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About dfenrick

  • Birthday August 24

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Seven Persons, Canada


  • City
    Seven Persons


  • Home Country


  • Bike Year and Model
    1984 XVZ1200
  1. Thanks for the help.
  2. Title pretty much says it all. I've sent a few private messages, but have been unable to tell if they were sent since they don't show up in my SENT messages folder. Am I missing something? (Other than the messages that is )
  3. I think you are absolutely right. Hopefully not dead right, but right all the same.
  4. I just started riding my '84 regularly again after a few years of very sporadic riding. The bike is running well, but I'm starting to get some cosmetic issues I suspect just from the plastic getting old. I during a recent ride, the vent in the left lower was partially out of the fairing. When I stopped, I noticed the bezel was cracked. Fortunately, I didn't lose any parts and was able to glue it back together with some cyanoacrylate (SP? -- crazy glue) When I went to reinstall it, I noticed the lower fairing was kinda floppy. That's when I saw that the attachment point at the top (just under the tank cover) had broken off the fairing. When I looked closely at the broken attachment point, it was obvious that it had cracked in several places, and it would likely be impossible to just re-attach it even if I could find a suitable glue. Is there a tried and tested method of rebuilding an attachment point?
  5. We do too.... we're just tougher.
  6. Just curious.... how volatile is 'volital', and what is the actual danger?
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