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Everything posted by jasonm.

  1. Everywhere online the 230 is usually $20 less than the 777. Average price of the 230 is $65 , 777 $85. I do not replace tires as a set if not needed. As I do 99% OF THE WRENCHING. It's worn...then it's replaced. No need in keeping the bike off the road longer than needed. My current Avon only made it 10k on the front. Which I feel is not great for a $120+ tire . My previous front Avon made it 14k+. Thus I believe they have gotten cheaper made. Good to know either Shinko should go 10K+ on front. I see very positive reviews of both Shinko tires on various sites. Thanks...
  2. I am trying to get an idea of how long a shinko in front would last. Karaboo said the rear 230 went 8k. I suspect the front maybe similar in life in the 230 tourmaster type. As of late my front and rears seam to wear out within 1 or 2k of each other. Thus it's likely the 777 may be my choice when the weather warms up. As I hope to get at least 10k on the new front. Getting 8-12" of snow today. Boston getting 24+. Also noticed an ODD spec. on Shinko site. They recommend the front tire be on a 2.75 width rim. Ours is 2.5 , very odd spec for this size tire compared to other manufacturers. ...? FYI- there is a misprint in the OEM 86 service manual...says rim width is 2.15"...it's actually 2.5", it's on the rim. Anyone have experience with the 777 chime in.
  3. Karaboo only replaced rear I think. Only got 8k out of it. So no info on fronts as of yet for expected mileage... Everyone likely knows the fronts have half the tread depth of rears. Thus they usually wear out within a year of each other when using same brand/model.
  4. How many miles did you get out of the front...???
  5. actually the differentce is there are "drains" or breather holes, should moisture get in...they are facing down in stock location. You want to do the same. Or seal up the old holes and drill 2 tiny new ones. Remove the cover (4 screws I think) to see. It must breath w/o filling with water.
  6. Rotors, you get what you pay for in durability. But my EBC rotors HATE EBC "HH" pads. AT 15mph the tire wants to lock up due to the aggressive nature of the HH pads initial bite on the softer EBC rotors compared to the OEM. I went with SBC- HH now all has been cured for years. The rotors are true checked with dial indicator. If you go to "GG" pads maybe any rotor will be usable. BUt where's the link to check this out ?
  7. This is the LONG bolt..there is a nut opposite end. Are you sure the nut has been removed ???? One side hold, other side use the socket wrench.
  8. i believe Slipstreamer has them too ...
  9. the carbs are for the same exact engine. Yes they will work. Boost sensor?...that won't be an issue...you are just changing the carbs. The sensor hooks to the manifold.
  10. the impellar will have corrosion. You MUST replace that also to accept the new seal half. You should have an OEM manual to do this because of the specs when putting the seals in. You need, oil seal & machical seal(coolant) and the impellar and gasket. There is a tool that prevents damage to the seal when putting the mechanical half seal in the case. You can carefully use a clean, smooth socket to put it in. Both halves MUST be perfectly flat, NOT tilted. Yes, change the elbow. I suggest after removing the elbow. LOOK for corrosion in the aluminum where it sits. I used #1000 paper to clean it up. Then used permatex ultra grey on the NEW o-rings to seal it up. I have seen many just leak at the elbow joint just from the corrosion. Wait day before filling with antifreeze. It's not going to leak there after. And you can still remove the waterpump in the future with brake clean as a release agent , a bit more work...but it is doable. Good luck, take your time.
  11. that does apply to some tires. But looking at a VenomX the rear and front look very similar. I had both on my bike at same time. Same look with Shinko777 . I have seen rear tires in 120/90 that have more water sipes than the Avon or Shinko. Take a look they are out there. I had the old dunlop EliteII 20 years ago on this Venture. Had plenty of water sipes. It was a terrible tire for handling. I do not know what the replacement now is. Since I have had my bike over 25 years. I have had Dunlop, Bridgestome, Pirelli and Avon. The old Avons were great and got great mileage 18k+ rear. Dunlops handled like bricks when conpared, but had good mileage. Obviously Dunlop has 3 tires to fit , E3, 404, 177...and maybe another. I think I will actually need to see the tire on a bike in person... if I go to Dunlop . I know manufacturers may not admit that this old school approach is still "okay". Just wondering if this is a viable idea. Still trying to figure it all out...
  12. One more thing.... I remember way back in history. People would use rear tires in front by simply turning the tire around. As the tires are designed with the typical force at hand , braking vs. acceleration it has i on it. Thus turning it around was old school cure. I suspect no one does that now ??? There are MANY rears 120/90-18 out there for the rear with proper load rating...maybe just turn them around ???
