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Goat Roper

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Everything posted by Goat Roper

  1. Thanks for the quick reply I did check that 30a main and it checked out. That really was my hope for a quick fix. All wiring looked good in that area as well.
  2. A turn of the key provides power to nothing, not even the radio. I have read about ignition switch issues where the radio will still work but nothing anywhere. Battery is fully charged. All fuses check out. A quick check of wiring doesn't show anything out of place. Last time it was ridden was about 2 weeks ago with zero issues. Had not been started since. A ground maybe? I am really unsure of where to find those though. Any and all thoughts for a guy with limited knowledge of troubleshooting his bike would be appreciated! Thank you in advance.
  3. Thought that as well and no, she was good and tight
  4. 1999 RSV developed a slow clutch fluid leak that progressively got worse until one night I filled and it the next morning it had all leaked out from the vicinity of the slave cylinder. Before this I could hear what sounded like a gurgle when motioning the clutch lever. So I have the bike picked up for service. I get a call yesterday. They had flushed and filled the system and voila, no leaks, Zero. WTH was leaking and how did it magically stop? Any and all theories are appreciated. In the mean time I have told them to keep the bike and ride it for a few days to see if the leak returns. Thank you in advance.
  5. Friend took his new to him RSV in to get an oil leak checked out and was told that the shifter shaft had play in it and oil was leaking from the "wallowed" out area of the crankcase around the shifter shaft. I have never heard of this nor can I find any info on such a thing happening. Shop says it will be $6000 to fix because you have to replace the ENTIRE crankcase and basically rebuild it all. Assuming they are right, is there any repair for this? The bike shifts fine and is excellent otherwise.
  6. You are right MiCarl, I should have mentioned the mirror. I will look into this this week using your thoughts. Very much appreciated!
  7. 1999 RSV, 65K miles. Oil is leaking from the left side of the motors, appears to possibly be in from of the peg. Honestly I cannot see where it is coming from. leak is bad enough that you can see it streak down the exhaust pipe on the left side. Is there any "usual" failing gasket up there that this most likely is? Left side, bad; http://www.webtrendsguy.com/images/rsv/oilbad.jpg Right side is clear. http://www.webtrendsguy.com/images/rsv/oilgood.jpg
  8. Did it to my RSV 30 minutes after purchasing. Luckily it was in my driveway and it did nothing. Effing heavy machinery isn't it?
  9. Thanks for all the info! I will try and get out tomorrow and get these off.
  10. I have yet to look at the removal of the fins but is it safe to assume it is fairly straight forward?
  11. New RSV (1999) owner as of this past Friday. Took it out for a good 500+ mile trip over the weekend to shake it down and honestly only found one thing that has me bothered and confused at the same time. Well two really, the other is an oil leak but its manageable. In the morning when I go out to start I see coolant on the ground, but it looks to be coming from behind the cylinder. This is on the left side of the engine. The coolant will leak more heavily right after I start it but then as the motor warms up I can see it stop. I di not believe it stops entirely as I can see some fluid on the pipe after a long drive. I am supplying some pics, if anybody has any thoughts or can forward me to a thread that I missed in a search I would appreciate it. Awesome site BTW, very helpful http://www.webtrendsguy.com/images/rsv/rsv3.jpg http://www.webtrendsguy.com/images/rsv/rsv4.jpg http://www.webtrendsguy.com/images/rsv/rsv5.jpg Thanks, love the bike! http://www.webtrendsguy.com/images/rsv/rsv2.jpg
  12. Thank you for this thread! Just picked mine up yesterday then left for a 500 mile trip and at low RPMs I was like "what in the hell is whistling?"
  13. This is why I came to you guys, I probably would have low balled myself out of a bike. I will be stopping by tonight to get a look. Thanks!
  14. Hello all, Searching for a Midnight Venture and found what appears to be a nice example. My only issue is I know little of what particular examples are worth. Here is the find; http://www.cycletrader.com/find/listing/2003-Yamaha-Royal-Star-Midnight-Venture-97217933 Price seems a bit strong for the miles. Can anyone please give me some insight into this market? Thanks!
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