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Everything posted by Grandpagak

  1. well , the weather is great, the snow i dropping, but MAN is it slick up here.. the main roads are pretty good, but the driveways are really slick.. but to day its raining and fairly warm.. spent most of the day out plowing slush off of driveways... but if you slip and fall its wet!!!
  2. CHECK THE OIL??? how do you do that?? :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: just kidden.
  3. but it probably wouldn't sell to us guys.. I yi yi, what a site that all would be...:bang head::rotf::rotf::crying:
  4. man that was great !!!:clap2:
  5. WHAT !!!! YOU WERE GONE??? oh well!! glad that your back.. lol
  6. great to hear good news for a change.. thanx.. maked my day..
  7. well Don, i think that you made the right choice.. wouldn't be the same here without you keepin us in line..:clap2: scared the crap outa me tho..
  8. i have often wondered that myself!! keep up the good work Don..
  9. my wife's the same way.."i cant go to town alone, the weatherman says it could snow today or tomorrow".. well it keeps her home, and then she dont spend money.. lol:sign07:
  10. :bang head::bang head::bang head:
  11. :sign green with env:sign kewl::sign killer dude: YOU LIVE MY DREAMS !!!:crying:
  12. ditto!! i'm just not a harley fan..
  14. beautiful pictures... thanx !!
  15. HOT, HOT, HOT.. grandmagak done took my glasses and hid them.. I think that she gots jealouse.. she said sumthin bout pokin my eyes out... i guess she just dont appreciate beauty.. ????
  16. welcome back.. congrats on the new bike..:thumbsup2:
  17. prayers going out to the family.. So sorry to hear the sad news..
  18. gotta say the guys got the nerves.. I would have passed out just LOOKIN over the edge..
  19. AND.. then they will complain about the economy being so bad there.. NO BRAINER ..:bang head:
  20. I for one believe it. we had -42 degrees & -36 degrees this week + windchill..:bang head:
  21. CONGRATS Charlie.. I'll bet that you is very proud.. she did good..
  22. at least the guys got class..
  23. :rasberry::Laugh::Laugh::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotf::rotf:
  24. BRAVO!!! :thumbsup2::clap2: I have to agree with this..
  25. NICEEEE!!!!!!!:clap2:
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