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Everything posted by Prairiehammer

  1. Gary, "XVZ12TDK" and "1984 Venture Royale" are contradictory. Model XVZ12TDK would describe a 1983 Royale. A 1984 Royale would be model XVZ12DL. The one sure method of determining your bike's model year (and model) is via the VIN. I have looked through my database and do not find any Venture attributed to you. Perhaps you would submit your Venture's VIN and build date to me? Thank you.
  2. Only on a 1990-1993. See above, my comment.
  3. Did someone say there was going to be a chili cook-off at P.I.P.? Might be a bit overcooked (is there such a thing as overcooked chili?), but I could possibly cook my chili on the way up...on the front or rear head or both. Perhaps some aluminum foil wrapped around the header pipes and funneled to a makeshift heat shield/pan? Hmmm, wonder how (or good) chili cooked that way would be after 600 plus miles?
  4. No. All First Gen Venture TCIs will be either 26H-**(1983), 41R-**(1984-1989) or 3JJ-**(1990-1993). The 4XY-** (Second Gen Venture?) will not work on any First Gen Venture.
  5. Yes, ANY 41R-** will work on your 1984. The eBay seller is incorrect when he/she says the 41R-11 will fit "1986-1993". It will work on 1984-1989, but not 1990-1993 (or 1983).
  6. Dano, Since a new Sprag unit (starter clutch) from Yamaha is so expensive, could not one just purchase a used Second Gen Venture rotor with clutch, remove it from the unusable Second Gen rotor and send you the Second Gen clutch and a First Gen rotor? You would then machine the First Gen rotor to accept the Second Gen starter clutch at a big savings for parts. I presume one would also have to have the Second Gen big gear?
  7. When it comes to Venture frame flex, one thing that many folks don't check is the fasteners on the removable lower frame section on the right side. Yamaha was pretty adamant about making sure those Allen head bolts were properly torqued. Apparently, (according to a Tech Bulletin) those fasteners were prone to loosening.
  8. BJ, if you are patient, the full Big Bike Parts trunk light can be found occasionally on eBay. I had the BBP trunk light on my 1990 but the 1991 did not have it, so I kept an eye on eBay, and just a couple months ago, I discovered a complete unbroken BBP trunk light for $22US with free shipping! (GLOAT!). I have yet to install the Big Bike Parts trunk light on the 1991, partly because the thicker BBP light may not fit on mine, as I have the accessory VentureLine Tour Box Trim Rail, ABA-26HCD-19-00 and the clearance between that rail and the BBP light lens may be too small. But I did add this LED light as a high mounted brake light and mounted it to the trunk luggage rack. It really makes a difference. http://www.ebay.com/itm/171492691883?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT $15US with free shipping.
  9. Thank you guys for your contributions. Blaine, I always appreciate the Canadian VINs. Helps to answer questions about the timing of Canadian vs. US builds. Pete, your 1987 Royale, XVZ13DT was not offered in Black/Silver by the factory. The 1987 Royale was available in Alluvial Gold/Silky Gold or in Elegant Brown/Imperial Brown. It seems it may have been repainted twice. Wade, your Venture is a California bike. It is also the latest California 1993 I have in the database. Thanks all for your contributions.
  10. Regarding the original inquiry about the tabs on the front of the saddlebag guards: Yes those tabs are where the helmet locks were mounted on SOME 1991-1993. My 1991 has helmet locks under the trunk, but a friend's 1991 (below) has the helmet locks on the saddlebag guards. As for the aftermarket passenger foot risers that are mounted to the front of the saddlebag guards; those were manufactured by Kriss and were called "Starsteps". Kriss made them for Ventures and for Gold Wings. Yamaha offered them as an official Yamaha VentureLine accessory (ABA-1NLCD-20-00). The VentureLine version of the Kriss Starsteps has the Venture Vivaldi "V" engraved into the bottom of the foot riser. The non-VentureLine Kriss Starsteps have a "shooting star" logo cast into the step bottom. I have a set of VentureLine Starsteps, shown here on my 1990. I have since transferred them to the 1991. Debbie finds those Starsteps quite useful, allowing for different foot positions.
