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Everything posted by Grandpagak

  1. congrats gramps...:clap2::clap2:
  2. very sorry to hear the bad news.. we will carry the grief of you and yours in our prayers and thoughts..
  3. prayers are on the way!!
  4. WELL, glad to hear all is well!!! congrats..:clap2::clap2:
  5. man, i think that i would be crappin my undies meetin a vehicle on the wrong side of the road like that..specially a big truck like that.. at least till one gets used to it bein backwards..( creature of habit, i guess.... Thanx for the post..no offense ment, to u Annie.. just seems backwards...
  6. mama, pappa, and baby as well asgrandpa and the rest of the family are in our prayers..
  7. i couldnt get into the site .. so please tell charleene that annie and i are, and will continue to pray for her.. and you are also in our prayers.. i know how hard it is on a person when their mate is not well.. good luck my friend..:smile11:
  8. got my sona minibike for his 5th birthday also a snomobile that year.. btw.. he also got grounded for running into the house wide open.. he were told not to open it up..
  9. makes me more aware of motor scooters!!!
  10. now , isnt that the truth??
  11. undefinable!!!!!:bang head:
  12. me am 57 as of the 12 of january.. funny hows 65 dont seem so old no more..i remember when i were in my 20's i could never imagine gettin to 35.. what the heck done happened????????:bang head: but now iam glad that im still here... the really old guys must have to wake up and pinch themselves to make sure that they is still alive...:rotfl:
  13. man after mine heart.. we have three trucks.. 90 f-150= 260,000 miles (my plow truck) 91 f-150 = 215,000 miles (my truck) 96 f-150 = 210,000 miles (Annies truck).. no cars .. 15 years I got mad at the wife and traded her Thunderbird for a truck. she's had a truck ever since.. got tired of being stuck with her truck cause she always took my truck.. had 9 thunder birds over the years.. had fords since 1976...
  14. I use a paste wax. (turtle wax). it not only clears the window, but the rain and bugs come off easier..it really works.. trust me..
  15. QUIK,, lets move the site..( that'll teach him to leave).. have a good time buddy!!
  17. great to hear from you, darlin.. we sure missed you at the pip last year.. hope that you can make it this year... take care..
  18. always liked his kinda songs... thanx
  19. NICEEE!!!!!!!
  20. prayers sent..get well soon...
  21. repaint the 86 a blue metalic.. i think?? but changed my mind bookoonumerouse times already...:bang head:
  22. congrats to the both of you!!! but i highly think that you will not make 16 after he opening remarks.. SO'S i would suggest some good old groveling, and old fashioned a-- kissin.. :thumbsup2::clap2:
  23. and a happy new year to each and every one here!!!!!!!
  24. Grandpagak


    thanx, that were great.. I really enjoyed watching it..thanx
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