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About mlew

  • Birthday 03/15/1964

Personal Information

  • Name
    mark lew


  • Location
    Apex NC, United States


  • City
    Apex NC


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    model planes/rockets
  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 venture royale,80 XS1100,82XJ1100, 86V-Max
  1. Which style pilot jet is correct for a 85 VR? I need to replace missing ones on a set of carbs . Mikuni has 3 different styles on their website and I confused which one I need. http://www.pjmotorsports.com/mikuni-jets.html#pilot/slow%20jets Do I need the VM22, BS30 or N151 type? I made the mistake of installin the wrong style in my XS11 one time and it would not run, don't want the same thing to happen with this Venture.
  2. I have one on my front fender guard, I think it came as part of the guard. I don't know where they came from but they do look nice.
  3. New ones are not available but Radio Shack has small knobs that are close. The one I have required some filing and a shim for the shaft but it looks close and works good.
  4. Exactly right, thats why I end up trailering mine when she is with me.
  5. As long as the v-bost still works either one if fine with me. Are you saying the v-bost won't work with the new unit?
  6. Certified bank check sent to you today Gary,
  7. I'm need one for my 85 V-Max. Put me on the list. Any idea of a time you might get them?
  8. Thats where my levels are now, no difference between all 4. I pulled the carbs to inspect the jet block gaskets and o-rings. I suppose I'll blow all the passages out and try again.
  9. Its not really a mist of fuel more like a constant drip. There is enough fuel dripping I can close the idle mixture screw without much noticable change. My colortune plug still shows I'm burning fuel. Am I correct on the fuel level? 12mm below carb centerline.
  10. I have been having trouble getting the idle mixture set on my 83VR. I have the airbox off now and noticed there is fuel dripping from the slide needle on 3 of them when the engine is running. Thought to myself that the float level was too high so I put a clear tube on the drain to check. Supprising all of them are right on, 14mm below the carb centerline. The carbs were cleaned last winter and all gaskets were replaced even the jet block plugs. Before I remove them and take them apart I just wanted some input on what might be causing this.
  11. Well the 117.5 s did not run too good. Working on putting the 125s back in, I'm glad you don't have to split the carb rack to change main jets. It will save time re-syncing the carbs.
  12. Looking at that carb parts list the 83 to 85 Ventures have a 117.5 main jet. I'll try it and see how it does. I know these carbs are from a 83 because they have the air port on the #2 carb for the vacuum advance.
  13. I had a similar problem with mine. I used the washers that came with the springs and the PVC spacer. The washers that came with the springs did not have a centering button, it caused the spring to get off center and rub against the fork tube. I put the OEM washers back in and no more sound.
  14. I recently had my carbs apart on my 83 VR to replace the rubber plugs, gas mileage was horrible. I was looking at the main jets and they have 125 marked on them. Just for fun I looked at a parts diagram on line and it said the main should be 117.5. Which one is right? My bike has stock exhaust and intake with no modifications. When I got the bike a few years ago from the original owner he said the carbs had never been worked on. I have no reason to doubt him since it had the original screws that still looked new. Several of them were tamper resistant kind. So I can assume it came with 125 mains. Should I try the 117.5 or stay with the 125?
  15. Sucess in rebuilding a water pump is proper seal installation. I have seen people try to press them in with sockets or pipe, WRONG , it will leak. You can't press the seal face in without some kind of lube. The proper way is to lube the rubber with a water solubile lube, AKA soap. Any dish soap works, dilute it half and half with water. Do not use any kind of petroliun lube, it will get on the seal and make it leak. A little soap on the seal face and it will slide in with finger pressure. Installing the seal around the shaft is the same. Rinse the excess soap off before assembling. I have been rebuilding pumps of all kinds for years and it has never failed me.
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