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Everything posted by Grandpagak

  1. can anyone tell me the dimentions of the voyager trike kit? frame width at the wheel ? total length. and pictures of the atachment places.?? i am thinkin of buildin my own.. im sure that i can do it, for a lot less.. called my insurance man today and he said : not a problem, being thati only have liability coverage.. it is treated as an accessory.. he is also a biker..
  2. thanx to all of you.. i gots it done.. appreciate all of the help..
  3. dont mind me, but i got lost somes where between the 1st and the 3rd post...???????
  4. help!! how do i resize my pictures to fit here???? i used to be able to do this on my old computer.. where is the stuff i needto download?????:crying:
  5. bob do you still got this if no one else needs it. i am questioning mine..
  6. oops!!
  7. congrats, on the new home!! tell renate that holly gots a new horse.. here is pics of hollys , then kris horse.
  8. they sure are kute kyds.. prayers on the way.. good luck with this, my friend!!
  9. definatly not a trail for the venture.. i aint even sure that i could walk that trail..
  10. goe marilynn!!!
  11. congrats on the new bike.. SOOOOOOOO, does this mean that we will see you at P.I.P. this year? good luck pal..
  12. :080402gudl_prv:good luck my friend!! our prayers are with you.. :smile11:
  13. thanx dan that was a great story.. but like you said, i hope that i make it to that age..:clap2:
  14. i was wondering if anyone here had an extra center cover forover the battery and gas tank.. mainly need the gas door, but the whole piece would be better.. for an 86 venture.. 83 will also fit...
  15. nuthin fancy for this fella.. nice used 97 ford 1 ton duely, with extended cab, and deisel engine.. nothin new, just nice, but maybe tree or four of them.. after all ... if i winned the lottery, I COULD AFFORD TO DRIVE IT..lol:rotf:
  16. this is my new doo doo rag from russel!! THANX RUSS..:thumbsup2:
  17. oops!! i fergot the bouncer.. heres a picture of him when he met us going in.. seemed like a kinda,sorta nice fella. till bubber and brandy made him mad..
  18. 1.left side- anne right side-arlene, lee 2. right side- bubber left side- anne,shirly,renne,russell 3. right- bubber,luanne arlene ,lee left- renne,shirly, anne 4. 5. right- anne,shirly,renne,russell,brandy left- waitress,bubber,luanne 6. right- ann,shirly,renne,russ left-brandy,bubber, luanne,arlene,steve :whistling:
  20. we had a great time.. gott there at 10:30am.. theys didnt open til 11 am.. met lee and arlean shaw.. nice peoples.. then the troubles started when bubber, renne, and the old owl showed up.. butthem there girlies thay were with them sure were sumpins special :whistling:...... fergot that they were with them there fellas.. well it taked us mostly til 2:30 or 3:oo or maybe longer to get all a the B.S. out of the cway.. then we gotta go cuzza sumpins that bubber an brandy done.. dont really know what it were that they dun, but that there great big fella what throed us out didnt give me time to ask him.. but i thought for a wile that brandy was gunna take him.. but then he called that big waitress to help him.. and out she come tooo.. as they were lockin the doores thay said sumpthin bout not lettin them troubles makers back to come back in.. IMMAJINE THAT!!!!:confused24:
  21. 1 WORD... DESTINEY!!!!!!
  22. i woulda sended him a check... course it woulda bounced.. but he cudn't say i didnt try to help him..:rotf:
  23. true or not?? good for her!!!
  24. prayers sent on your behalf.. good luck.. best wishes.. our doors are always open if you need a place to stay, or just to hang out..
  25. prayers for a speddy recovery, from the wife and i.. take care my friend.....
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