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Everything posted by Grandpagak

  1. mmmmm, me like roadstars!!!
  2. :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::thumbsup2::thumbsup2::thumbsup2::thumbsup2::thumbsup2::thumbsup2:
  3. im still undecided what i think about it.. ????????
  4. glad to hear that it turned out well for you..
  5. good !! i thought that i was broken .. but i guess not.. thanx!
  6. glad that things are lookin better for her..
  7. he stopped by here on monday as he was heading back home from seeing his dad in the hospital up in canada..the old bird is still lookin good at his age.. (well at least as good as one could expect from an old bird like that).... lol
  8. our thoughts and prayers are with you.. i know tht what you are going through can't be easy..
  9. :clap2::clap2::clap2:congrats..
  10. great pics.. thanx
  11. my wife used to ride with me every where.. but 20 some years ago we hit a deer with the bike, and she hasn't hardly ridden with me since.. she says that it scare her to death now.. and we didnt even stop.. but it were dark (i hate dark)..
  12. with that i would mow my lawn every day..
  13. great lookin bike!!
  14. congrats!!!! that you can still post.. coulda been worse.. hope the bike is not hurt too badly.. take care..
  15. love the color combo!!
  16. congrats rick.. guess that i'll have to wait till pip to see it..
  17. congrats my friend..
  18. our thoughts and prayers are with you... i can relate to your thoughts, i was let go after 30 years of faithful service..
  19. our prayers and thoughts are with you..
  20. you and the family are in our prayers.. heres to the best ..
  21. nice pictures Dan..:clap2:
  22. i came across an add for the V-STAR 950 TOURER in the paper yesterday.. it really seems like the kinda bike for me.. it has electronic fuel injection, v- twin,v windsheild, saddle bags, passenger backrest, and was selling new for under $9,000. does anyone here have one or know of someone who does ,and what do they think? I was thinking that this might be the answer when wanting to downsize to a easier to handle bike.. whats your thoughts?
  23. well i'll try to mak it.. if I CAN ONLY REMEMBER it when the time comes.. may be you could remind me.. my minde is shot..lol:thumbsup2:
  24. great pictures !!!! Thanx for postin them..
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