  11. Stock is supposed to be 10KΩ±10%. Page 7-16 of the 1983-1985 manual. You said "1987" XVZ12 but you meant 1984?
  12. 1. Partially plugged pilot circuit on one or more carbs. 2. Air/vacuum leak. 3. Initial cold idle speed set too high. Lower the idle to under 950 rpm.
  13. WoW! Mike! THAT is one freaking big BUTT! (tire) The butt sitting on the bike is however, much smaller. Your "honey butt" look like that one, BJ?
  14. Yes, a stubby #3 screwdriver will work. Preferably an insert bit in a 1/4" socket with a ratchet. You will be able to push up with one hand and turn with greater torque with the other. Give the screws a shot of penetrating oil tonight and try in the AM. Mine came right out on both bikes. Still hankering for some tuna. Or swordfish. Or even tilefish.
  15. While you CAN attempt to saw off the ears of the TCI while it is still mounted in the bike, I would first attempt to remove the screws holding it. Then cut off the ears. Yes, the pic is of my 1991 (newer than yours) but all the First Gen Ventures are identical under the "hood". You can do the same thing as I, to your '84. BTW: Got any tuna?
  16. What happened to "1-800-gogetyerown!"? I tried to call the 1-800-win-3030 number and I got some dude with an Indian or Pakistani accent. I couldn't understand everything he said, but he did indicate that I could get a small butt if I would simply purchase the snake oil he was selling. Thanks alot, BJ. Lotta help you are. I already have a bony butt. Mine.
  17. You can't see the TCI, if the battery box and air box are in place. The TCI is under the battery box, mounted to the coil rack. I sawed the mounting ears off my TCI with a bandsaw. JUST fits under the faux tank cover, while nestled up against the battery.
  18. I've never removed them, although I have relocated the fairing bags to the handlebars, for the knee room. The trunk bag is handy for the passenger, and most thieves wouldn't figure out what it took to remove the bag, especially in the dark. I remove the GPS(s) from the handlebars for the night and cover the bike with a "half-cover" at night. Of course, everything is locked. (Knock on wood), I've never had an issue...even in Cleveland...or even in Canada...
  19. Interesting. What's her name and number? JK:big-grin-emoticon:
  20. Regarding the erratic or non existent timing advance: although it is uncommon, I know of at least one instance where the rotor/flywheel Woodruff key was sheared and the rotor/flywheel was misaligned and in fact moving on the crankshaft.
  21. I removed (and relocated) the TCI on both my '90 and '91 by first removing the airbox, the lower fairings, the radiator "triangular mesh covers" and the black plastic cover over the front head and then using a #3 Phillips bit (one inch insert) in a ¼" socket inserted onto a short handled ratchet, I removed the two "Phillips" head screws holding the TCI. I also removed the two "Phillips" head screws holding the boost sensor. I returned the boost sensor to its factory location after I had removed the TCI. Removing the boost sensor gave me a bit more room to remove the TCI. When I replaced the boost sensor, I used conventional hex head bolts, instead of the OEM Phillips. Slide the black plastic head cover out the left side of the bike. One does not have to remove the battery box.
  22. Agree. But sometimes one has to bite one's tongue, for the sake of household harmony.
  23. I can dig that. I've got lots of toys, but fortunately, lots of space(s); but I am constantly reminded of the adage: "Nature abhors a vacuum." (The more space you have, the more stuff you get to fill that space.) I own space for eight cars. And yet, even though I don't own eight cars, it is sometimes a struggle to discover space for the latest toy.
  24. The simplest answer: Buy a running 1986+ Venture and have one of each to ride depending on your mood that day. If you want an even lighter look, leave the trunk off altogether.
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