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Everything posted by Lassesand

  1. I'm using Metzeler Marathon ME880 rear. I'll test using sound deadening material around the airbox. I will also use earplugs on longer trips.
  2. OK, I have only been riding my XVZ1200 for a couple of miles (50 perhaps) but I think the noice from the airbox is quite loud. I also have som intermittent howling from the rear that comes and goes as you lean the bike from side to side. Has anyone tried to put in some sound absorbing material under the tank dummy? The rear howling, is it perhaps bad bearings in the rear wheel?
  3. I have som troubles that is electrical related. First problem was that the clock turned off with the ignition and that the turn signals sometimes failed to work. I did find corrosion in a connector behind the front lamp and after some cleaning these problems disapeared:cool10:. Now does the revcounter is showing to little and is sagging (reacting very slow to canges) . I assume that I should search for more faulty connectors, or ? The fuel meter did play me a trick today; suddely the level sank like a stone and the warning light started to blink. After a couple of minutes the meter rose and all was well again:080402gudl_prv:. And, non electrical; the speedometer shows a bit to little (not so important), have compared with my sons Z1000J and also by judjing from the rate at wich I pass cars... But the odo and the trip is stuck! I Had a similar problem with my Yamaha TT600; fixed it by splitting the meter and lubing very gentle with WD40 at the right places (oxide/rust). Is it difficult to split the speedometer on a XVZ1200?
  4. Thanks for the info!
  5. Is the antidive crap or just no looking good? It seems like mine don't work and I have a hard time bleeding my brakes. Perhaps removing the antidive will make the bleeding easier? Thanks for the tip using film strips to clean out the seals! I seems to work!
  6. One of my carb slides have separated from the diaphragms Now, if I should glue it, how tight should the seam be? One the other slides I can rotate the diaphragms! Since even pin holes are affecting performance I guess that it must be pretty tight! If I use superglue between the steel insert and the slider, will I ever be able to separate them again?
  7. Does the 1200 and 1300 share the same carbs? I guess that the jets etc are different but is the rest identical?
  8. I would be very thankful for any info about the supplier of diaphragms to the XVZ. I have three bad out of four that I needed to patch up or glue.
  9. I did find an OEM windshield at bikebandit.com for $88.96 and that seems to be a fair price. Can I perhaps find an even cheaper somwhere else? I live in Sweden so toll, vat and freight will be added... My windshield is "milky" and I don't think it will pass MOT /Lars
  10. I just want to say you Todd! Today I have made the first ride with my -84 XVZ with the Ingitech TCI and it seems to work OK! The main problem (the over 2000 rpm idle etc) was that the carbs were totally out of synch and that the exhaust system had several leaks. After extensive welding and and optical synch I think it works great! Low and steady idle (1000 rpm) and good respons when pulling the trottle. I synched the carbs by looking at the butterfly valven after removing the trottles. The fact that they are reflective made things easier. A more precis synch may make it go even better but this is good enough for me right now.
  11. Thank you Todd for a quick and precise answer This weekend I have wrestled with the exhaust system in search for a leak. Found that the seals at the end of the two rear stumps where gone! Did find a small hole at the collector (can be welded) and a loose baffle inside it. I must order new seals and fix the leaks before next attempt to start it. Thanks again anyway! /Lars
  12. Hello, I've been reading through 199 post (in this thread) twice now I have bought an TCIP4 from IgniTech for my -84 XVZ 1200 and is trying to get the bike running properly. With the new TCI it now fires all 4 cylinders and that good! After cleaning the carbs and adjusting down the idle (to minimum) it still runs hot and idle at 2000 rpm. I used their XVZ-map and as I heard from a lot of you it's crap. As a starting point I would be happy to try one decent map (to use without a MAP (vacuum) sensor) but I get lost in the threads... Can any one send me a good map or a link to where I can find it? And, Todd, is he AKA TVKing? Regards /Lars
  13. I did remove all 4 throttles on my -84 yesterday. Two of them had cracks near the end where the diaphragm is fitted. One seems to be glued together but the other one seems to be held together by the fitting for the diaphragm. Is this a common problem? I have searched the forum but did not fina any threads about his. Is the cracks from the plastic getting old or what could have happened? Anyhow; do any of you know where to by new throttles that are not oem? Or perhaps the oem part is affordable?
  14. How come you can't use the oem vaccumsensor already fitted to the bike? (XVZ 1200 -84) From the manual it says that at normal air pressure it gives 2 V, at -600 mmHg 0.5 V and at 600 mmHg 5 V.
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