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About jmw

  • Birthday 12/09/1946

Personal Information

  • Name
    James Warlick


  • Location
    Sherwood, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, golf, music, riding
  • Bike Year and Model
    2009 RSV Red/Black
  1. I don't post much on this site but I read it every day. I thought I would share a slide show of our recent 10 day motorcycle trip to the Grand Canyon. (Gloss Mountain State Park, Black Mesa, Chapel of the Cross in Sedona, Great Sand Dunes, Durango Silverton Train, Four Corners Monument, Monument Valley, Painted Desert, Aztec Ruins, Valley of the Gods in Utah, the Grand Canyon, a few unexpected gravel and muddy roads (road construction) and lots of great restuarants) We traveled a total of 3200 miles leaving Central Arkansas on Friday Sept 9. Glad my wife and I were on a comfy RSV. The bike made it just fine, even at 10,200ft over the mountains coming into Taos, NM. We plan to make a major trip like this once a year as long as we can. It was a fantastic adventure. Click the link below and it will load automaticlly. [ame=http://s695.photobucket.com/albums/vv311/rxjmw/Grand%20Canyon%20Adventure/?action=view&current=ea3a394b.pbw]http://s695.photobucket.com/albums/vv311/rxjmw/Grand%20Canyon%20Adventure/?action=view&current=ea3a394b.pbw[/COLO"]Grand Canyon Adventure pictures by rxjmw - Photobucket[/ame]
  2. My Doctor told me jogging regularly would add 10 years to my life. I tried it for a couple of weeks and you know he was right. I already feel 10 years older!!! I fired my doctor.
  3. I would like 2 of the 5 3/4 patches if possible. James W
  4. Drill baby drill!!
  5. Playing bass guitar in my country western band.
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