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Everything posted by Capt-D

  1. I should have tethered my sunpass this morning, its laying in the road somewhere on Sawgrass Expressway
  2. I think I had bad gas, because on the way back south I got 42 miles to the gallon, and haven't filled up again yet but it's looking even better than that
  3. A bunch of us are in Sebring, the winds are NW at 30 knots and it's 57 degrees, but no snow
  4. And the choke was the first thing I had checked, done that one before
  5. And Cowpuck, name of the restaurant is Cowpuck Watering Hole
  6. Thanks guys, made it to Sebring okay, will be checking everything out, let ya know what I find. PS- thw winds here are incredible but everyone made the M&G
  7. Gas mileage just took a major dump, bike seems ok otherwise, going to go ahead and run with it, when will check when I get to Sebring see what everybody has to say, luckily these things are pretty indestructible
  8. Gas mileage just took a major dump, bike seems ok otherwise, going to go ahead and run with it, when will check when I get to Sebring see what everybody has to say, luckily these things are pretty indestructible
  9. Thanks, yeah I always watch my mileage so I know how my bikes running, I noticed right away this morning that it wasn't right, + 75000 miles and never replaced anything but fuel pump, it's probably time for something else to go
  10. Good morning y'all, getting ready to head up to Sebring, roll over to Karen's house in the bike is not running right, mileage is down 10 plus miles, sounds good, think maybe I lost a coil, because last time I rode the bike I had 40 miles to the gallon, would it be okay to take my bike riding today, what do y'all think?
  11. hi guys, I will be there, going to be camping out at Hardee County lakes Saturday night if anybody's interested, look forward to seeing everybody
  12. Count me in, would be fun, and I am sure Karen would be interested to
  13. yall left out abs brakes, better lighting on the back, and a better headlight up front. And like a lot of riders on this forum, I too AM ready for a new bike, but I don't like the gold wings, and I don't want to go to a v-twin bike.
  14. Barry, would love to do one, I just never know if I can make them or not, you put one on I'll try to make it
  15. I never know my schedule till the last minute but if I am home, I will be there, wherever you have it, love meeting the Florida folks.
  16. That was a awesome video!!!!!!!
  17. Cool pics, so how cold was it?
  18. :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  19. Hate to tell ya'll, took a ride to Marco Island today, beautiful day out, actually got kinda hot on the ride home, had to stop for a water break. Also went down a road that was gravel for the last 18 miles, had to dodge alligators and my bike was trashed, even had dust in my saddle bags! Was a great day!!!
  20. I would like one please, let me know when they are ready.
  21. and I met a guy with the Indian chieftain, said he and his friend just come from San Diego said they did the trip in 48 hours, and he absolutely loves his bike.
  22. Barracuda, you're not going to believe this but Tuff Tom and I were there also for the weekend, wish I would have known we would have definitely hooked up. we didn't get there till Saturday noon time though, because I was sick on Friday, but it was fun to see all the bikes, and all the personalities. I saw one venture there, and it had the name magic printed on the trunck, I don't know if that's a member or not.
  23. one thing for sure, you're like living up north, lots of good riding to be done and no traffic, I am back in Boca due to divorce, but I'd move back up there in a heartbeat.
  24. BMW 1600 GTL, fast, smooth, and great handling.(took one for a spin) Also has heated grips, good gauge pkg, and great lighting up front, BUT for what you pay, has crap for rear lighting, even told the dealer that, for a tour bike you would expect better.
  25. Cabellas is the most incredible outdoor store I have been to. went to one that is in Pennsylvania, off Interstae 81, spent two hours just walking around looking at all the mounts.
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