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Everything posted by Grandpagak

  1. mine turned out to be bended forks... after i tried all of the above...
  2. thanx for the pictures.. i love the looks of the trike idea... they have come a long ways... i myself am thinking of doing the kit thing to myne when i get the chance.. as i am having more and more trouble with me legs and feet..:clap2::clap2:
  3. I love it.. i can see where the visability would be a problem tho...
  4. welcome and have a great time..
  5. S orry to hear the bad news clay.... our prayers and thoughts go out to you and your friends family..
  6. this is terrible. !!! this is like losing ones own brother.. . . . I can not even imagine what sherry and the family must be going through.. . . our prayers go all out to them and the family... . . . .
  7. OUR THOUGHTS ARE WITH YOU..... . . . . AND OUR PRAYERS ALSO.. . . . . . .
  9. help!!! i cant seem to find anything on how to bleed the clutch.. and i cant find a bleeder.. i have 2 bikes that need this done on them.. :bang head: :bang head:
  10. this is so awful.... one cant help but cry for the victims... our prayers go out to all of the families, and the rest of the people in the area...
  11. sorry to hear the sad news, ron... . . its times like this that a person feels so helpless , when you have a friend that hurts and there is nothing that you can do to help ease his pain... . . . you and your family are in our prayers and thoughts.... you can call me if you want to talk with someone.. . . i will be more than glad to listen and do whatever i can. . .. . . . .
  12. :stickinouttounge: well put don, just what the heck do they think we are ??? morons?? most people know that it just a funny film to make us laff.. sure there are a few idiots out there , but this wont jnfect them anyway, theyre already braindead... SHHEEEESH!!!
  13. allen has it been determined what happened.. im sorry if this is not an apropriot time for asking or , if i missed it here somewhere.. but most of us are in this particular age span, and it may helpothers.. moderators,, feel free to delete this if it is inappropriate..
  14. tho we have never met i feel as tho i know you, thru all of the posts that have came thru here and the pictures... our prayers go out to you and your family... i cant even imagine what it must be like..
  15. man, you sure know how to make a man jealouse..... :clap2: great job... nice colors too...
  17. imagine that it was right in plain site .. i was wondering how i was going to find this thread for several days.. then when i found it was easy to find.. thanx:smile11:
  18. kinda looks like it .. but thats a good thing.. safely got fifty miles..
  19. if all else fails dan, this could work ?? i like it...
  20. :thumbsup2: nice.... :clap2: very nice indeed.... :clap2:
  21. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: yup, yup, yup...
  22. beautiful pictues.. :clap2:
  23. i was thinking that they left out all of the good foods.. guess that they dont want us to healthy...lol:moon:
  24. :clap2: and they deserve the recognition.. thanx:thumbsup2: :thumbsup2:
  25. i guess that i dont know.. but that would make sense... thats the way i got it..
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