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Everything posted by Grandpagak

  1. i love mine!!
  2. what is the purpose for moving the cdi box?? just wondering if i should do so also??
  3. thoughts and prayers on the way!!
  4. nice!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. i love vacations... but... always glad to head home...:bang head::bang head: go figure??
  6. :thumbsup2::thumbsup2::clap2:
  7. :thumbsup2:
  8. :clap2:glad your back!!!:thumbsup2:
  9. firstis old- the second is new
  10. . Today she sits apart and I am picking paint colors and finishes.. How did I get here!!!! What happened????? my guess is that you decided to make it personal.. then it is truely yours... thats my story and im stickin to it....:thumbsup2:
  11. niceeee!! very nice!!!!
  12. (Riding as a passenger, my wife gets a lot of wind on her legs. ) let her drive!!:rotf::rotf:
  13. bump
  14. more prayers sent for the gent, and family.. hope all goes well.. thanx for postin this..
  15. rear of trunk, lower side panel, side of trunk?
  16. thats exactly what happent... go figur.. darned ald hiemers ..
  17. sounds like the plan is to paint R:thumbsup2:ockets bike this year around the pork in the pines time.. dont know if it will be before or after the pip. but we cant do it during the pip, because it really makes a mess in the shop..
  18. yup, i still got the lights for the top of the trunk to put on yet.. i was planin on sendin you the pics.. but i guess that you have seen them.lol..
  19. what!!! ithought that it were clean!!! lol.. but your right...:rotfl:
  20. i am lookin to find the venture emblems for an 86 venture ... thought i had some off of an 83 but cant seem to find them..
  21. they were on it.. but you could ask russell.. they are runnin lights.. leds.
  23. goona have to wait, til iget done with my hernia problem.
  24. looks great!!! love the color.. nice paint!!
  25. OK. now i will once again try to post pictures of my 86 venture from russ, after the paint..
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