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Everything posted by RoyalStarRider

  1. Ahhh... I get it now. I was wondering why you were talking about floorboard part numbers. I cant be any help here since I've never seen ones like that before.
  2. You are making this alot harder than it needs to be. All you need to do is make sure they will fit the diameter of your bars.
  3. I also have a Hoppe batwing on mine.....love it!
  4. Thast definitly a Hoffe Fairing...... I have the same one on my bike.
  5. A couple of weeks ago I stopped to pick up lunch, as I opened my saddle bag the lid just fell to the ground.... talk about getting pissed. Luckily its was an easy fix and didnt do much damage to the paint.... I too have started going over nuts and bolts to make sure everything is good and tight.
  6. Just curious...... I've dropped mine 4 times...... 3 times sitting completely still and once when it stalled while pulling out. Luckily it didnt get one scratch..... but I have admit even though I'm a big guy the RSTD is pretty heavy when you pick it up yourself.
  7. I have the drivers pillow top on mine (well I did until a couple of days ago) and the previous owner simply used 2 small "L" brackets to attach it to the frame (in the stock position)... cant help you with the passengers seat.
  8. Well I broke down and put it back to stock (again) I did do one little thing I made the new hoses alittle bit longer so theres no binding or kinking..... PLUS I repositioned the hose more into the center of the air flow and it seems to have improved throttle responce. The next time I decide to go messing with it I'm gonna go ahead and punch myself in the nuts.... it'll be less painful than trying to go through this again.
  9. Awhile back I ran into trouble by opening up the airboxs on my RSTD and I ended up putting it back to stock because there wasnt enough vacuum to work the diaphrams correctly. Last night I had the "bright Idea" to relocate the vacuum for the diaphrams out of the air box and into the rubber tubes leading to the plenum..... WOW was that a mistake. Now it seems I have TOO MUCH vacuum and the carbs dump to fast and cause the bike to bog really bad. SO it looks like back to stock once again.... theres got to be away to increase airflow while keeping the carbs working right. Anyone have any ideas (other than leave it the hell alone LOL)?
  10. Well last night me and a buddy got tired of messing around with this problem so we got serious with it. We pulled off the tank and seat and started chasing wires, the front switch was working correctly, so was the the foot switch. We could hear the relay kicking in and out while using the brakes, so we kept chasing wires. We finally got the the connection under the seat, unplugged it and started testing the individual wires. We found out that the issues was not there so it had to be farther back, we kept on testing stuff like the socket itself with no avail. Thats when I noticed wires behind the liscense plate..... what a rats nest. I dont know who did the slash and hack job on the wires or WHY that did it but if I ever find out I'm gonna kick them in the nuts. The running light and brake light wires were wrapped togther.... and they both had bare spots which was letting voltage bleed over from one to the other. Finally I can go ride without wondering if the car behind me is gonna run over me at the next stop sign.
  11. This is my last 12 hour midnight this week, Hopefully I'll get to it tomorrow. Maybe I looked at it wrong but I didnt see any connection at the sensor itself.
  12. The wires on mine go into the switch and dont appear to be unconnectable at that point, so I'm guessing the connection somewhere under the tank. I've had it off several times so that wont be a problem. the problem right now is I'm in the middle of 6-12 hour shifts and dont have time to go out and look at it like I want to.
  13. Yeah........ theres NO plug on it at the front brake lever. It bolts to the front brake lever but the harness goes down and dissapears under the tank.
  14. Where does it plug in at??? Under the tank or somewheres else?? I ask because my brake light is stuck on, I disconnected the foot switch and it stayed on so it pretty much narrowed it down to the front.
  15. Well it was a long day but I made some awsome progress. I started out by installing new plugs, pulled the carbs off and drained the bowls (didnt realize I could do it with them on the bike) and I also drained the tank...... i think I got some bad gas on top of everything else...... I also readjusted the A/F mixture. apparently stock is 2 full turns out and I have mine set at 2 1/2 turns. All of that really helped the issue but didnt cure it...... luckily I tried one last thing. I sealed the holes I cut into the filter boxes and re routed the hoses that went to them. I didnt realize the hoses were the vents to the diaphrams on the carbs, so after getting them back into original configureation I started it up and went for a test ride. This is the best its ran since I bought it, I can definitly say that the carbs need to be fattened up from stock. Thanks for all your input!!!!
