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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. Stumbled upon this article this morning and thought I would share. http://living.msn.com/life-inspired/life-unleashed/what-learning-to-ride-a-motorcycle-taught-me-about-life-2?pageart=2
  2. Saw this on Biker Post this morning and thought I would share. http://bikerspost.com/forums/topic/847/health-insurance-discrimination
  3. I just had a horrible thought he keeps saying Eileen wants a boat so I can just see it now boatrider.org
  4. It was a pleasure meeting y'all face to face even if you did put the Trike notion in Bobbi's head. Have a safe trip and we may take you up on your offer one day.
  5. 1st Gens and 2nd gen intercoms behave diffrently.
  6. Glad you enjoyed it and got back safely
  7. Better than Chinese takeout
  8. So he has been planning this for awhile now
  9. I bet he didn't even wave when he went by us
  10. The races and bearings look good so I guess tomorrow I will throw everything back together. My biggest concern was the side to side sway in the swing arm.
  11. I followed the write up in the Tech Library but I would like to add make sure you remove the AIS hose, the speed sensor cable and the brake line. I had quite a bit of side to side play and the bearings were dry as a bone, don't think they have ever been greased I know I had not in the 25K I have owned it I know shame on me. I would like to get concurrence that this bearing is bad mot sure how much play it should have: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2szJL5kG ... e=youtu.be What is the best way to remove the races in the awing arm? They do not look bad but I figured I would go ahead and replace them if it's not too much of a hassle. One last thing were is the best place to buy these?
  12. He must have already bought it I just checked on Go Daddy and it has been taken but just think we can now have two Vogels.
  13. I forgot. How many days?
  14. So how does that new 2nd Gen of yours ride?
  15. Finding 12" trailer tires in Charleston SC on short notice was like pulling teeth but I found a local tire shop that had HI-RUN brand and the manager said they were good tires and after 4K miles they seem to be doing a good job. Maximum Load Capacity - 480 lb. Ply - 4 Size - 4.80-12 Tread Type - Ribbed Warranty - Limited Brand - Hi-Run
  16. Sounds like mine did when the fuel pump died but I don't know about the engine light blinking.
  17. Cool and interesting target.
  18. Can you send a pic of the towbar? Is it the same hitch pictured in this thread? http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=13180 I am thinking it may be the clamp to hold the connector on.
  19. I used M16A1MECH's harness and it was very easy and hasa lasted almost two years now.
  20. Miles is no longer a member but my prayers go out to him for a speedy recovery.
  21. You can it's just a real tight squeeze for the wrench, I did it once with a 1/4 inch drive and a short socket.
  22. So what gadgets have you desinged for it so far?
  23. Sounds like you need to clean and put some dielectric grease on the connections behind the fairing, this is usally the culprit for most RSV audio issues.
  24. Glad yall are ok, check out this thread from earlier this year. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=80277
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