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Everything posted by Capt-D

  1. hey, if you find yourself on Hwy 27, going thru Moore Haven, on the west side of lake O, the speed limit is 35, and they wait at the bottom of the bridge, watch yourself.
  2. where yall headin to in forida??
  3. happy to hear, hope you had a good trip. how was the day? sorry i missed it.
  4. Have used stuff similar to that for years on the boats and has shown to be worthhaving a roll handy. Can be found at West Marine stores, or any good marine store.
  5. hey, when the time gets closer would like to get a idea of who is going, Brake-Pad has talked about it, and I am going to be moving the boat to Mass for the summer, be there from april to september and if I have my ducks-in-a-row I will be going to Americade, so would be great to meet everyone, plus really looking forward to having the bike in the NE, lots of good riding ot be done, and I should have the time, have to see.
  6. I got two spend two days with my kids, I got a tin of chocolate chip cookies, and did a 160 mile ride across the state on my bike this morning, and it was great!!!!!!
  7. Nice to know that I am not the only idiot out there!!!:rotfl::rotfl:
  8. You know I hate to tell you northerners this but had a great ride tothe beach today then went rode the bike up to Orlando, beautiful day, sunny, and 70 degrees. Tomorrow, I am getting up in the morning and going to do the around-the-lake ride, about a 240 mile ride, and it is supposed to beautiful, and sunny, but have to make it back before dark as it is supposed to rain, maybe, and oh yeah, it is going to get cold, 38 degrees.:banana::banana::banana:
  9. Just my two-cents worth-Had a Ford Explorer, after the third transmission and second A/C compressor, vowed I would never buy Ford again. When it was time to get a new vehicle, knew it would be a truck and started doind my research. Went to the local boat ramp to see what everybody was using to tow boats and how happythey were with them, and when it came to smaller trucks the toyota beat everybody else hands down. Guys were pulling 20 to 25' boats with small toyotas and were just thrilled with their trucks and how the trannies held up. Read up on Toyotas on the internet, bought a 05 Tacoma Double Cab, now 100,000 miles later and my truck is still like new and I absolutely love it. Only thing I have done is change oil, coolant and the plugs and it hasn't missed a beat... Had to go knock on wood just in case I jinxed myself. Figure I will have this truc:thumbsup2:k for a long time.
  10. Got my mug yesterday, looks great and works great. Went on a long ride and it kept the coffee plenty hot till it was all gone. Thanks Don:thumbsup:
  11. My wife complained about her knees being sore after a 300 mile trip, looks like a pair of Diamond-R passenger footpegs are in my future, I hope it helps, if not then she can stay HOME.
  12. Capt-D

    cell phones

    The wife and I almost got whacked by a lady on a cell phone a couple of months ago, and she never even knew it. She had run a stop sign and luckily I had seen it comin and was able to swerve and miss her but it was close. Pulled up along side her and *****ed her out, told her where that phone needed to go, and flipped her off, I think she got the message, doubt it.
  13. They didn't steal my shovel, I am still workin my ass off, someone has to pay for those whose shovel they took.
  14. Hi Rick, this is something for anyone that is going to be riding the Florida Turnpike. Came back from Key West on sunday, had a great ride and was even able to meet up with Brake-Pad is Islamorada for lunch and had a great ride to Florida City with him and his wife, then had to go my own way. This is were it got interesting. My wife was ready to get home, still had almost 200 hundred miles to home, so we took the Turnpike, well, normally we have our Sunpass, but I forgot it at home, so we had to stop and pay at each toll booth, and it got really scary, every time we stopped I had to watch my footing because it was extremely slippery from the oil that apparently accumulates in front of the toll booth. I found this at all 4 toll booths that I had to stop at, in fact I got off the turnpike because of it, every time I put my foot down it wanted to slide out from the bike, and I really had to be on the ball. I see you are going to be down at the end of January, looks like I will be in Mexico, but things change, so when the time gets close, drop me a line, would love to meet you and the wife and go riding if I am around, and we will catch uop with Brake-Pad on the ride south.
  15. Kevin, glad you and the missus had a good time, it was great meetin yall. I ended up on the couch for two nights, but the wife got over it, finally. I am thinkin about the Georgia M&E, figure I will have a month on the couch after that one, but in all fairness, it is a comfortable couch, and I know I will have a blast up there meetin everybody, plus lots of friends in the area. And it is only 375 miles, not near as far as you had to go, and a lot warmer now!! So if I get a wiilllddd hair, will be on my way Fri morning...
  16. Had a great time meeting everybody yesterday, it was definitely a lot of fun, and yes, the wife was pissed I got home so late, had to sleep on the couch, who cares, I :thumbsup2:will definitely be at the next M&E.
  17. This is just like the lady being fined for putting up a ad looking for a christian roomate, it was said that the the add was discriminatory, makes you wonder were this country is headed. VOTE November 4th
  18. November 1st will be two years for me and I am really glad I quit. Besides feeling better the money now pays for my new addictive habit, MOTORCYCLE RIDING, at least that is what the wife says. Stay quit, you will be happy you did, and if you ever want to start back, just think about the COPD commercials, that was the trigger that got me to quit, didn't want to grow old and be lugging around a O2 bottle!!
  19. How is your windshield bags mounted, doesn't look like any screwholes?
  20. Your answers confirm my belief that these bikes really are pretty much "bullet-proof", and that I've touched on the worst problem (chirp), and that maintenance won't be an issue. For whatever reason,not all bikes "chirp", my 06RSMV doesn't, and it seems like a lot of the others don't either, guess it is just the luck-of-the-draw. Good luck!
  21. Do you think they would come to a M&E if we invited them? Maybe they would come to Freebird's maintenance day?:rotfl:
  22. Hey Ridetime, I think the first question you need to ask is what kind of riding do you want to do? I love my RSMV, but for around town would of love to have gotten the TD, since the Venture does seem to get heavy in stop and go traffic. On the higway for the long haul, the Venture is just tough to beat. Before I bought my bike I did a lot of research and both bikes came very highly rated for dependability which is one of the things I was lookin for. There is a website, powersports.com that has reviews on all the bikes, and it can give you a pretty good idea about both bikes. The 4cylinder powerplant is pretty bulletproof and you can find all the info you need on this website, there is some really great guys here and they always seem more then willing to help out with any questions you have. As far as you size, I have read about a few big boys on this site who say that they have no problem getting comfortable on their bikes, Good luck and ride safe, Capt-D
  23. You know, I have only been a member for a few months, but this website is incredible. The people on here are great, friendly, helpful, and very supportive of each other. All you have to do is look at the different posts each night and you see more then just bikes, you see folks needing a prayer, needing advice, and sometimes just needing a ear, and they find it here. You also have riders sharing their thoughts, or pictures of grandbabies. The one thing you don't see is politics(Thank God)!! The creators of this site is to be commended (I guess Freebird is the driving force, and he apparently has some really, really, great people backing him up), for it truly brings togather riders from all over the US, Canada, and distant shores (Australia), to talk bikes and build friendships. I figure I will be a venture rider for a long time!!
  24. Have you tried E-Bay, I know there are a couple of sellers on there that partout damaged bikes, just never thought to write their name down when I came across them. Good luck!
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