EEeeew a carb answer. Thank you very much for jumping in. I was really hoping that I would get an answer that didn't involve the carbs. Having gone that way, requires a little more disclosure. I always think when I read other posts and the postee reveals other conditions that didn't come out in the first post " Well you DA, why didn’t you say that in the first place?" I gave the carbs a good strong cocktail of Berryman's, Seafoam and one other item all in the same tank over two tanks after a thorough painting of the carb interiors with carb cleaner and got a favorable response. Far less coughing and sputtering during the warm up and afterwards. Then I also did reset the pilot screws - thinking those are the ones that you have to drill the covers off. All are at 2.5 turns. But reading your replay seems to imply to do that while running which I did not. One other item. those 4 tubes that come out on the sides, well one on the right has come out and I cant for the life of me find where it goes back in. Air cleaner was replaced and it was the dirtiest that I has ever seen, even as an example in a book.
Neither of you mentioned that it seemed odd for it to run fine for 30 min to an hour without the symptoms and then gets warmer and faster idle together near as I can tell simultaneously. And that it seems to shift from a normal temp at 1/3 from bottom of gauge and then shift to slightly over 1/2 green gauge. Strikes me then as a more properly referenced higher heat situation although it is not in the red which is true indication of overheat, but it is moving from good and proper operation to something less than good and proper at a higher heat condition. Last thing, I don't notice the fan being on in that lower heat normal but it is on in that higher heat condition. All offered in the attempt for full disclosure.
Whoops, maybe not. I have pulled off the air cleaner box in spraying the carbs. However, I do not know how to get that assumed blowback tube that comes up from the engine case and fits on the bottom of the air cleaner box. Does Outside air coming in there have any affect. Could that be coming around the air cleaner and providing too much air to arrive at the lean condition? And it begs the question - How do you get that sum b on there; can't see it and cant reach it as the box goes on. Don't mean to be sticking to you like the stuff you step on, but I'm trying to learn. Thanks again.
And no; Im in Atlanta; bike bought in NC. Wouldn't expect it to be CA. But don't have the VIN at the moment.