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Everything posted by Grandpagak

  1. will be there tomorrow..
  2. bummer , my freind !!
  3. thanx for the pictures.. they are always enjoyable. (and tortureous for us notherners.. keep up the good work..
  4. glad that your back,mr owl.. cuz you never left in my mind. besides i could never remember how to spell that other one.. was nice to get together on last wednesday..
  5. FW: Cute-Who Said Poetry Was Dull? > > > When me prayers were poorly said > Who tucked me in me widdle bed > And spanked me till me ass was red, > > Me Mudder! > Who took me from me cozy cot > And put me on the ice cold pot > And made me pee when I could not, > > Me Mudder! > And when the morning light would come > And in me crib me dribbled some > Who wiped me tiny widdle bum, > Me Mudder! > Who would me hair so neatly part > And hug me gently to her heart > Who sometimes squeezed me till me fart, > > > Me Mudder! > Who looked at me with eyebrows knit > And nearly have a king size fit > When in me Sunday pants me ****, > Me Mudder! > > When at night her bed did squeak > Me raised me head to have a peek > Who yelled at me to go to sleep, > Me Fadder! > !!!!!!!!! >
  6. boyyyy!! she sure is purdy..
  7. such a lovely couple.. congrats to you both.. he a lucky man..:clap2:
  8. how are the mufflers and how much?
  9. ill take one.. where do i pay.
  10. he's gotta be kidden.. give up a ride that you love? nuts!!!
  11. good luck to you and lena.. and lotsa prayers to go with it..
  12. thanx Rick..
  13. i just have to agree with you, about that. i would love to have it.
  14. cant wait to hear from you pete.. its been way too long.. our prayers go out to you..
  15. sure glad to hear the great news.. were still prayin for ya pete.. just get well soon..
  16. pictures!! yup we need pictures!! congrats.... sounds pretty..:clap2:
  17. thanx Rick !! glad to hear the good news !!
  18. congrats!!
  19. SINCE August 2000.. had 29,000 miles. at 85,000 2nd gear went and i replaced the engine with an engine with 20,000 on it..
  20. Thanx Rick, keep us up dated..
  21. Atta girl..
  22. dont know much, but the asprin trick works.. been there, done that..
  23. our prayers go out to the family.. thanx ,Don..
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