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Everything posted by Grandpagak

  1. i went for a ride yesterday.. i couldnt find anyone to ride with so i went alone.. i rode 287 miles alone.. i dont know if anyone else has this problem, but when i ride alone i just cant seem to make up my mind where i am headed.. i may start heading south but may very well end up going north.. but i guess that i really dont care.. as long as i can ride.. since i have lost weight i can mount and dismount a whole a lot much easier. learning to ride at 55 -60 mph now.. i used to be very hard to not go 75+mph.. when i ride alone my buddy is not there to keep me slow down.. startin to get used to this no job thingy.. now the wife is naggin me to work around here.. gotta find a job, at least then i know when im done..lol:smile11:
  2. i gotta get to know Russels people.. yup, yup, yup... good goin Russel
  3. some people are just plain people! huh. great story..
  4. you must be one of the exceptions.. (i hope) lol
  5. :thumbsup2::clap2::clap2: congrats to her..(and you)
  6. prayers on the way..
  7. i'd just go for it!!! yup, i surely wood!!
  8. good luck pal on whatever you may decide to do.. i wish you the best.....:smile11::smile11:
  9. :rotfl::rotfl:ol' wrench head of the spider skulls. :rasberry: the wife is easy edna bumpy pants..hahahahahaha
  10. lol...:rotfl::rotfl:
  11. i could use the master cylander and cslipers also, bob.
  12. i'll take a front fender, bob.
  13. very nice!!!:clap2:
  14. It takes your food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach. One human hair can support 3 kg (6 lb). The average man's penis is three times the length of his thumb. Human thighbones are stronger than concrete. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's. There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet. Women blink twice as often as men. The average person's skin weighs twice as much as the brain. Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still. If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it. Women reading this will be finished now. Men who read this are probably still busy ch ecking their thumbs.
  15. iv'e pretty much always gotten 45 mpg.. thats why i was upset at 35.. sure glad that its back to normal.. "You have been dropping so much weight after your surgery, that you just weighed less on the return run." so your sayin that i could get up to 65mpg... GREAT!! :thumbsup2::clap2:
  16. was such a beautiful day today .. i picked up my tags for my bike , came home and put them on.. decided to test ride( first ride this season) and rode 300 miles.. had to stop and call the wife and let her know that i didnt get kidnapped or any thing like that.. i rode 150 miles straight thru, stopped for gas, and a bite to eat.. then got back on, and rode the 150 miles home.. no stops.. going , i averaged 35 mpg . comin back i averaged 48mpg.. my bike never ran so good.. i think that the 35mpg was due to the fact that i filled the tank last fall before i parked it.. what a great day it was!!!
  17. sorry to here the bad news bob, but i wish you luck.. i hope that you will stay with us here at Venture Rider...
  18. great news Cindy, and good luck.. our prayers are with you..
  19. nice...
  20. maybe YOUhate being a girl, but those of us that know you, are glad that you are..lol:thumbsup2:
  21. hope that you ge3t feelin better soon..
  22. right on man !!!!
  23. great!!!:clap2::clap2:
  24. :clap2::clap2:
  25. still prayin..
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