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Everything posted by icebrrg3rd

  1. Is this still on? Just wanted to know if there were any issues or changes. -Andrew
  2. I stomped on the rear brakes, and I'm sure that it locked up both the front & rear wheels, because a moment later I was sliding on my side. I've had the bike since April, and this is the first time I laid on the brakes like that. With my Maxim, when I've hit the rear brakes like that, all that happened is my rear tire would lock up but I'd still be upright. -Andrew
  3. Thanks for the support. My fingers still work, so I can still peck at the keys. Good thing, as I can't hold a pencil w/o pain. Moving the mouse with my left hand is still a little odd, but websites like this motivate me to exceed! Ok, enough sucking up. Yeah, I will be looking for parts and fixing it back up. Just sucked as today got into the 60's. Oh well. This will give me more time to get it back to better than new. -Andrew
  4. Well, I became a supporting member Wed, and Thurs I went down, so I guess I gotta send another donation in. I was on my way to work and people were all and out not driving worth a darn. I had to slam on the brakes and one second later I'm sliding on my left side. Probably was going 25-30 mph. Helmet got some scratches, jacket, glove and boot just got some "character" added to them, pants got a small hole. Bike lost it's left mirror, sanded some paint off and chipped the edge of the turn signal. Highway peg, saddlebag bar, and pipe took most of the abuse and had the most wear. Guy behind me stopped, helped me right it, and push it to a nearby parking lot. Me, I got some bruises on my left side, some rug burn most likely from my shirt moving (jacket kept it from being road rash) but the worst injury was my RIGHT thumb must have hit something because it was swelling and hurt like a sob. Wife picked me up and took me to the dr. Nothing broken, just sprained. But now I can't grab the throttle. So after work, I had a buddy come and drive it home for me. Started ok, rode fine, he liked the power of it (1st gen rule!). So for now, I put in on winter insurance, will have to fix the mirror, I want to repaint & repair all the cracks in the fairing, and will de-link the brakes, which is what I'm sure put me down. My son asked if I was getting rid of it. I told him "No way". -Andrew
  5. What kind of time frame for the payment/delivery? I think I might be experiencing the dreaded 2nd gear issue, so I'm trying to figure cost of the repairs vs. finding a different bike, so I'm still up in the air. If I repair, I'd want the mounts. If I replace, no saying what kind of bike it'd be. Actually, for $50, I think I'll go for it. Worst case, I can sell it to someone else that didn't get in if I get a different bike. -Andrew
  6. Just wanted to add my thanks here. Just did the mod this weekend. I haven't gotten it up to full hot, but it spins fast anyways. So thanks dingy, and a thanks to snaggletooth, because it sounds like he did this mod and inspired dingy to do it with pics. The pics helped a lot! Also, I figured that the engine ground wire is long enough to be moved over to the starter, so no other wire is needed. Starter is grounded and engine is too. Works great. -Andrew
  7. Timgray, were the LEDs made for the bulb sockets, did you have to wire them up, or just stuck the wires in? Any resistors? I'm thinking of the yellow for the turns since I can't see them in bright sunlight. I can't tell if they're flashing before I lane change, but thankfully my auto-cancel works so they're not left on for miles. -Andrew
  8. Just changed mine - there's 4 for illumination - 2 ea on both sides of the tach & speedo -and I think there's 5 for idiot lights - 2 turn signals, neutral, high beams, lights. They're at the upper level of the dash, so removing just the windshield & dash cover will give you access like randya said. I can now see my computer & clock now! -Andrew
  9. Well, it was a busy day yesterday. Fixed a lot of little issues on the bike. Yup, the rubber buttons were jammed down in the dash, so the clock was in "set" mode and changing time whenever it was on. It was also missing the plastic spacers for setting the hours. The spacer looks like a Lego, so I swiped one of my son's, filed it down slightly, and attached it with double sided foam tape. Now I have a clock that I can set and keeps time. Thanks all! Great site! Will have to get my money sent and become a full time member. -Andrew
  10. Paysaw, that might be it. I'll check that out later today. I've tried pushing the buttons both when running & off and I could never change the time, well, it changed itself for me I guess. Skydoc, I'll give it a cleaning when I rip the dash apart. It keeps perfect time when off, so I think the unit is good. Thanks for the hints, tho. I'll let you know if I get it fixed. -Andrew
  11. Well, I've been looking at this site for a while, and I couldn't find an answer. I have a '83, and the clock acts funny. When the bike is off, the clock displays the time, and keeps time accurately. Once you turn the ignition on, the minutes then act like seconds, i.e. if it showed 6:45, it will go 6:46, 6:47, 6:48 etc. in time with seconds. Once it reaches 6:59, it goes to 6:00, 6:01, etc. When you stop the bike, say 15 minutes later, where ever the seconds were, it'll go back to keeping time normally, but not at the right time. If you started at 6:45, rode for 10 minutes, and the seconds were at :23 when you turned it off, it'd now be 6:23 and keep accurate (but incorrect) time until you turned it back on. If you ride for over an hour, the hours will not change. So has anyone encountered this? -Andrew
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