  16. Wow... you guys were right, they actually had the plus at AutoZone....... this is the first time I've ever been able to get a NON auto plug without haveing to special order it. I guess I'll be putting new plugs in tonight..... and draining the bowls (just in case)
  17. Even at 60mph in 5th if you roll into the throttle it starts sputtering and missing.... I still find it hard to believe this all started from cleaning the plugs........................ Earlier today it would do it in neutral but after fattening up the A/F mixture it started reving right, but with a load on it still does the sputtering.
  18. Its been a long day......... I've tried taping the holes back over....... no help Fattened up the mixture a full turn.... helped a little but not much ran some Seafoam through it..... no help tried gas dry (in case of water in the fuel)......... no help Oh By the way... when running stuff like seafoam or gas dry you need to switch it over to RES, if you dont it'll all settle out in the bottom of the tank and do nothing. I cant believe all of this from drilling 2 holes and cleaning the plugs. One more thing... good luck on getting any plugs for a Yamaha around here by just running down to the local auto parts store.... I can assure you they are an order item.
  19. Its not always possible to put new plugs back in, our somewhat local Yamaha dealer caught fire a few weeks ago and hasnt reopened yet so its a 60 mile (each way) trip to the next closest one. The plugs looked new and the burn on the tips looked great, actually they were almost textbook looking. After sleeping on it I'm feeling pretty confident its just leaned out a little and adjusting the air/fuel should take care of it...... but theres always the chance I could be wrong.
  20. I just sync'd the carbs less than 10 days ago, so it shouldnt be that, since I havent touched the carbs since I did it. But good call on your part.
  21. I think the next thing I'm gonna try is to fatten up the mixture. The bike has a very free flowing exhaust on it (aftermarket mufflers plus I did a little modding to it as well) if that dont work I'll look into trying the shim thing.
  22. Me and a couple of buddies went out and rode for several hours yesterday, during the ride we discovered my brake light was stuck on (in a different thread) and while I had the lower fairings off the bike I opened up the holes in the filter covers to let it breathe easier (still has OEM style filters) Today I took the plugs out, cleaned them, checked the gap (.035) and did just general maintance. Then I put everything back on ensureing the plug wires went on correctly. When I started the bike back up it ran very smoothly (my bike has always had a lope to it) and it revs so much more freely... just like I thought it always should. So I take off on a short test ride and the bike pulls out just fine and as long as I ease into the throttle it runs better than ever. Now... when I crank the throttle in say 3rd it sputters, hesitates and eventually clears and takes off like a bat out of hell. If I'm just cruising in 5th and give it the fuel it just sputters and hesitates without taking off. I've been building cars and modifying cars for better than 20 years and I know what little I did to it shouldnt have caused this. The only other thing I did was to make sure the clams that hold the plemium to the tops of the carbs were tight... thats it!!! I filled up on my way home but its was at the same place I always get gas in all of my vehicals (shell station) so the possibility of water crossed my mind so I used a little gas dry and some SeaFoam in it and it has gotten just a tad better but it just amazes me how quickly this started. Any ideas???
  23. I've searched and cant really find anything on my problem, usually people have the problem that the brake light wont come on.... my issue is it wont go off. I tried doing some trouble shooting and I unplugged the foot brake switch with no avail so its looking like its the upper switch. I took the upper off and it seems to be moving freely, if I knew where it plugged in at I would unplug it to see if the light went off. So.... anyone know where it plugs in or have any idea what it could be???? Almost forgot... 2006 RSTD with 30k miles.
  24. Come on over and take a look around... we have a very extensive database and theres alot of good guys over there as well. I go by 03OrangeSVT over there, look me up if you join.
  25. I believe its a "pillow top" off of a Venture.... its definitly comfy.
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