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Everything posted by Grandpagak

  1. We would love to thank everyone that came to pork in the pines this year.. It is because of you people that this is such a huge success... It seems that the same ones come back each year .. Guess its cause they have such a great time!! We love you all every body makes this event a great time.. Every one helps out!! Wwe consider each and every one a special friend.. You are all welcome to drop by any time that you are in our area... The coffee is always on at ouur home so stop by!! Thanx for your patronage..
  2. We will be here waitin for everybody to show up.. Coffee will be on..​
  3. We will be having a meet and greet on saturday june 11, 2016 at 11:00 am at the copper lantern in st. Cloud minesota... We will discus matters of interest for the pork in the pines 2016.. Hope to see you there!!
  4. ​i gots nothin!! Nothin other than what you got!!
  5. better not lean to hard into the corner!!! could get road rash on your cheeks!
  6. well you did a great job buddy.. You got it all under control !! ( sure didnt think that would happen!! (lol) owl can be proud!! My hats off to you !! You did great!!
  7. ] we thank you all for coming!! And it was all of the people that show that make this such a great time!! We look forward to seeing each and every one of you again next year!! The people were great at jumpin right in and helping out where needed!! Thanx guys!! You are the greatest!!![/color]
  8. thanx dan !! Couldn't have said it any better !! Hopes that you make it !! Bring leana!!
  9. I once had poison oak so bad that i was afraid that it was goin to get on my skrotum.. It had traveled up my legs that far... I used powdered clothes soap ( tide) mixed as a pastte... Burns like hell but it did the trick.. Gon in a few days.. Never had it since!!
  10. Knock knock anyone home? HOO DERE??
  11. sorry to here that bob.. You will be missed!! Tequilla pete and lenny are planning on comming to pip this year also!!
  12. ​well things are finally startin to heat up!!
  13. i was here in early 06 !! we had our first pork in the pines that sept (labor day weekend) and every labor day since.. thanx to Russell!! ​oh! what memories over the years!! thanx to all!!
  14. we would be glad to see you make it up here!! It would be so awesome!! We'll keep our hopes up!!
  15. Have any of you ever used the Kenda line of tires?? My buddy and I have been usung them for years.. They wear well and we have never had any issues with them.. I have used them on my 83 Venture , and my Goldwing.. My buddy used them on his 900 Vulcan and on his 1300 V-Star .. The K657 Challenger, K673kruz, and the K671 cruiser tires have all been great tires for us.. And the price is good!!
  16. great!! We just love to see you all here at the p.i.p.!! We is gonna have a great time here at p.i.p. Again this year!!!
  17. For those of us who are somewhat new to this organization.... Like me....Can someone tell me where this is? IT IS IN NORTHERN MINNESOTA.. NEAR THE HEAD OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER.. OUT SIDE OF LAPORTE MINNESOTA, AT GRANDPAGAKS HOME ... 39180 OLD OAKTREE DRIVE , LAPORTE MINNESOTA 56461 HOPE TO SEE YOU'S ALL HERE IN SEPT..
  18. we would like anyone planning on making the Pork In The Pines rally to sign up here to give us some idea how many to expect to be here.. If things come up and you are unable to make it you can just let us know here as well.. Gary &Ann ( grandpagak) Leroy & Diane Morris
  19. ​ made me laugh !! Thanx !!
  21. Russ, not a problem.. Bubber, yes i will cal you to remind you... Yes i will be there... Did we about cover every thing?/
  22. We will be getting together, saturday june 13 20015 at the copper lantern in st cloud minnesota, at 11:00 am.. We will be discussing the p.i.p. Schedualled for labor day weekend of this year. It will be in laporte minnesota.. This year will be our 10th anniversary this year.. Please come!! Also please come to the meeting on 6/13/2015 ( this also happens to be myne and annies 41 st anniversary..[/color]
  23. around here , i havent found any for less than $1300, and that wasn't anything to rite home about.. Half way decent one runs about $1800 to $3200..
  24. Been here since 06, and still love this place.. It's the greatest place to be...tho i dont post much any more...
  25. Happy Birthday Lowell
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