  13. They stopped making the Conti-tour in 2012. Thus I hope you get one of the last ones. I am not likely to bid due to the potential age issue of the tire. And I only put 3k a year on the bike. It has a very high load rating with 5 ply rayon. Very strong material. Very nice. Ultimately , What I would have hoped, was a Commander2 for the front in our size. Wishful thinking. Remember to check the date code on any tire you have. Once a tire gets much past 5 years old...cracking can happen. Just depends on quality of the tire and it's exposure to the sun. Lastly some sites are offering the VenomX in our size on sale. But that is now a discontinued tire also. But at not so cheap prices. And as stated before, my latest V-X I had issues with. Good luck
  14. Conti----conti-tour...you say. Wear is important along with sticking to the road and proper "feedback" it gives. I believe they make another too. This will help me a lot when I get out of winter storage. UPDATE>>>> Contitour no longer available. Only have the Conti-"Milestone". But no longer in our front size. Conti does not have any fronts IN OUR SIZE. I checked they listed a ContiGo 120/90. But that is listed everywhere as a rear only.
  15. the 230 looks sportier with different tread than most, slightly similar to the D404 and "V" speed rating(not needed but noted) , the 777 looks like the Avon and "H" rated. Please note: I like to ride the open road at rather high speeds. I am not a cruiser but a rider. High speed stability is important. My latest VenomX was not stable over 80mph, like when passing. Tire was seemingly "square". I had it balanced 3 times...spin bananced. No wheel bearing issues.
  16. FYI- all Yamahas os the 80's eventually get a slow leak at the stator wires. Only leaks when running and gets on the shifter shaft...a lot. Keeping the oil level below max. helps. Could this be it ?
  17. I am getting in on this late. But my 30+ years in electronics tells me. Your RESISTOR is in the wrong place. The resistor is to give extra Load for proper timing of the flasher. Loads are to placed in "series". For turn signals > Cut the groung wire and simply put it stright in "series" there and not connected to any + wire. Connecting to any + and - gives you an Almost short circuit. If you need stop "error" tail light symbol from popping up. Put a load resistor on the brake lights hot or ground only IN SERIES to prevent . Electricity > It's magic....
  18. you need to go to a dealer with a Curtis key cutter for yamaha keys. A dealer by me did it. As long as the code is the same as the actual key
  19. 230 oddly is a "V" rated tire. the 777 is the new "H" rated for touring. Wow my head is spinning. The 777 has the grooving like the E3 or Avon. The 777 is a new tire only 2 years in the field. And the reviews have been very positive. One review saying it's very similar to the Avon look. Looks like I am leaning that way 777 & 777 H.D. | Shinko Tire USA 230 Tour Master | Shinko Tire USA
  20. VenomX no longer available. The Cobra front is NOT a true 4 ply tire. As the sidewalls are ONLY 2 ply and I had issues wiuth the last front Avon-V-X. Avon has gone cheap. I can no longer trust their touring tires. Since I have had my bike over 25 years. I have had Dunlop, Bridgestome, Pirelli and Avon. The old Avons were great. Dunlops handled like bricks when conpared, but had good mileage. Obviously Dunlop has 3 tires to fit , E3, 404, 177...and maybe another. I think I will actually need to see the tire on a bike in person... if I go to Dunlop
  21. be aware they no longer list the VenomX available. The replacement is the cobra. It has ONLY a 2 ply sidewall. And on a heavy bike like ours...you lose feel. I want a true 4-ply tire all around. The E3 is such a tire...BUT I already can see myself running off the edges with the existing profile. I have had my bike 25 years. I know what works for me. Easy and quick steering.
  22. see my previous post. was your shinko 777 or 230 ???
  23. I see your tire. I am very familiar with the rear tire. I have one in my basement with a nail in it. If you were to see an Avon or Comander2. You would see how dunlop gets the mileage from rear. It's not special rubber compound. It's the less-rounded profile. Thus it spreads the load. I got good mileage from the older "Elite2". But hated the handling. And the front Elite2 caused head shake and had a less rounded profile compared to others. What I mean to clarify is,...as many know, once you ride a rounded profile tire, the bike feels 200# lighter. But the front E3 I am not familiar with. It would help if I see a picture of an E3 on the front of a 1st gen. thanks
  24. I checked as best I could at Dennis Kirk on how they are made. Dunlop is a true 4 ply tire. Thus a higher load rating over 700# like the old Avon which was good handling and rounded. There has been numerous issues with Metz. But not sure if that's front or rear. I like the heavier load capacity of the old Avon and E3 Dunlop...over 700# if I can get it, because I am hard on the brakes sometimes. The E3 for rear has a "flat" profile. Not rounded like Avon or Metz. Was wondering if the front is similarly "flat" in our 120 size ? A rounded profile aids in cornering. I also am reluctantly looking at Shinko 230 or 777 in our 120 size. They claim 4 ply for front. More responses the better.
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