. But I knew even back then, those guys were only doing basicly what they were told. Thats the way the military worked. I sure am glad the way our folks are looking at vets has changed. IMOP alot of the Viet Nam guys got more grief they didnt deserve. Thanks to you for serving in a not so popular time. I know most didnt really have a choice.
  10. Here is a list of some other fine folks. Thanks to my past brother in arms that have served also.
  11. Look at some auto parts stores. See if this helps you out. Several of the types are shown.
  12. OH yea man. WE had one of those when we lived in Oklahoma back when thats what you had to have to get anything besides ABC and PBS. So we had the big dish and saw all the NASCAR races live feed and football games. Kind of wild what the camera guys would look at while on commercial break. So on to the dish vs direct. Back a year or so ago I was ready to 86 the cable as it seemed they kept going up and up. So got a flyer in mail or something and one of the 2 had a good rate for their lowest tier. The available channels in which ever package you choose price wise may sway you. Reception wise I think they are about the same. For me it would cost more than my cable package I have to get the channels we want. As far as local TV for weather alerts or whatever you can just get an HD TV antenna for pretty cheap and that should take car of severe weather.
  13. How comz the training wheels are so far back?
  14. Also the power wire for the switch at the bike harness has been known to corrode or the connection go bad. Then because of the larg draw will melt the connector. There is a write up and some pics here somewhere that show what happens. Sent a fellow some stuff to repair his a couple months back, along with a relay.
  15. Puc, I figured you'd be up for like the Triumph Scrambler or sumtin
  16. Hmmm Maybe us Fl folks need to look at a meet and eat in Jan at like Fords restaurant over there.
  17. Midsrv, your not the only one that tows "over the limits". I see tons of them down here, little 1/2 ton trucks pulling trailer my 3/4 would be more suited to.
  18. Try your gauge on something know to be good. Like your car or truck. See where your gauge is functioning. Sucks to be trying to troubleshoot something with a faulty diagnosis equipment.
  19. Find something and tie the clutch handle down over night. It probably has air trapped and its a bear to get out. Tien the handle down overnight should allow it to find its way out the return hole in reservoir. If I remember how the story goes correctly. When I change mine I make sure I still have fluid in the holes and get the crud out of the crevices. But that way fluid stays in the pick ports.
  20. You know when I first started reading this, I thought immediately OH no its not hooked to anything. This could go really bad quick. Had a scary moment or 2 loading a stock car on a flat bed trailer a couple times.
  21. After this falls ride in the mountains, I have had my fill for awhile. LOL I ride at my pace as I'm the one paying my medical. I'm not all that advanced anymore on the twisties fast. Just dont stay in practice much here in Fla. And the RSV is not really a bike for that. But unless your well of financially, to me it depends on what makes most sense for day to day for you. I would like to buy something a little bit lighter, but definitely lower CG. I like the Victory Vision (not really lighter) or a Cross Country or Crossroads, about 200# lighter. But all have a lower CG so handling is more crisp and light. But for now as much riding as I do, money wise I am having a hard time convincing myself to spend the cash (or finance really)
  22. What, that blue bike dont look comfortable for 10hr in the saddle?
  23. Unless you get an OEM really cheap, go with a Hagon.
  24. I would like to have a lot of them back now. All I have to do is see an episode of Barrett Jackson and think I could finance 2 retirements of those cars. My first car a 65 Mustang 272hp/289 4spd car coupe not fastback. 69 Dart GTS 383 4spd car. Also a car I really liked was my 71 Maverick Grabber factory V-8 car with 3spd on floor. After that trany died twice I put a ford 10 bolt top loader in it. Looked like this one http://www.walleyecentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=123498&d=1419908036
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