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Everything posted by icebrrg3rd

  1. Good Luck with that one BradT. I made that suggestion to my wife one time. Never again!!!! I actually convinced my wife to do that for the 2013 IR in Galena, altho it was with a minivan and a small pop-up trailer. But she did have 3 kids all alone with her while I was blissfully riding my bike. -Andrew p.s. I think I still owe her a LOT for that...
  2. Haven't been asked about a senior discount yet, but as a guy in his low 40's with grey hair and a one-year-old, I get asked if I'm grandpa all the time... -Andrew
  3. You know, get this manifold, get a TBI (carb based fuel injection system) off a similarly size car engine, and volia! you got FI! Ok, might have to increase fuel pressure, but my Astro has a TBI and it is running between 9 and 13 PSI, so not by much. -Andrew
  4. I did the starter grounds, new cable, new battery, but what really did it was the 4 brush starter. Would just replacing the starter and none of those things have worked instead? Maybe, but my bike is 3 decades old, so the more "new" stuff in it the better. I'd upgrade the wiring and battery, but skip the starter ground mod and just get the 4-brush starter instead. As for that monkey, better slip him some bananas to keep him quiet. Get that starter situation fixed ASAP or you'll definitely be handing cash over for a new starter clutch. Dano had a great starter clutch mod (on my list) if you're looking to replace it down the line. -Andrew
  5. I'll throw in a second dib behind Bill in MN... -Andrew
  6. Ok, now that is nice. I did a quick search, and it looks like it is a race dash, able to withstand vibrations, which is perfect for a bike. That is sweet. -Andrew
  7. I think a year or so ago someone was pondering about using a touch screen or a tablet for the display, think that fizzled out. I was trying to think of some sort of replacement/upgrade for the gauges, maybe look at some of the other newer cycles out there and grab one from them. As for the CMU, other than the gas gauge, some of those indicators could probably be replaced by LEDs, and the other half abandoned because they're not needed (because if you're upgrading the dash, you probably will upgrade the headlight to HID and put LEDs on all the other lights so those indicators on the CMU will be bypassed anyways). If you do change your dash, please keep us informed, esp with PICS!! -Andrew edit: Here's an example, note the misc info displayed on the tach. http://medallionmotorcyclegauges.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Tradition.jpg
  8. :rotf::rotf: -Andrew
  9. Have you told him yet that you actually LOVE snow?!?
  10. Before the cell phone companies would let you transfer your number, you would get a new number every time you changed carriers. I got a call and they asked for Mike, I said "Sorry, this is my new phone number, I have no idea who Mike is." "Well, do you know his new number?" -Andrew
  11. Geesh. You kids get your own table at the M&E's? Folding card table in the other room just like at Grandma's on thanksgiving I remember those days. Sitting in the living room with your cousins, not leaving the table because peas would wind up in your glass of milk. Many years later the red jello marks still on the green wall paper reminded you of the fun of being a kid. Sigh. -Andrew (not as old as I feel)
  12. As long as the solder isn't touching another contact point, and it's solid, who cares what it looks like. I'd hate to show off mine, but that they work is all that matters. And yes, as useful as it is to have that blinking warning light when it's needed, it's nice to have it off. -Andrew
  13. If you're thinking of doing one next summer, do you want a riding partner? I've been debating about doing one. Maybe a run to the Black Hills and back? -Andrew
  14. You know, this is one of those rare exceptions where this thread ISN'T worthless without pics. Thank you for not including any!!! -Andrew
  15. stanG, if you haven't ordered one yet, I know I have one I pulled from my part bike, just gotta get up in the garage loft to grab it. I did the bolt mod on my current stand, so I'm hoping (knock on wood) that I won't need the spare. Send me a pm with your address, I'll try and get it sent out in the next day or so. -Andrew
  16. Boy, all this chatter on here you'd think we were in the throes of deep winter, with feet of that four letter word Tom loves blanketing the ground. GET OUT THERE AND RIDE! Quit making this site sound like a Sunny Acres Retirement Home. Geez, go to a dr and come home whining that your old. Dang it yammer, you got a (many?) 1st gen, you're nowheres near old... -Andrew
  17. Sounds great. Only problem is a lot of my tabs/mounts/etc. are broken on both left & right sides. Maybe a library of all the tabs on the bikes (83, MK1, MK2, etc) might be useful. Of course you would have to find someone with all their plastic in perfect condition... -Andrew
  18. I too heard about the Ford solenoid, and have one waiting in the wings for winter repairs/updates along with a new fuse panel. I never heard about the alternate "Honda" ones, just looked on ebay, and WOW. Guess I'll be ordering one of those instead. This place is AWESOME with help like that! -Andrew
  19. Just tried going there, my work filter blocked the site. Said it was potentially harmful, what is my computer trying to tell me?!? Here's hoping that the site gets going well and attracts a good group on there too. I really enjoy this site and the people on it, I know it's a reflection of you why it's that way. -Andrew
  20. If you try putting regular venture bags on a V-Max, you probably will encounter issues, as the V-Max has dual rear shocks on the swing arm instead of a single central monoshock. There are probably other differences between the two that would require MacGyvering to get stock Venture stuff to hang on a V-Max. But I'm sure you can fully dress out a V-Max if you really want to, just add $$$. -Andrew
  21. I can pull mid to upper 40's if I watch my speed and right hand while on long, continuous rides. But I'm usually riding in TRUE city conditions, 25-30 mph with MANY stoplights that seem to be timed to catch you at all of them. That and short rides (under 10 miles) with the engine cooled down between them means I'm not running at optimum conditions. I usually pull mid 30's because of that. Still beats the upper teens of my van tho. Wish I could pull out & cruise the mountains, got to go a long ways to leave the city and the flatter lands of the midwest. Congrats on the fine-running bike. -Andrew
  22. Hellyea, you have an '83, so the fuel petcock has a choice of "ON" and "OFF". It is hidden behind the right side plastic panel, approx. by the passenger footrest. For '84 and up, the plastic is cut away to expose the switch, which added the "RESERVE" option. So don't bother looking for one, you don't have a "RESERVE" position. -Andrew
  23. True, but I have aftermarket floorboards on my 1st gen, which moved my feet forwards and down. The boxer 6 on the GW & F6B won't allow you to move your feet forward w/o moving them outboard. The narrower V-4 on the Venture lets me have my feet forwards but not that much further out than stock. -Andrew
  24. Lucky for you (not) it is a one-year special, meaning they only came on the '83. '84 and up ones had a different setup and different plugs. So you need to find one from an '83. However, I have 2 spares, one which keeps having headlight issues (dim low beam + headlight warning light + white headlight dash light on) even tho I have resoldered it twice, and one from my spare bike that I have not tested nor do I know if it even works. I could always test the spare bike one, I would just have to pull apart my dash. -Andrew
  25. Depending on how well it stays together, you could re-use it. I've had my cover off several times and reused the same gasket. -Andrew
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