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Everything posted by Grandpagak

  1. hope that it gets well soon...
  2. very nice!!!
  3. congrats to you guys Cindy.. glad that its over ..
  4. thanx, for postin pixtures..
  5. great news cindy..
  6. nice lookin bike squid.. my favorite color..
  7. nice lookin machine !!!!!
  8. nice bike Charlie...
  9. very nicely done..i take it that was your wife and daughter? thanx..
  10. i love bisquits and gravey..
  11. welcome back Charlie!! was starting to think that wemay never meet..
  12. NICE...........
  13. thanx guy's ... this is good to know..
  14. yup. what the old owl said..
  15. glad to hear that all went well, and that you are on the back side of it all.. good luck..
  16. great lookin scoot!!
  17. i personaly have got to agree with you Don.. i rode a ike with the c/t on the rear.. all that i will say isit was not for me either..
  18. good luck bob.. our prayers and thoughts are with you.....
  19. our prayers are with you and your family.. take care...
  20. sweet!!!!
  21. great pics.. thanx..
  22. great pics.. thanx..:clap2:
  23. glad that your ok.. hope that you get it back on the road soon..
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