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Everything posted by etcswjoe

  1. Another solution is LTO or DTO drives.
  2. How diffrent does it handle with the new wheel?
  3. Soiunds like you had a good ride, if you have any ppictures please share.
  4. I think he should tow it but will the stator on his bike be able to handle it?
  5. etcswjoe


    Still a little long in my opnion.
  6. Will be praying for ya.
  7. Just remember if you do sell it we still expect you to stick around. Wish you the best on your decision and hope everything works out for the best.
  8. That's the way I understand it just hope the pond monster does not get jealous.
  9. Enjoy Florida and will say a prayer for y'all.
  10. Congrats. Did they ever figure out what caused it? Don't worry about spoiling him all babies smell that way.
  11. I think he is trying to say we are full of crap.
  12. Bobbi says as long as there is Apple Pie we will be there.
  13. Depends on how much time you have.
  14. I have been riding for 43 years but really never got into riding with others till I got the Venture and I guess this group has me spoiled when it comes to my expectations form other riders.
  15. I was looking at these thinking about putting the compressor in a box attached to the trailer hitch reciver and quick disconnect with an extra length of hose so I could have it in my trailer when I tow the trailer.
  16. I did stand out a little
  17. Recently a motorcycle shop and a local rider's magazine hosted a get together for all riders so I went to check it out and I decided I am either too old or these folks were not promoting safe practicies. My first impression was the event was being held in a field behind a bar, the second was the "games" they were having such as a keg roll, bobbing for apples, ring toss and some others. Did I mention this took place at a bar and most participants had started drinking as soon as they showed up? So am I just old or is this what passes as normal for bike events? I am use to haveing vendors and maybe some riding clinics I was not expecting this.
  18. Try venturers.org also they have some French members.
  19. Was wondering how you were doing on it. Thanks for the update.
  20. Had not heard about this one yet, thanks for post!!
  21. The cruise control junction is on the left under the tank so you should be able to snake it in.
  22. People have to stop following me around
  23. Glad you are ok, I got bit on the boot by one when I was younger my boss got mad at me because I killed it.
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