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Everything posted by Grandpagak

  1. I'm going to be putting new tires on mine bike shortly.. and it will either be the 404 dunlop, or the continental milestone, (rear),with the continental tk16 on the front.. I have given some thought to the tk17 for the rear... really dont know wich i will go with for sure.. i'm partial to the elite 2, but cant afford them at this time.. what do you guys think..????
  2. PRETTY DARNED NICE... 1 question, can it be used as a boat??? kinda looks like a boat on the bottom...lol but very kool....
  3. its great to hear the good news...it just lifts my spirits to hear the god news... and good luck to continue.. :thumbsup2:
  4. russ where are you?
  5. i wish that you could have been there also ,ron.. we sure coud have used a pyro..( i gotta get the furnace fixed).. it was a great time of fun and bulllll..... marilynn has not lost it yet , you shoulda been here to see her.. she was over , under , around and thru every aspect of that bike.. i'll bet that rick never needs to go to the shop, she's got it coverd.. rick has got the most amazing camper that i have ever seen.. i'll bet that they coud sleep in there all winter.. i thought that it was stormin out, but it was stormin inside apparently.. lol brandi seemed to be the sucker this time..( she actually seemed to think that we had a clue ) as we worked on her bike.. she will never be the same again.. and crow, (brandi's b.f.) he was fair game as well .. (great guy).. we had a great time , but as usual, it was much to short.. cant wait till next time...
  6. i would try dunlops again.. my bike has elite 2 on it but it is time to replace them.. but due to lack of funds , I am going with the dunlop 404. acording to specs they should be as good as the elite 2 at half the price.. when i checked the specs they were almost identicle.. and i have loved the elites..
  7. great news JT.. i must have missed the earlier post on this, (sorry).. but our prayers go out to youse.
  8. yup..yup...yup... the more the merrier.. we will be there..
  9. thanx , Don... you da man..
  10. man!! isnt it great when that happens?? you just gotta love that... congrats to you, yas dont see that every day.. now do yas........:thumbsup2::clap2:
  11. Grandpagak

    Got Milk?

    now that was enjoyable... thanx......
  12. simply awsome..
  13. I am one lucky IDIOT! But mostly, I'm an idiot. thats alright!!! some of my best friends are IDIOTS.. glad that you made it safe..!!!!!
  14. Now, aint that the truth???? sad to say..
  15. i liked the fact that it was lower than my venture (83), but thought that it was more top heavy to me..
  16. does anyone here know if you can put a 150/80-16 tire onthe rear of a first gen?? or a 120/70-18 on the front??? these are metzler ME880 tires.. does any body know how these handle , does this lower the bike at all... thanks..:smile11:
  17. our prayers are with you guys.. hope that you all heal fast..
  18. your lookin good boy....
  19. congrats.... you dun good..
  20. thanx charlie !!!! our lives are what we make of them... but so many people dont realize just how much that they have to be thankful for.. I', thankful for all of our friends here at venturrider, i have yet to meet one that i dont care for..
  21. :rotf::rasberry: Kinda hard to talk , is it???? SAY, SUFFERIN SUKATASH SHIELA, FROM SISSITIN:thumbsup2: sorry old pal I couldnt help my self..:rotfl::rotfl::rotf::rotf::rotfl::bang head::bang head:
  22. great pictures!!!! I loooveee pictures... thanx:thumbsup2:
  23. great pictures, thanx...
  24. good luck to you bob.. you will be in our thoughts and prayers..
  25. think about it dan .. .. in sept of 07 the company that i was with for 30 years laid me off, because of a cut back from, ( at one time 45 employees now 8)... they laid me off because i could no longer do the manual labor.. i was #1 on the seniority list , and the highest paid.. so when i signed up for unemployment compensation they put me in to a displaced workers program , where they find you work or send you to school.. when i went in for my meeting they recomended disability for me because of my handycap.. at first i was against it, but after we talked about it , i decided that this could work for me.. so now goes the battle with s.s...
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